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Colonic Irrigation
Colonic Irrigation
Hi I have been suffering with bowel problems now for over 12 months and nothing seems to work !! So I am going down the route of Colonic Irrigation - has anybody had this done and were you ok ? Hope this thread is not too embarrasingLearn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.Tags: None
Colonic Irrigation
Of course greenie raises hand. :H:H I have never had plumbing problems, but I fasted on a regular basis and colonic was a good start and finish to a long fast, IMHO, for detoxifying. Often in the process I would feel sick, break a sweat... it was just toxin release and would pass (:H sorry) After, you feel fantastic. Anyhoo...... have you picked your person?sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
Colonic Irrigation
Hi Panno,
It depends on what your problem is...if you're bound up all the time, colonic irrigation would probably be temporary. You really have to look at the kinds of food you are eating. Have your eating habits changed? This is very important. Write down what you've been eating and go from there. I know in the holistic world, colonics are very popular, but you can get natural colon cleanses that work just as well. My 48-year-old male client did that and he has had no problems after that.
I have had IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) my whole life and I am 49, and what helps me immensely is the natural herb Acidophilus. You can get it anywhere. I'm prone to diarrhea as I travel all over the world and eat all kinds of different food....I'm also an extremely anxious person so that doesn't help. What has helped me tremendously in the last few months is L-Glutamine. I have not had intestinal problems of any sort since I've been taking it. Feel free to PM me if you want.
Colonic Irrigation
Thanks Rusty, I have had all kinds of herbals, at the moment and for the past 3 months I have been taking Milk Thistle 3 times daily, L Glut 500mg 1 daily, Kudzu 3 times daily and vit B and I also have a healthy diet, however I don't drink alot of water - ouch - and I really think I may have a yeast problem as I do tend to have alot of bread (and of course the wine!!) I am switching to a gluten free diet and have bought Erica White's beat candida cookbook. I have also read that a poor liver can cause problems as well?
I have booked in for my first session tomorrow, I will speak to her more thoroughly when I go, but somebody once suggested the coffee is best for bad toxin build up ??Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Colonic Irrigation
spuddleduck;884135 wrote: ooo er missus. i feel like ive had colonic irrigation every time i go to the loo..... campral does that for me. hope it clears you out... literallyLearn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Colonic Irrigation
Bread can do it to you....well, why not try the colonic....I don't think it's harmful....it's obviously worked for Greenie. It could also be the result of all the herbs you are taking simultaneously. Just a guess. What does your Dr. say...if you've spoken to him/her about it? Spuddleduck and I sound like we have the same habits (heh, heh).
Colonic Irrigation
He just said up take your fibre - eample if I have 5 a day increase to 12 and just take a supplement to help!!! Was not worried in the least
But I do think its toxin build up so I will give it a go as you say no harm done - well done on the no ALLearn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Colonic Irrigation
Yup, increasing fiber helps. Panno, do you like dried fruit at all? Dried cranberries and cherries are wonderful antioxidants. My mom has your problem and they've worked intestinal wonders for her.
Isn't it amazing that we can talk about loo issues on a forum like this. Come one, come all! heh heh!
P.S. I love Manchester! One of my clients is from there. I go to England on business any time I can!
Colonic Irrigation
Good strong coffee is great for a clean-out! I speak from experience. Oh, one other suggestion....flaxseed with your meals or with juice in the morning. The trainer at my gym uses it because she can't stand the thought that all that waste is building up in her body after she eats, and it works instantly when she takes it with a meal.
Colonic Irrigation
Thanks Rusty, is the flaxeed a drink or do you sprinkle on the food? I'm a tea drinker normally (VERY ENGLISH!!) but will switch to coffee and give it a go. Never tried dried fruit but will pick some up this weekend.
Got a feeling I am going to be 7lbs lighter Monday :H:H:HLearn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Colonic Irrigation
Hi Panno,
Flaxseed is just that...little seeds in a plastic container....you can get it at any pharmacy (they probably don't have Wal-Mart in the UK ;-) ) or maybe even a grocery store. You can also just mix it with water and then chug a lug it so it doesn't taste bad.
I'm doing a colon cleanse myself this weekend so it's a good thing I live alone! Talk about the loo door flying off! :H:H
Yeah, I need to be about 60 pounds lighter...have a long way to go. Hopefully we'll both check in on Monday with significant pounds lost!
I miss the UK a lot. I'm American and I live in the Midwest and every time I go there, people in the UK treat me like royalty....I don't know why...but they do!
Colonic Irrigation
I just had to add to this thread.
I am not one who is into this kind of thing but it brought back some childhood memories.
My mama was an old fashioned country girl, raised by an even more old fashioned mama of her own. They had some odd ideas about health.
If I got a headache, my mama assumed I was constipated. She would give me an enema.
Even as little as I was, I learned after only two episodes of mentioning to her about my headaches that I would never mention them again. :H:H
ps It turned out I needed glasses.AF April 9, 2016
Colonic Irrigation
Banana's, which are fibre, are very good for us, and can help keep us regular too.
And..........Bean's anyone?!
Go Rusty. Thanks for the warning!
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-