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herbs helped beat a craving

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    herbs helped beat a craving

    I finally had the patience to let them get into my system. I was either craving or habitually wanting a beer, and told myself if I still want one an hour after taking the stuff, I could have one. After a short time, I didn't want it anymore. I mixed powdered GABA, 5-HTP, L-glutamine, kudzu, milk thistle, and powdered green algae into some v-8. It took a while to drink, because it's so thick and everything, and by the time I finished it, the craving was gone. I also exercised, re-read the book, and re-listened to the Clearing cd. Hopefully I've finally turned a corner...I've been doing this program sort of half-assed for about a month, but I'm starting over properly. I'm going to see how it goes without Topa, etc., for now though.

    Thanks everyone for your encouragement...:thanks:

    herbs helped beat a craving

    Good to hear, WIP. Hooray!
    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


      herbs helped beat a craving

      Thanks! And then the next day I blew it again. But today is another day. I let frustration get the better of me sometimes and lose my motivation. Must keep goal in mind at all times...


        herbs helped beat a craving

        So, I had my v-8 concoction again, and besides the craving thing, it also seemed to help soothe my cough. More motivation...

        I could have had it yesterday but instead I impulsively had a beer, and then continued. Not as bad as it could have been, I guess, but bad enough.

