I am new here and I am interested in using MWO and vitamin/nutrirional therapies to help me to maintain sobriety. Money is very tight right now, and I can't afford to by any of the kits/supplement packages from this site, at least not right now.
I've seen online that Walmart and GNC sell supplements such as L-Glutamine. Are supplements bought from these stores just as good? The prices are pretty low. Plus,
even when I do get enough money to buy supplements on-line, I am hesitant to do so--my husband keeps track of all our on line purchases, and I don't want him to know I am buying these supplments. He doesn't know I had a relapse to drinking and am now trying to recover. I know it's a secretive behavior, but if he knew I was drinking again, I am afraid he'd leave me--even if I'm now in the process of stopping. I'll be posting on these situation later (on another part of the board).