I hook em up to me lips after a big weekend. Just make sure there's petrol in the car, and it's warmed up before you apply the leads. Leave for 30 seconds, or as long as you can stand. This also doubles as a defacto Electro convulsive treatment, or E.C.T. and work's wonder's if we're feeling a bit flat.
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Cold Sores!
Cold Sores!
Guitarista;880402 wrote: Not as silly as it sounds.
I hook em up to me lips after a big weekend. Just make sure there's petrol in the car, and it's warmed up before you apply the leads. Leave for 30 seconds, or as long as you can stand. This also doubles as a defacto Electro convulsive treatment, or E.C.T. and work's wonder's if we're feeling a bit flat.Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
Cold Sores!
Techie, because of the different saliva content in canine's, it is dangerous, as you've discovered.
Don't try it on the kiddie's though. Although i believe a smaller 6 volt version for under 16's, is soon to be on the market, with the added benefit of, being of a lower voltage, can instill a feeling of calm for hours on end.
For us adult's though, the technique is simple. Connect lead's to car battery, hook em up to ya lips, and turn the key. Enjoy. You'll be cold sore free for day's, and you'll look and feel so alive.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Cold Sores!
OK, I'm not sure if you're all pulling legs???
My tuppence worth HC is that I have had cold sores all my life and so did my Dad and right up until he died we invariably got them at the same time. My 28 year old son hasn't lived at home for about 5 years and within hours of me getting a cold sore he will ring me to tell me he has one so I always presumed we were just stuck with them. Definitely stress induced but ( touch wood) since I gave up the booze (sort of) since November I haven't had one.
MollyContentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Cold Sores!
Hippy Chick;879820 wrote: I have ordered one of those inhibitors. They are expensive, but if they work, I am sure it will be worth it.
A couple of tips when using it:
1) use it at the first sign of tingling, it won't hurt to use it if it's a false alarm, but it needs to be used asap when you feel that tingling sensation that is the very first sign of an outbreak. You will become more in-tune with noticing that sensation, and that becomes very helpful.
2) As I stated in an earlier post, the moisture content of the lips seems to be critical for how well it works (or at least seems to work). I close my eyes when I give myself a treatment, that way I'm more prone to feel the snap or zap when the current changes directions. When I have felt that, I know that I got a good treatment. You can't overdue this either. If I have missed the first warning signs, perhaps because I was sleeping, and wake up with a slight bump under the surface, I'll zap it many times throughout the day.
It's important to keep your lips in good shape, don't let them get chapped & don't pick at them. Sunlight can also trigger cold sores, so using a SPF in your lipstick or chapstick is a very good idea.
Everyone of us is different, so what might be a big trigger for one person, may not necessarily be so for another. Keeping a journal about what you eat, do, moods, etc can be very helpful for figuring out what are your main triggers. For me, it's tends to be too much sunshine & stress, more than the foods I eat (I eat lots of dark chocolate & nuts).
I read in one article that cold sores (a form of herpes simplex) can evolve from the chicken pox virus. I had a very severe case of chicken pox when I was a child... who knows, that may be where I got it from. Once we have this virus, we will always have it. The key is to keep it under control so that it remains dormant, and I believe (from my own experience) that it grows weaker as the time between outbreaks increases. Right before I got this little gadget I had 2 severe outbreaks within a very short period of time...I was devastated. And that's what prompted me to find some kind of solution to my problem. I used to worry about having outbreaks, and now... I don't think about it at all! Is that freedom, or what??For anyone that has suffered from cold sores, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Another thing to do, is keep your toothbrush in a dry place. The medicine cabinet is about the worst place to keep a toothbrush because it's moist & dark. Also, don't share your toothpaste with anyone else... it keeps YOU & them safe. Best to throw out your toothbrush after a breakout. Don't continue to use lipsticks or chapsticks that were used while you had an outbreak.
I can't wait to hear how this little gizmo works for you! Feel free to pm me if you have any questions, ok??AF 6 years
NF 7 years
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step
Cold Sores!
Thanks for all your suggestions. I have bought a 6v battery as my son has been giving me a hard time lately and as he is only 14, thought I had better go soft on him!
Seriously though, I have bought the lysine and a good multi V to boost my immune while waiting for the inhibitor. Have checked out the site that was recommended and will cut back on arginine and boost my lysine.
Thanks for all your helpful advice Fallen Angel. You are right - unless you have had one, you just dont know how annoying and painful they can be. Plus they do look disgusting. I must be a bit run down lately as I have had a cold and three coldsores in two weeks. Have had a lot of stress thanks to my lovely teenage son (get me that battery now!). But the vitamins will kick in soon and I will be fighting fit.
HippyI finally got it!
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah
Cold Sores!
Seriously though Hippy, best wishes with the treatment's you are trying. I'm lucky in that i've only had the occassional one over the year's. It would really piss me off. Good luck, and speedy researching.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Cold Sores!
Acyclovir is the only thing that will reduce them when they start. It's OTC in Australia as "Zovirax." Do not eat arginine containing foods. Take megadoses of L-Lysine. Keep your sleeping room cool; being hot or dehydrated brings them. Do not smoke tobacco. Do not go on an AL bender. Keep your immune system strong.
Cold Sores!
Thanks Moglor ( are you new? I havent seen your posts before. If so, welcome)
I have tried zovirax but find it doesnt do much apart from numb the pain. I bought some lysine the other day so will give that a go until my super-duper cold sore inhibitor arrives from the states. I am trying anything and everything at the moment as they are driving me crazy.
Thanks once again.
HippyI finally got it!
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah
Cold Sores!
Hippy Chick;881883 wrote: I am trying anything and everything at the moment as they are driving me crazy.
Zinc, Vitamin C & B's are also beneficial. Here's a link to a site that has other tips on what you can do...if you have the time, there's a wealth of information on the web about cold sore remedies. Cold Sores Home Remedies from CanadaAF 6 years
NF 7 years
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step