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Does it really matter where you buy supplements?

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    Does it really matter where you buy supplements?


    I am new here and I am interested in using MWO and vitamin/nutrirional therapies to help me to maintain sobriety. Money is very tight right now, and I can't afford to by any of the kits/supplement packages from this site, at least not right now.

    I've seen online that Walmart and GNC sell supplements such as L-Glutamine. Are supplements bought from these stores just as good? The prices are pretty low. Plus,
    even when I do get enough money to buy supplements on-line, I am hesitant to do so--my husband keeps track of all our on line purchases, and I don't want him to know I am buying these supplments. He doesn't know I had a relapse to drinking and am now trying to recover. I know it's a secretive behavior, but if he knew I was drinking again, I am afraid he'd leave me--even if I'm now in the process of stopping. I'll be posting on these situation later (on another part of the board).


    Does it really matter where you buy supplements?

    There are definitely differences in quality between different brands and sources. There is a reason for those price differences.

    I trust the quality of what is sold here at MWO.

    If you are going to go with other sources, you might want to ask around and get some suggested brands from some of the long term sober people here.

    I happen to like the Source Naturals brand and that is the brand of L-Glutamine I use these days. I use the powdered form.

    Sometimes you get what you pay for, so be careful.

    I no longer use Kudzu and the only brand I ever used I bought here at MWO. But I have read many people over the last few years who have said they tried other brands that are NOT effective. So I would be cautious with Kudzu for sure.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Does it really matter where you buy supplements?

      Totally agree with Doggy, I only use Kudzu from here but other stuff like Lglut I will buy from other sources.
      I get my All one from Vitacost.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Does it really matter where you buy supplements?

        Thanks DG and SO for posting the advice on Kudzu - I bought some years ago from an on line store and to be honest it did no good for me whatsoever - you have restored my faith and I look forward to receiving mine from the health store here :thanks:
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          Does it really matter where you buy supplements?

          I just ordered some L-Glutamine from along with some other vitamins. I find them to be as cheap as WalMart. Planetary Formulas is the supposed to be another kudzu blend recommended by the Harvard folks. I found 220 caps for $20.00 at vitanetonline.

          What really helped me in prior sober periods was to take 3000 mg of EPA/DHA using Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega. It's spendy and I order a year's worth online with a friend and we split it for the discount. The other thing I swear buy is a good cold Flaxseed Oil with Lignan's--1-3 Tbsp a day. I slam it down or put it in a smoothie. The point of the Omega-3's EPA/DHA is to heal my brain. The point of the Omega-3's in Flaxseed oil with the other is to bring your body into an 'anti-inflammatory' (feel good) state. It's takes me about 7-10 days to start feeling the Omega-3's. Alcohol is very inflammatory. I wouldn't waste my money on any 3-6-9 formulas as Omega-6's are overly abundant in food and also Omega-3's can metabolize to Omega-6's and then to Omega-9's.
          Omega-6 fatty acids are in the inflammatory pathway.

          No amount of supplements and physical well-being have kept me from taking that first drink again...for that I need a different kind of experience and this is Day 3 again.
          "Nurture strength OF Spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune."sigpic


            Does it really matter where you buy supplements?

            Hi FF,

            I get my L-Glut from GNC. That's the only supplement I take so can't comment on the rest.



              Does it really matter where you buy supplements?

              NickNat;840243 wrote: What really helped me in prior sober periods was to take 3000 mg of EPA/DHA using Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega. It's spendy and I order a year's worth online with a friend and we split it for the discount. The other thing I swear buy is a good cold Flaxseed Oil with Lignan's--1-3 Tbsp a day. I slam it down or put it in a smoothie. The point of the Omega-3's EPA/DHA is to heal my brain. The point of the Omega-3's in Flaxseed oil with the other is to bring your body into an 'anti-inflammatory' (feel good) state. It's takes me about 7-10 days to start feeling the Omega-3's. Alcohol is very inflammatory. I wouldn't waste my money on any 3-6-9 formulas as Omega-6's are overly abundant in food and also Omega-3's can metabolize to Omega-6's and then to Omega-9's.
              Omega-6 fatty acids are in the inflammatory pathway.
              Sounds like you have done some homework on the Omega 3's. Your comments about Omega 6's echo what I have come to believe about them. I'm interested in your comments about Flaxseed Oil and the anti-inflammatory properties. Are you saying there are Omega 3 anti-inflammatory properties that are unique to Flaxseed oil? (as opposed to fish oil sources) I would be interested in reading more about that. Do you have any information sources you recommend?

              Thanks! (my brain can use a whole lot of healing! )

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Does it really matter where you buy supplements?

                Hi DG - I hope I'm not butting in here! I had some faxseed oil gel caps in the cupboard when I read NickNat's post and did some digging around. I have this: What is flax seed oil and what are the benefits? and this: Flaxseed oil and finally this: Flaxseed and health

                Like you, my brain can use some help! And thanks, Nick, for suggesting that!
                "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday


                  Does it really matter where you buy supplements?

                  canadiangirl;840980 wrote: Hi DG - I hope I'm not butting in here! I had some faxseed oil gel caps in the cupboard when I read NickNat's post and did some digging around. I have this: What is flax seed oil and what are the benefits? and this: Flaxseed oil and finally this: Flaxseed and health

                  Like you, my brain can use some help! And thanks, Nick, for suggesting that!
                  Hello from one Canadian girl to another...
                  Can someone please set me straight on something... I read the above links and somewhere it said that putting up to 30 mg of flaxseed on your cereal, in yogurt or whatever is very beneficial. It states that the flaxseed themselves have benefits that the oil doesn't. I heard Dr. Oz on Oprah say that flaxseed have to be ground in order to get the benefit from them. Otherwise they um, er... go out in the same form they went in... In other words, they are not broken down in the stomach, just pass straight through..
                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    Does it really matter where you buy supplements?

                    Pleased to meet you, Stirly (curtsying).

                    Here's a link from the Flax Council of Canada (!!!): Flax Council of Canada

                    I read about the need to store flax oil correctly due to its propensity to go rancid - mine was stored in the kitchen cupboard and I'm having some unfortunate digestive consequences... :H Heads up for anyone else with flax seed oil...
                    "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday


                      Does it really matter where you buy supplements?

                      I'm not sure if it matters so much WHERE you buy supplements as WHICH supplements you buy. It takes a lot of research to figure out WHAT you need to/want to take, and then to figure out HOW you want to take them (pills/capsules/powders, as well as doses/amounts/how often...etc.)

                      I also research the different brands, and specifically the quality of the products.

                      Most internet retailers carry a large range of types and brands of supplements in a wide range of formats. Many retail stores also do (although rarely as many as the internet retailers.)

                      So, concentrate on what you need/want and then look at different internet retailers and see what brands they carry, and compare prices if you wish. (after trying out a few different sites, I try to keep my orders to just one -- I can save a little here or there by using multiple online retailers, but it's not worth the time.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

