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Autumn, and essential oils

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    Autumn, and essential oils

    Put TWO drops of oil on my clothes this morning. Now sitting at work and smell as though I've been rolling in a lavender field in Provence. It's strong stuff. Dunno if my colleagues like it, but I do! :H
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      Autumn, and essential oils

      wrists so that you can put to your nose is good. also drop on the sole of foot, center of chest few inches below throat. Good mixed with ylang, ylang but I'm not home and cant' rmemeber the ratio.

      They have necklaces that you can use for oils. You can use in aromatherappy diffusers, couople drops with water over a candle thing.

      Funny, that spam post was actually my response to someone's question about kudzu a while back. That's wierd.

      Keeta different organs relate to different energy meridians in the body. The meridians relate to the chinese five elments. Seasonal changes are rhythmical, so is the body. I'm sorry I don't know enough to specifiy which goes with which but seasonal changes are very good times for fasting. Equiox is perfect for energy balancing.

      Sweaty, good quesstion. lunar or planetay aspects or just mid sptember, december, march & june
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Autumn, and essential oils

        Bumpity bump.

        Orange and rose in the bath for me this morning to wash away yesterday's work stress It works!
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

