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Kudzu Side Effects?

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    Kudzu Side Effects?

    Hello, just yesterday I started taking 1200mgs of Kudzu 3 times a day at meals. Approximately 1 hour after taking them, I get stomach pains and my anxiety level shoots through the roof and I feel like I am having a panic attack. Has this ever happened to anyone else? I read that Kudzu has no know side effects. Any help would be apprciated. I am nearly 2 weeks AF. :new:

    Kudzu Side Effects?

    Hi there jelly
    I took kudzu but not at those levels I dont think. I think I was taking about 2 tabs twice a day (but cant remember properly) anyway I didnt have any of those side effects.
    Great going on the twe weeks, thats wonderful!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Kudzu Side Effects?

      HI jelly, I think anything has potential to have side effects. We are all different, and we react to foods very differently, as well -- so why not kudzu?

      I think you should back off of the kudzu for now, considering your reaction. Of course, it could be your body is reacting to something completely unrelated, --but then you will find out.

      If you are experiencing terrible cravings, and that's why you started the kudzu, there are other natural ways of approaching this (l-glutamine, for one) and you can get lots of advice from the good folks here.

      If you go to the meds forum, there are many people sharing their experiences there, too.

      2 weeks AF is great. Don't lose the momentum!
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Kudzu Side Effects?

        Thanks Beatle! I did stop the kudzu and feel much better. Weird huh? I am taking L - glut and it seems to be working wonders. I decided to up my dose from 6000 mgs a day to 9000. I'm still holding strong. Trying to make it 30 days before trying the mod route. Have a great day!


          Kudzu Side Effects?

          Good job on the AF Jellybabyboo. coming up to the two week mark. Great. I just had AF15 and I can't believe it.

          Be careful of the doses you are taking of anything. 9000 seems high for L-glute. But I don't know much about adverse effects. I'm on 2000mg of L-glute. I increased it one day and had headaches. Not sure if it was L-glute or if I was just effected from not having AL in my system. So I backed off to 2000.

          Have a sober Sunday!


            Kudzu Side Effects?

            Kudzu : Information on Uses, Dosage & Side Effects on
            Side Effects and Warnings

            Currently, there are no side effects reported of kudzu treatment when taken by mouth. Intravenous puerarin has caused intravascular hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells). Intraperitoneal administration of puerarin or crude extracts of Pueraria lobata caused hypothermia (low body temperature).

            In theory, intraperitoneal administration of puerarin or crude extracts of Pueraria lobata may cause hypothermia. Kudzu root may also cause weight loss, although this has not been well studied in humans.

            Interactions with Drugs

            Kudzu isoflavones are reported to have antiestrogenic activity. Theoretically, kudzu might competitively inhibit the effects of estrogen therapy.

            Kudzu extracts or individual isoflavones suppress voluntary alcohol intake in animal models of alcoholism.

            The kudzu constituent, daidzin, may have antiarrhythmic properties and, theoretically, kudzu may interfere with antiarrhythmic agents (used to treat irregular heartbeat). Daidzin may also act by inhibiting serotonin and dopamine metabolism. Theoretically, concurrent use of kudzu with drugs that affect the metabolism of serotonin and dopamine (e.g. MAOIs) may lead to increased serotonin levels and increased risk of serotonin syndrome.

            Kudzu may increase the risk of bleeding when taken with drugs that increase the risk of bleeding. Some examples include aspirin, anticoagulants ("blood thinners") such as warfarin (Coumadin?) or heparin, anti-platelet drugs such as clopidogrel (Plavix?), and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen (Motrin?, Advil?) or naproxen (Naprosyn?, Aleve?).

            Kudzu may lower blood sugar levels. Caution is advised when using medications that may also lower blood sugar. Patients taking drugs for diabetes by mouth or insulin should be monitored closely by a qualified healthcare professional, including a pharmacist. Medication adjustments may be necessary.

            Although not well studied in humans, puerarin may lessen the feelings of anxiety and, theoretically, it may have an antagonistic effect with benzodiazepines. Puerarin may also suppress the bone resorption, promote bone formation and interfere with bisphosphonates. Puerarin may have vasorelaxant properties, possibly by blocking beta-adrenergic receptors.

            Kudzu inhibits and induces cytochrome P450 isoenzymes. It is unclear which cytochrome P450 isoenzymes are affected and to what degree. Concurrent use of drugs metabolized by the cytochrome P450 liver enzyme system may result in altered therapeutic levels.

            Theoretically, kudzu may interfere with blood pressure lowering agents. Kudzu has vasodilatory (blood vessel dilating) and hypotensive (blood pressure lowering) effects.

            Kudzu may weaken the effects of mecamylamine.
            Interactions with Herbs & Dietary Supplements

            The kudzu constituent, daidzin, may have antiarrhythmic (treats irregular heartbeat) properties and, theoretically, kudzu may interfere with these antiarrhythmic herbs and supplements.

            Kudzu isoflavones may increase the risk of bleeding when taken with herbs and supplements that are believed to increase the risk of bleeding. Multiple cases of bleeding have been reported with the use of Ginkgo biloba, and fewer cases with garlic and saw palmetto. Numerous other agents may theoretically increase the risk of bleeding, although this has not been proven in most cases.

            Kudzu may lower blood sugar levels. Caution is advised when using herbs or supplements that may also lower blood sugar. Blood glucose levels may require monitoring, and doses may need adjustment.

            Kudzu inhibits and induces cytochrome P450 isoenzymes; however, it is unclear which CYP isoenzymes are affected and to what degree. Concurrent use of herbs and supplements metabolized by the cytochrome P450 liver enzyme system may result in altered therapeutic levels.

            Kudzu isoflavones are reported to have antiestrogenic activity. Theoretically, kudzu might competitively inhibit the effects of herbs and supplements with estrogen activity.

            Theoretically, kudzu may interfere with blood pressure lowering herbs and supplements. Kudzu has vasodilatory (blood vessel dilating) and hypotensive (blood pressure lowering) effects.

            The daidzin in kudzu may act by inhibiting serotonin and dopamine metabolism. Theoretically, concurrent use of kudzu with herbs that affect the metabolism of serotonin and dopamine (e.g. MAOIs) may lead to increased serotonin levels and increased risk of serotonin syndrome.

            Puerarin may have vasorelaxant properties, possibly by blocking beta-adrenergic receptors.


              Kudzu Side Effects?

              I think I took 300 mg 3 times daily. Maybe it was 5 mg., but not close to your dose. I don't have my My Way Out book with me and I don't recall RJ's recommendation. I'd at least lower it drastically and see what happened.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Kudzu Side Effects?

                Hi Guys! Thanks for all of the great info. I decided to drop the Kudzu and have not had the anxiety attacks or stomach pain. I have read that you can take up to 15000mgs a day of L glute. I agree though Meech --- when you start taking thousands of mgs per day of anything it is kind of scary! (And many congrats on day 15!!!) I have found that 2000mgs in the am, followed by 2000mgs around noon and then 3000mgs in the late afternoon really curb my cravings and keep me mellow.


                  Kudzu Side Effects?

                  As an FYI - I took Kudzu the other day and it actually raised my BP 10-15 points. Since I'm on the edge anyway it was not a good thing. My guess is there was some interaction with my meds that caused it - so no more. Too bad because it did help.


                    Kudzu Side Effects?

                    You say it helped - in what way?


                      Kudzu Side Effects?

                      I recently (yesterday) started using kudzu at a "certified 613mg" per capsule, I believe. A serving is suggested as two capsules. The recommendation is 3 times daily according to the brand I am using.

                      I took one serving (two capsules) early in the day. What I noticed for certain is that I didn't sleep as much. But I'm not extremely tired. Assuming that I don't begin feeling tired and restless, I'll consider this side-effect a good thing.

                      As for the alcohol cravings, too early to tell.


                        Kudzu Side Effects?

                        so how long after starting the kudzu do people start to feel the benefits and reduced cravings?


                          Kudzu Side Effects?

                          i started feeling the effects a couple days in,i was tapering and taking the kudzu 3 times a day,my amount went down and down then i just didnt want it anymore,its not a "magic pill"youll still crave sometimes but it helps for sure!
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Kudzu Side Effects?

                            Kudzu query

                            I have just purchased kudzu and just want to know more about it before I start taking it. The dosage for the product I purchased is 2 tabs 750mg twice a day. How soon do I notice a difference in my alcohol intake, I currently drink most nights and once I start I don't stop up to 6 glasses of red/white wine every night. Will kudzu allow me to stop at just two drinks or will it work so I don't crave alcohol at all. Are there any side effects?


                              Kudzu Side Effects?

                              QuitinTime;1359890 wrote: As an FYI - I took Kudzu the other day and it actually raised my BP 10-15 points. Since I'm on the edge anyway it was not a good thing. My guess is there was some interaction with my meds that caused it - so no more. Too bad because it did help.
                              Go to and you can put in all your meds and supplements. It will tell you the interactions.:new:

