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Valerian as sub for Valium in AL Withdrawal

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    Valerian as sub for Valium in AL Withdrawal

    Hello all

    I have searched to see if there has been a thread on this topic, and haven't found one - I do apologise if it's been discussed before and I've missed it through my admittedly poor search techniques.

    Valerian has been used for centuries as a relaxant and sleep inducer but I've recently been doing more research into its use. I originally assumed (quite incorrectly as it happens) that it may have something to do with the drug Valium because of the similarity in names. Turns out that it has nothing whatsoever to do with Valium, though interestingly research seems to show that it binds to the same brain receptors as Valium and is used in Europe (anywhere else? No idea) as the treatment of choice by many GPs in place of Valium and is very successful.

    This site Herbal Medicines seems to be quite good but there are numerous other sites giving similar research results as this. I am very interested in the potential place valerian may have for those like us who are detoxing from alcohol. I wouldn't dream of suggesting that someone showing sufficiently severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawal to need medical treatment should attempt to dose themselves with valerian rather than seeking urgent professional help - very far from it. However, for those of us with very mild symptoms who do not intend calling the doctor, or with people like me who are tapering successfully with no medical intervention at all but who are worried about developing withdrawal symptoms, it seems that valerian may have a very helpful role to play.

    I have already been taking valerian forte from Blackmores which are 2000mg capsules to help me sleep - they are currently marketed as 'sleep support' but some bottles are marketed as 'stress relief.' Same contents, different label. I am going to take a couple of additional capsules during the day for a few days now too, as I finally kicked AL into touch 12 hours ago and if I can protect myself in anywhich way from symptoms, I'll do it.

    Again, if this has been discussed in depth before I do apologise but perhaps someone can point me towards the discussion as I'm very interested.


    Valerian as sub for Valium in AL Withdrawal

    I use valerian to help me sleep. If I took it in the daytime, I wouldn't be able to work and function. If that doesn't matter to you and you can rest a lot in the first days off AL you could give it a try. I don't think it will really help if you are going to have withdrawal symptoms.

    Best wishes as you start your AF journey


      Valerian as sub for Valium in AL Withdrawal

      I'm going to give it a try. I start tapering tomorrow and need something to help be remain calm.
      :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


        Valerian as sub for Valium in AL Withdrawal

        Just wanted to wish you luck Mandalay.
        Recovery Coaching website

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          Valerian as sub for Valium in AL Withdrawal

          I might try valerian night and day like you Mandalay. I use 5HTP and melatonin but I'm not doing so well at AF. Am very distressed in the middle of the night when I've had nothing to drink.


            Valerian as sub for Valium in AL Withdrawal

            having undergone many home detoxes and one in-house detox I'd say for mild detoxes you could try valerian but please also get magnesium and vit B1 (thiamine) as well. the magnesium helps at least as much and I think more to relax nerves and the B1 helps to prevent brain damage. if you think you will have trouble please call your doctor. I don't have medical insurance and have been to both in and outpatient detoxes over the years and it's worth it when you're having a hard time.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Valerian as sub for Valium in AL Withdrawal

              God created Diazepam for a reason.....
              What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


                Valerian as sub for Valium in AL Withdrawal

                I find Valerian and L-Tryptophan used together to be a wonderful sleep remedy. I take 5-Htp during the day, and L-Tryptophan at night for sleep, as needed. I think I'll try a small amount of Valerian the next time I feel anxious during the day. Keep us posted, Mandalay.
                "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                  Valerian as sub for Valium in AL Withdrawal

                  Thank you to everyone who answered my initial posting. I found all the input really helpful. I'm sorry that due to prying eyes I couldn't get back on here earlier to respond individually but I've been using valerian for some days now so maybe it's a good time to update and answer properly.

                  For me, the best thing is that I have almost completed 5 days totally AF and I have had zero withdrawal symptoms. For anyone who didn't see my original postings, I should explain though - I didn't go cold turkey, I had been haphazardly cutting down over the course of a year, and for some weeks had been consistently and methodically tapering down cutting out more and more so far the last couple of weeks I went from one third of a regular bottle, to a quarter, then to one large glass, then one small glass and finally stopped on 30th December. (Miscalculated, darn it!! Supposed to be NYE lol). In other words I realise that having tapered down so gradually, I may not have ever had any withdrawal symptoms in anycase so I don't mean that I credit valerian for lack of symptoms and there is no way of telling.

                  Winefree - Certainly a significant number of European doctors really are using valerian rather than prescribing Valium, because apparently the research has been verified - it does indeed bind to the same brain receptors as Valium and they are doing a like-for-like substitution to treat significant anxiety (and because its toxity is low, there is no chance of suicide by taking a whole bottle of valerian, unlike with Valium). That' really my interest - if it is substituted so often by the medical profession in cases of anxiety, presumably it could have a similar value in alcohol withdrawal, and for me, anything that means I do not have to take a strong addictive drug has to be good. Yes, theoretically valerian could relax to the point of making one sleepy during the day, but so most definitely does Valium. Again, never suggesting that any of us should attempt to deal with significant withdrawal symptoms on our own, and certainly not suggesting we should pop the valerian instead of calling for urgent medical help if we suffer symptoms. As for sleepiness during the day, some of the same research has shown that whereas Valium can often make someone drowsy to the point of sleep during the day, valerian on the other hand does not have such a strong sleep-inducing action, despite being a similar strength relaxant. My own personal experience over the last couple of weeks is that although it makes me feel much calmer, valerian (even taking it morning, lunchtime and teatime then again before bed) has never made me need to stop what I am doing, or to take an afternoon nap, but (and it does agree with the research) once I am in bed and close my eyes and try to sleep, that's when valerian's sleep support kicks in and I have had pretty good nights' sleep for the duration. (Except, interestingly, when I forgot one and then I didn't sleep.. in the morning I realised why, as the pill was still sitting there on the side. Doh!)

                  Determinator - thank you for the advice about B1 and magnesium. I've been taking magnesium and looking (without success locally, have to send off for it) for a separate source of solo B1 - at the moment I am just relying on a high potency Vit B supplement as it's the best I could get. But yes, I don't think I would risk treating myself with valerian once the symptoms are present - but if I can prevent them from starting by using valerian, then I would be all for it.

                  There are various references on the net to valerian's value during alcohol withdrawal, but I can't find any hard research, and that's what I'd really hoped to find!

                  Demimalti - how's the tapering going?

                  Lissie and Sarahsmiles, let me know how you are getting on with it!

                  For the record, I am now just taking one valerian at night again, along with a whole raft of other supplements - but not 5 Htp (because I'd somehow missed references to it... I must go out hunting for that one)

                  Thank you again for the input, I am really grateful for the thoughts.


