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Supplements Really Work!!

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    Supplements Really Work!!

    I have absolutely no willpower therefore had no confidence in the success of moderating or abstaining and have promised to do both numerous times with no success. Something is happening lately that is a little encouraging. I have ordered the tapes; they haven't arrived. I don't take topimax or any other pharmeceutical. I started on Monday with the supplements. I take milkthistle, omega-3, L-Glutima-something, Vitamin B50, magnesium and I may be forgetting something but since Monday I have taken them as suggested by this website. Both Monday and Tuesday I TRIED to drink... God knows I tried. But I noticed two things. 1. the craving wasn't strong at ALL and 2. Two or three sips and I felt tipsy... so I stopped. I don't like feeling dizzy drunk. I never feel tipsy any more; my tolerance is pretty strong. So I can begin to hope that I don't need willpower and can develop new habits with the help of supplements. This is encouraging. Anyone else have this experience? By the way, wine is my addiction and it's every night ... splitting a bottle with hubby and more on the weekends. My goal (that I had given up on) is one glass most nights. It somehow seems attainable now for the first time in years. Any advice?

    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
    ? Lao-Tzu

    Supplements Really Work!!

    No advice but good for you! Now that I'm taking them regular I am having success with the supps as well. Tapered down to 2 glasses a day (except last weekend) and looking forward to going AF for a bit.

    Glad the supps are working for you!!
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      Supplements Really Work!!

      Tipplerette;750354 wrote: I have absolutely no willpower therefore had no confidence in the success of moderating or abstaining and have promised to do both numerous times with no success. Something is happening lately that is a little encouraging. I have ordered the tapes; they haven't arrived. I don't take topimax or any other pharmeceutical. I started on Monday with the supplements. I take milkthistle, omega-3, L-Glutima-something, Vitamin B50, magnesium and I may be forgetting something but since Monday I have taken them as suggested by this website. Both Monday and Tuesday I TRIED to drink... God knows I tried. But I noticed two things. 1. the craving wasn't strong at ALL and 2. Two or three sips and I felt tipsy... so I stopped. I don't like feeling dizzy drunk. I never feel tipsy any more; my tolerance is pretty strong. So I can begin to hope that I don't need willpower and can develop new habits with the help of supplements. This is encouraging. Anyone else have this experience? By the way, wine is my addiction and it's every night ... splitting a bottle with hubby and more on the weekends. My goal (that I had given up on) is one glass most nights. It somehow seems attainable now for the first time in years. Any advice?
      I had noticed I cut down when on the supps & using the tapes, but still had some cravings...have found using extra L-Glut actually helps quite a bit....started on the topamax today...& noticed a BIG difference after about 4 hours. Hubby & I are going fist day AF tomorrow...plan is to moderate after awhile.

      I'd say keep up with the supps & defintely uses the CD's when they come.
      For me I wanted the whole 9 yards. Hubby & I were also daily drinkers...I could finish a bottle myself!

      Keep up the good work!
      Rejuve :goodjob:


        Supplements Really Work!!

        Just wanted to add that the supplements have really worked for me as well. I haven't had any cravings for the 9 days that I have been taking them. I am very thankful for MWO and all of the wonderful threads to read. I would have never known about Kudzu, L-Glut etc. without it.
        Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday evening-


          Supplements Really Work!!

          Thanks for your comments. I forgot my supplements at home today and am very dissapointed. It's thursday and I guess when I get home I'll grab some kudzu and L-Glut and try to catch up. Wish me luck...

          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
          ? Lao-Tzu


            Supplements Really Work!!

            Good Luck Tippelrette!!!!
            Take them as soon as you get a chance, you'll be fine


              Supplements Really Work!!

              The supplements really helped me to get and stay sober. Even now, after nearly two years AF, the urge to drink can come out of No Where.....I do not believe that events....job loss, depression, loss of any sort, etc, causes us to drink. I believe that if we want to drink, decide to drink and in any way leave the door open for AL to walk through....he will and we will drink!

              The supplements are a Huge Help...but, I do not believe they are all we need.
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                Supplements Really Work!!

                KateH1;751136 wrote: The supplements really helped me to get and stay sober. Even now, after nearly two years AF, the urge to drink can come out of No Where.....I do not believe that events....job loss, depression, loss of any sort, etc, causes us to drink. I believe that if we want to drink, decide to drink and in any way leave the door open for AL to walk through....he will and we will drink!

                The supplements are a Huge Help...but, I do not believe they are all we need.
                Kate - Do you still take the supplements? If so, in the same amounts as originally, and if so, on a regular basis or "as needed"?
                ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                AUGUST 9, 2009


                  Supplements Really Work!!

                  Hi Dancelot......good question. I still take...(as I always have taken) a multiple, Bcomplex, Omega 3, 6, 9Vit D, Cal-Mag and Resveratrol....these are for basic health. I have not taken Kudzu for over a year now, but L-Glutamine is still my Go To supp....when I am having drinking thoughts. I carry L-Glut in my purse all the time! No, I no longer use L-Glut daily, but for the first 9-10 months of sobriety, I did stick with L-Glut 3 times a day and in emergencies.

                  In everyday life, I find that I need daily meditation, exercise and filling myself up with upbuilding and enriching activities, reading and thoughts!
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    Supplements Really Work!!

                    I've said this many times before, and will most certainly say it again... supplements are our best friends.

                    Obviously, we need to make every effort to have our nutrition come from real food -- but alcoholics and recovering alcoholics need far more than we can ever get in food alone...even very carefully chosen and prepared food.

                    (In fact, it is practically impossible to get all the nutrients you need from food alone today, thanks to the way food is made, prepared,shipped, and stored... but that's another subject).

                    But although I do know an awful lot about supplements, nutrition, and alcohol (based on my ability and willingness to read, listen and think), I also know that supplements work not just in theory, but from my own experience (like you, Tipplerett, and the others). If I keep up my supp regime, and have a bad relapse (yes, it has unfortunately been know to happen), because of the supps in my system, it seems to be much easier to get sobered up quick and back on track. If I lapse in my supps, the opposite is true.

                    So, for me, taking supps is both part of the healing AND part of the staying healed.

                    And learning about supps and adjusting, fine-tuning my regime is also part of the process.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      Supplements Really Work!!

                      Thanks for the info Kate, Beatle, Sheri -

                      I only asked because I had run out of L-glute and kudzu, and really am doing great in the other areas of staying AF (positive mental attitude and lifestyle and habit changes). I did pick up more L-glute and started taking it every morning and afternoon again (just in case). Thanks again for your wise counsel! I do value and appreciate advice from successful long term Abbers.

                      I have been taking my "regular" vitamins and supplements as well - just wondered about the ones specifically for helping stay AF - though I agree the "regular" ones that keep you healthy and feeling right in general are necessary as well, especially after the years of abuse our bodies went through from AL. Plus feeling physically better is one less excuse to "need" a drink.

                      Much love!!! :h
                      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                      AUGUST 9, 2009


                        Supplements Really Work!!

                        I'm so happy to hear from people that the supps are helping you. Do you take them in the capsule form, or empty them out and dissolve them in something? Sometimes I lose my motivation to take them - the thought of swallowing all those things. Sorry to be redundant - I had a similar post somewhere else. I've been doing this off and on since September, and I do feel the supps help, but sometimes swallowing all those capsules makes me kind of nauseous. Maybe I'm having trouble with the gelatin capsules.

                        Thanks for all your sharing and honesty.


                          Supplements Really Work!!

                          I'm just eating them all in the morning. My regimin is folic acid, magnesium, vit c, vit d drops, b-12, multivitamin, calcium citrate, and I just added 2 l-gluts - one in morning and one around 5pm. I think the l-glut is a nice boost. I don't dissolve, just drink with lots of water. Also taking campral.
                          Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                          AF since May 6, 2010


                            Supplements Really Work!!

                            if i take these supplements, can i stop drinking completely, or is it to help taper off? i drink quite a bit, 1 or 2 bottles of wine everynight, or 7 to 10 beer. its gross. i dont want it any more, just keep trying to stop, cut down, it doesnt work out good-ever. what are all the supplements i should take? thanks.


                              Supplements Really Work!!

                              It really depends on the person as to how the supps will work. They really help with cravings and make it easier to taper down. The rest is up to you.

                              As for which ones...I would download the book. Its inexpensive and an easy read. It will help you understand which supps are for what. Then you can decide whats right for you.

                              Make a plan and stick with it!!! You can do it!

                              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

