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US Natural Thyroid Shortage (Armour/Nature Throid/Westhroid et al)

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    US Natural Thyroid Shortage (Armour/Nature Throid/Westhroid et al)

    Lila;1153330 wrote: hi there
    this is a great thread. I have a related question:
    okay, today is my NINTH day AF!!!! I haven't gone this long in 6 years. And I am not craving, either. I think that is due to this site, Mood Cure advice (5 htp), and a book that inspired me. Anyways, I also am hypo, and I read Mary Shomon recommends L-Carnitine. I bought acetly l-carnitine yesterday, took some this morning, not sure if i feel anything. I am looking to feel more energetic.
    I take a bunch of other supps, Coconut oil, Nature-Throid, and St Johns Wort, and others.
    Sooo...I have always wished for more energy, and I used to drink on average 2 -3 drinks an evening.
    Am I tired cuz I am recovering? Or tired cuz I am detoxing from coconut oil, getting rid of candida? Does anyone take L-Carnitine? Some sites say don't take it if you are hypo. I keep reading how great people feel after they quit drinking/take coconut oil/ drink green stuff, etc. I do all that, still tired. (but it could be about my cycle, actually) Still, it does feel much better AF!!!
    Any advice or wisdom is appreciated!
    Alternative Thyroid Treatments, Hypothyroid Diets, and Natural Hypothyroid Treatments

    However, too much iodine is also not good on a hypothyroid diet. Too much iodine can actually block the thyroid?s ability to make hormone, so high dose iodine supplements are not recommended.

    Hypothyroid diets due to thyroid-blocking actions from cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower can block thyroid if these otherwise highly nutritious foods are eaten in very high doses. Certain medicines can also block thyroid hormone such as Lithium. L-Carnitine, a powerful and potentially useful energy promoting nutritional product can also block the thyroid if taken in high doses.

    i copied this part of the site above for you, I hope it helps.

    Lilly x


      US Natural Thyroid Shortage (Armour/Nature Throid/Westhroid et al)

      Thanks for all your advice! I am feeling better today, actually.
      DG, I am not even sure if I have candida, I just know I feel much better when I don't have sugar. I now am using rice noodles when I have pasta, buy rice bread too, ( I consider white flour to be sugar).
      I am not too familiar with red vinegar but I can google it!
      I am exercising, actually I having a really good summer, one of my best!
      I did read the GH article, since I follow Mary Shomon's website. very bad! I hate it when people think hypo is about weight loss. I am pretty fine with my weight.
      And time, that makes sense too. Our bodies are good at healing if we allow it, I think.

