I just saw this thread, and I am so grateful to greeneyes for getting this conversation going. I haven't had time to read all the posts yet, but just wanted to add my 2 cents. Frankenfoods scare the hell out of me. The fact that they aren't labeled as such is just plain wrong. But it's Monsanto's "seed police" that really gets me riled up. Prosecuting farmers for saving seed is abominable. Our supreme court justices siding with this practice is a travesty.
That's why I'm an heirloom gardener and seed saver. Monocultures are dangerous. If a Monsanto crop should fail on a wide scale, it could devastate the food supply. (Which is a catch-22 since they have already done that with their genetic tinkering). Can't wait to read through this thread tonight.
Grow food, not lawns
