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What should I eat?

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    What should I eat?

    Sunny, I'm interested in your self help tools!

    Better Living Through Chemistry

    Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

    Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


      What should I eat?

      2 tools in particular actually 2 questions I ask myself before I eat:
      when planning a meal am I filling up or fueling up?


        What should I eat?

        2 tools in particular actually 2 questions I ask myself before I eat:
        when planning a meal am I filling up or fueling up?
        In other words one can fill up on just about anything but when I view my meal as an opportunity to provide fuel for my body's important machinery and function for the next 4 or 5 hours I approach it with a much better attitude and include healthy choices in the proper but not excessive amounts. I try to get at least some protein, carbs and high quality fats to meet my needs but not exceed them. I think that since I am exercising daily I am taking my nutritional needs much more into account. This is good and another way to have one success lead to the next.

        the second question I ask myself when considering whether to eat something:

        If the only thing on the plate was an apple and a few carrots would I eat it?

        If the answer is yes then I know I am actually HUNGRY.
        If the answer is no then I know that I am NOT HUNGRY. This is a real helpful question. There have been times when I thought I needed something but was just eating "because it was there" or it tasted good or looked good or a friend had made it special for me or whatever. I can eat whatever I want but I am trying to be sure that it is actual hunger that precedes the eating rather than some other motivation.

        Also I have a 3 bite rule:
        If I really want to try something that I know is not healthy but I just "want" it anyway I allow myself up to 3 bites. the first one is to taste it and see if it meets my expectations in terms of taste or quality. If it doesn't I can stop right there. If I really do enjoy it I can really relish that and the next 2 bites. It turns out that for me the first few bites of any food are generally the best anyway! So I am enjoying the best part without totally blowing the calories off the map.

        I also have at least on one occasion enjoyed something delicious and fattening by planning for it. A few weeks ago I was jonsing for a piece of lemon cream cheese pie from marie calendar's. So I went out to lunch with my son and instead of eating a meal and then the pie I just had the pie while he ate the meal. It was so delicious. I really enjoyed every wonderful 610 calories. Later that day I went to the gym and worked off 2/3 of it and haven't felt the need for another nosh yet. But if I do I know how to plan for it.
        I hope these ideas help. I'd love to hear what's working for others. I have lost 35 pounds in 4 months and I am a 58 year old woman.


          What should I eat?

          5HTP & L glutamine together ?

          good work sunny ,

          Ive started eating healthy, after several false starts , this time it feels like its for real
          - 3 weeks in lost 10 llbs

          No bad carbs , no dairy , loads of fitness....

          My problem is at the moment I don;t want to waste my time with fitness when I am eating the wrong foods that cancel it out etc... I guess it takes a while to find the balance

          intersting reading your food practices

          I have just bought some 5HTP , could i take L glutamine aswell with it ? or is there any no point , whats the best way to really get the most of these supplements ? shoudl I avoid certain foods etc.. so they work more effectivley

