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So Tired - Looking for advice please

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    So Tired - Looking for advice please

    Hi All

    I am 23 days A/F and I am taking the following vits and supps:

    1 x tablespoon All One
    1 x B50 Complex


    1 x Kudzu (500mg)
    1 x L-Glut (1000mg)
    1 x Milk Thistle (300mg)


    1 x Primrose Oil (1300mg)
    1 x Magnesium (250mg)

    1 x Kudzu (500mg)
    1 x L-Glut (1000mg)
    1 x Milk Thistle (300mg)

    1 x Primrose Oil (1300mg)

    1 x escitalopram (10mg prescribed anti depressant - its not these I have been on these for ages)

    I am feeling very very tired and also having quite a lot of headaches and feeling down I also get pretty ratty on occasion :xmouth:- I was just looking to see if anyone had any advise please and whether this is a natural phase and will pass?

    :thanks: for reading.

    So Tired - Looking for advice please

    Hi hdb! I cant see the vits and supps bit of your post, but well done on 23 days! Your body is getting rid of all the toxins, so you will be out of sorts for a while....just hang in there! Grab the parts of the day where you feel fine/OK, and hold onto those when you feel rotten!


      So Tired - Looking for advice please


      Just re-edited, when I posted the list disappered for some reason. Thanks


        So Tired - Looking for advice please

        Thanks. dont know anything about the meds, but you want to pop into chat for a few mins?


          So Tired - Looking for advice please

          Hello HDB and congratulations on 23 days thats great.
          I wouldnt imagine any of the suppliments cause fatigue and I seem to recall that some people seem to hit a hump in the road around the three week mark. I know I did, this will pass too. In regard to the headaches are you drinking enough water? I know this sounds daft but have you tried getting some exercise, maybe a long walk even? I found it actually gave me more energy to be working out.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            So Tired - Looking for advice please

            Hi KTAB - thanks mate, I am so glad I am A/F

            It could be excercise, I had a knee op at the beginning of September so haven't done much because of that - its fine to use now though so I will start to give my tread mill so use...I think its sick of being used as a coat hanger

            I do drink quite a lot during the day and at night ( a bit like giving up smoking I guess... not that I have ever smoked but I am finding that I am substitiuting the glass of beer for equal cups of herbal tea instead - kinda feels good to have my right hand still holding a glass of some sort).

            Thanks for your reply Cathy - was off doing my tax return so missed a chance for an online chat sorry x .... come to think of it maybe thats was giving me my bloomin headaches and making me ratty ... the buggars just called me to to chase it to, I have until Jan to complete :damn: !!


              So Tired - Looking for advice please

              First of all HDB, a huge congrats on 23 days !!

              Secondly, I just want to squeeze those cheeks in your avatar !!

              My advice would be to make sure you are eating healthly meals 3 to 4 times a day. Drink lots of water to hydrate, and exercise. Just keep the body moving. Our bodies are meant to be active, not sitting around all day getting more tired & mushy.

              You are doing great !! Keep up the hard work. Fight the good fight !!

              Miss O. :l
              Miss October :blinkylove:


                So Tired - Looking for advice please

                Hi HDB

                I'm around the same number of days AF. I was having quite a few headaches off and on around week 2, but they've not been a problem lately. Don't know that I was feeling tiredness throughout the day, but would get sleepy early in the evening. So I don't know that I have much to add other than to say it is probably our bodies adjusting. As others have said, getting proper nutrition on a regular basis, lots of water and some exercise will be a great benefit to our healing bodies.

                Congrats on 23 days!


                  So Tired - Looking for advice please

                  thanks Miss Oct and Finding - isn't the picture gorgeous, its not a baby I know but I agree I could give him or her a big squeeze with those cheeky cheeks.

                  I am going to start some excercise after the weekend and see if that helps, it will never stop me A/F'ing though which I am so glad about. Like you have mentioned I think my body is trying to make itself better - and the way I have treated it I deserve much more than its currently giving me


                    So Tired - Looking for advice please

                    It must be normal to be tired and achy at times. I too have been sleeping way more than when I drank. From 5 to 6 hours to 8-10 AF. I don't know how long you have been drinking, but it has been so long for me, over 30 years, that it is going to take time to heal. You are doing great and it is wonderful to begin to get control over your life again, rather than having the alcohol be in control.


                      So Tired - Looking for advice please

                      Hi there hdb
                      Yep I suffered with pretty bad fatigue for a while when I quit, and again when I quit smoking. Its the bodys way of repairing I think and it does pass.
                      Great news on the 23 days, that is fabulous!!!
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

