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Approaching 3 months AF need advice

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    Approaching 3 months AF need advice

    Hi MWOers -- there are questions at the end of this, I promise :H

    I'm so grateful for this site. I have been a member here since October and have followed most of the guidelines in the book (with the exception of prescription medication and All One) and other supplements recommended to me by my doctor. When I came here, I was hopeless and very scared. Thanks to the amazing support available here and the program, I have not had any alcohol in about 11 weeks. I honestly can tell you, I never intended to go so long AF but as it turns out I've been really hesitant to try moderate drinking because of how terrible I felt a few months ago.

    I read the book in mid-October and started the supplements/exercise/abstinence near the end of that month. My life has changed for the better in so many ways, I simply can't describe it adequately. Tonight I re-read RJs book and was shocked to find that most of the supplements were mostly recommended for the first six weeks -- I didn't remember that part. I never wrote it down and just tried to walk into Whole Foods and remember what the book said because it was downloaded on my computer. Anyway, this leads to my post. I'll tell you what I'm taking, so that my questions make sense. Each day I take:

    L-Glutamine (one capsule)
    Vitamin D (five capsules) - doc recommended
    B Complex + C (one tablet)
    L-Theanine (one capsule) - doc recommended
    Milk Thistle (three capsules)
    Melatonin sublingual spray (2 sprays before bed)
    Area Women's Protein Powder (2 scoops/day at breakfast) - doc recommended

    I purchased, but have never taken, Kudzu & Evening Primrose Oil.

    Frankly, I feel so much better and I don't really want to stop taking the supplements because I'm nervous about how I'll feel and all of these things seem really healthy to take. I think I was quite amino acid deprived actually.

    I wonder if I should add the Evening Primrose Oil now, or if there is no point to it because it is mainly a craving-reduction supplement. Anyone have experience with this or know of additional benefits? Also, I'm considering adding All One but if I'm feeling good without it, I'm not sure if I need to. I see that RJ recommends it forever, but wouldn't protein powder be similar?

    I'm sorry if these questions have been answered elsewhere already. I do not have a long-term abstinence goal mapped out, but because I know I do not ever want to be where I was last autumn I am choosing to be AF now. It seems one foot in front of the other has gotten me farther than I ever intended to go. What next? I guess keep doing what I'm doing. If it ain't broke, don't fix it?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated. :thanks:

    Approaching 3 months AF need advice

    Hiya Lodestar, you are doing a brilliant job by the sounds of it.
    My recommendations would be NOT to stop the supps, I have tried that on two occasions, both times my depression returned.
    I am taking the all one and I am sure the aminos make a huge difference to me.
    If I was you I would probably increase the Lglutamine, 1 capsule is probably about 500 mg? I take between 5000 mgs and 1000mgs per day. The benefits of this amino are incredible, and I know myself and many others swear by it in our supp regime.
    I might also increase the B and C vits, these are water soluble meaning that they get excreted in the urine, so its a good idea to keep a supply in the body. I tend to take these supps twice a day.
    As for which amino powder works for you, If the protein powder is doing its job why change it? Why dont you compare whats in that to whats in the All one and see if either one is lacking in anything?
    Well done on your programme, its really working for you isnt it?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Approaching 3 months AF need advice

      Hi lodestar,

      Well done on the three months - that's excellent!

      Re the Evening Primrose Oil, isn't it supposed to be good for pre-menstrual syndrome? I think that's how it's marketed here.

      Oh, I've just found this which says it might help PMS, menopause etc but scientists have found no evidence to support those claims. Hey ho.

      Benefits Of Evening Primrose Oil - Female Health Issues (UK)
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        Approaching 3 months AF need advice

        well done lodestar on 3 months,dont know much about primrose oil,but you have gotten great advice from starts & marshy,keep up the good work

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          Approaching 3 months AF need advice

          Hi Lodestar, I'm so happy to hear that you are doing so well. It's very early days for me ( 9days) but I am beginning to feel great. I make a point of eating reasonably healthy and 3 times a day, even when I'm not hungry. Which is often. I also take a multi Vitamin , one Milkthistle and 2 EPA/DHA1100 daily. I'm going to make a point of getting the Lglutamine because everyone recommends it. After my cup of tea first thing in the morning I drink a glass of lukewarm water with half a lemon squeezed into it. It is a powerful help for the liver first thing in the morning. So I think that if you eat healthy and do some supplementing you should be OK. But this journey is so serious that it is wise to follow the guidelines from people who have made it.
          make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


            Approaching 3 months AF need advice

            Hi lodestar

            Great job on 3 months!!

            A note on EPO (evening primrose oil). As a good sorurce of GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), PMS issues are just one of many benefits of it. I take it AND borage oil and sometimes black currant oil. And I assure you, it isn't for PMS :H.

            Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Approaching 3 months AF need advice

              Hi Lode,
              Great going! Keep doing what you're doing, re more af time, i reckon. If we are in a rush to mod, then that thinking should raise alarm bell's. The more af time we have, i think, the more we grow, and our thinking, and priorities can become clearer. No rush to mod, if you don't have a drinking/thinking problem, then waiting till next year before you jump in should be no problem, non?
              Oh yeah.......Did you know? Af life just get's better, and better, and you just watch the magic stuff happen, if it hasn,t already. Exercise too, might help save your life.

              Best wishes, you are rockin' it!

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Approaching 3 months AF need advice

                Thank you!!

                Hey all,

                Thanks so much for the helpful tips. Great to hear from people early on this journey and those farther along!

                Starty ~ good advice regarding the protein powder, L-Glut & B/C vitamins. I also drink a packet of EmergenC powder each day, which I forgot to mention. I will continue what I'm doing and increase the L-glut based on your recommendation. Maybe a few a day is better than what I'm doing.

                Marshy & Greenie ~ EPO seems to have other benefits, so I'm going to add that as well. Gawd knows the hormones are outta control since I hit my 30s (some years ago lol). I found I would get really binge-y around PMS time, so can't hurt.

                Jessie ~ well done on 9 days and I agree diet plays a huge role. I've been pretty diligent about changing anything in my life that can help (diet, ex, supps, and most importantly, no alcohol!). Best wishes for achieving your personal goals.

                Mario ~ love your signature line and thanks for popping by to lend support.

                Guitarista ~ I agree my priorities have changed significantly having some sober time and I am not in a rush to get anywhere else. There are so many benefits to this new way of living, I just want to keep the momentum going and arm myself with the tools to be successful as I continue. I exercise almost daily and it has been a huge component of feeling better. Hula-hooping, going to the gym, taking walks -- whatever I can do to get those endorphins flowing! So glad to hear you sounding so good!

                Again, thank you all for taking the time to respond. It was a great start to the day!


                  Approaching 3 months AF need advice

                  Hi lodestar. Good going on your AF time!!!!

                  I started taking the supplements recommended here way back in 2007. I am only now about to trade in my All One for a different multi-vitamin. But I won't be afraid to go back to All One if I feel better on it.

                  On the evening primrose oil....what Greenie said. I actually take Black Currant Oil right now - but for the same properties.

                  My supplement program just keeps morphing as I learn more. But I don't ever see myself stopping supplementation. My diet isn't and probably never will be "perfect" to get everything I need, and also I believe that our mineral deficient soils along with mass production farming practices means our foods just don't have the same nutritional punch as they might have had years ago. (just my opinion and I could be on crack or something!)

                  Enjoy the journey! Enjoy sober living!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Approaching 3 months AF need advice

                    Thanks for the thoughts on supplementation, DG. I can't see myself stopping supplements either because they are so helpful and I agree, we probably don't get what we need from diet anymore. I think I'll stick with the protein powder for now and add the All One if needed...or maybe I'll try it for a month or something. I don't want to mess too much with what seems to be working, but I want to have all the things my body needs to feel good. I'm trying to be thoughtful about this whole process as I move along.

                    I do "enjoy sober living" very much. You would never hear anyone close an email with "enjoy drunk living" ~ that is just not living at all.

                    Thanks again and I'm glad to see you enjoying your journey too!


                      Approaching 3 months AF need advice

                      Started All One ~ not bad

                      I'm excited!! I found the All One at Whole Foods and got a 10 day supply for $15. More pricey than the protein powder but figured I'd give it a go, since comparing the ingredients with my protein powder. Mixed it with a scoop of nonfat yogurt and 4 oz of V8 splash juice in a blender and chugged it. No problem.

                      I think I'm gonna do 1 scoop All one and 1 scoop of my protein powder. Maybe I'll get as buff as DG with all this good stuff in my bod. :H

                      Have a great day!

