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    try drinking water hot. Once you get used to it it's pleasant like tea. If too boring try with a squeeze of lemon juice.
    I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.



      This is a great thread everyone - thanks. I am back - under a new name because I keep falling on and off "the wine wagon". I drink a ton of water (especially when I was drinking - I am on 3 days AF) and I still drink alot of it. Not a big coffee driker - one coffee or tea a day since I am such a spaz that I don't need the caffeine! If only I could get my big hiney exercising that would be thing at a time. I keep a basket of fresh lemons in my kitchen and put them in seltzer water or just ice water and drink them through a straw (lemon can get to your teeth). Keep hydrating friends!!
      February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

      When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!



        Still doing well on reducing the coffee and upping the water. Feel better too!
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



          From the Batman book"

          5: Feeling dejected and inadequate. The capital assets of any body are its essential amino acid reserves. These types of amino acids are used in so many different functions, including for neurotransmission, that their shortage in the body means loss of assets that the brain assesses as insuffieient and inadequate for its undertakings. Dehydration depletes some ot these amino acids incessantly, and this shortage triggers a feeling of dejection.

          I bought some carrot juice today. It was on sale for $1.75 from just under $7! When you drink juice, even vegetable juice, you need to eat a little protein with it. The sugar blast is hard on your pancreas. There is a section on why juice can't substitute for water intake but I haven't read it yet.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            THE WATER THREAD

            This is very interesting Greenie, since I have been taking my aminos and upping my water my depression has lifted....
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              THE WATER THREAD

              yep greenie i have heard about high sugar in vegetable juices.

              I am still coffee free and drinking ordinary water also green tea.and i feel much better and have more energy.

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                THE WATER THREAD

                From the Batman book:

                6. Feeling Depressed. This heralds a more serious phase of dehydration, in which the body, in the absence of water, has to use up some of its vital asets as antioxidants to cope with the toxic waste of metabolism that has not been cleared by sufficient production of urine. These assets inclde the amino acids tryptophan and tryosine, which are sacrificed in the liver as antioxidants to neutralize toxic waste. for the manufacture of serotonin, melatonin, tryptamine, and indolamine, the brain uses tryptophan; all of these elementsare vital neurotransmitters that are used to balance and integrate body functions. If they are inadequate in the body, depression sets in. Tyrosine is another amino acid that the brain uses to manufacture adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine, which are the "go-getter" neurotransmitters. Their insufficient activity will ground a person into inactivity and a sorrowful state of mind.

                As I was editing this book, an article on depression in the Washington Post
                of Tuesday, May 7, 2002, revealed a deep-rooted deception by the pharmaceutical industry. Headlined AGAINST DEPRESSION, A SUGAR PILL IS HARD TO BEAT, the article exposes how the drug industry has bent thetruth in clinical trials to show and edge infavor of Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloftm whereas a simple sugar pill - placebo - produced more positive resultsin relieving depression. this article surmises that the splendid results of the sugar pill against the much-touted drugs could be because, in the clinical trials, the subjects received much more attention and care than a depressed person that visits the doctor for few minutes a month. It seems there is an infinitely greater healing power within a person who is cared for. In medicine there used to be a dictum, now forgotten - "The duty of a doctor is to amuse the patient while nature heals". Doctors have to show empathy for thier patients.

                * Greenie notes that by section 6 of the book, you have gotten a feel for the author and understand where he is coming from in the above paragraph.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  THE WATER THREAD

                  From the Batman book:

                  7. Feeling heavy-headed. This is the sign that the brain is commanding more circulation for its needs. It could be the heralding sensation for a migraine headache that may ensue if the increased blood flow to the brain does not result in adequate hydration of the brain cells. Do not forget that the brain cells, in their constant activity, produce toxic waste of metabolism, which must be cleared at all times. The brain cells cannot endure a buildup of acidic materials in their interior enviornment. The initial heaviness felt in the head could reflect this phase of brain physiology.

                  8. Disturbed sleep, particularly the elderly. The body willl not have a restful night's sleep if it is short of water. A full eight hours' sleep will further dehydrate the body because much water is lost in respiration and possible prespiration under heavy bedcovers. If the body receives water and a little salt, sleep rhythm will be reestablished immediately.

                  9. Anger and quick temper.
                  These more expressive ways of showing dehydration were explained in section 3 under the heading Feeling Irritable.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    THE WATER THREAD

                    tomorrow I plan to have a sauna so I will aim to drink a whole two litres.
                    I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                      THE WATER THREAD

                      still coffee free its just green tea for me

                      goodwork greenie with the info

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                        THE WATER THREAD

                        From the Batman book:

                        10. Unreasonable impatience. Maintaining your patience to stay on a course or an assignment is an energy-consuming undertaking for the brain. If it doesnt' have a sufficient stored reserve of energy, it has to put an end to the undertaking as quickly as possible. This process of quick disengagement is labeled "impatience". don't forget, water manufactures hydroelectric energy at a rate that can replenish the used-up amount. Energy for food has to go through many steps of molecular conversion until it is stored in the energy pools in the cells. Even this processs needs water for hydrolysis to make the components of food usable as sources of energy.

                        11. Very short attention span.
                        This is another disengagement process for the brain that needs energy to focus on a topic or a learning process. The morehydrated the brain, the more energy it can manufacture to imprint tnew information in its memory banks. Attention deficit disorder in children is similarly produced by dehydration when chldren choose sodas as their preferred drinks.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          THE WATER THREAD

                          From the Batman book:

                          12. Shortness of breath in an otherwise healthy person without lung disease or infection. People who want to exercise without feeling short of breath should drink water before they exert themselves in any form of physical activity.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            THE WATER THREAD

                            From the Batman book:
                            13. Cravings for manufactured beverages such as coffee, tea, sodas, and alcoholic drinks. (Alcoholic drinks. Did you see that?) This is the way yyour brain tells you that you need to be hydrated. These cravings are based on a condition reflex that associates hydration with the intake of these beverages, which actually dehydrate the body further. The proces of cintinuous dehydration is stressful and causes the brain to secrete stress hormones, which include endorphins - the natural opiates of the body that help it get through its enviornmental crisis. One of the reasons why people continue drinking these beverages is their increasing addiction to the level of their own endorphin production. This is why caffeine and alcohol are addictive substances and cause withdrawal symptoms. The next stage to this kind of addiction could be the use of harder drugs that put a constant drive on endorphin secretion by the body. Thus, if children are to be directed toward a drug-free form of life, it should start with eliminating caffeine from their diets.

                            No wonder I'm having such a hard time with caffeine. I mean the endorphins, not the drugs.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              THE WATER THREAD

                              From the Batman book:

                              14. Dreaming of oceans, rivers, or other bodies of water is a form of subconsciously geterated association to reach a sorrce of water to quench thirst. The brain has a tendency to stimulate an experience in order to give instructions to the person to perform a function, even in deep sleep. (wonder what that means about drinking dreams?)

                              That was the last of the thirst perceptions.

                              Today: 7 coffee :argh: 8 water
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                                THE WATER THREAD

                                I have found my copy of the batman book and am going to re-read as I have felt much better lately since I have increased my water intake.
                                My coffee is down to between 1 and 3 a day now, and about 2 of those are decaff.
                                Its yet another tool in our arsenal to keep us feeling good.
                                Thanks Greenie!
                                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

