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Seven weeks to Sobreity.

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    Seven weeks to Sobreity.

    Hello holistic healers!

    I use to be known as Bird of Paradise here awhile ago. My avatar is the same but new name!
    I've been reading for awhile but not posting...So here goes.

    Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about the Seven Weeks to Sobreity? A nutritionally based detox? There are lots of knowledgeable and well informed people in this forum...I thought I could "pick your brains...":thanks:

    Seven weeks to Sobreity.

    Have you given the My Way Out book a read? It's been a few years now since I read 7 Weeks. But IIRC, it highlights the nutritional deficiencies that contribute to alcoholism. I'm sure the book is based on some of the same reasearch that the My Way Out program is based on. IIRC, the 7 Weeks supplement package was very expensive. I know that quality varies widely when it comes to supplements though.

    Will be curious to see if others have a more detailed comparison of the 2 programs.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Seven weeks to Sobreity.

      HI DG,

      Thanks for reply. Yes, I've read MWO book. I also have CDs which I plan on dusting off and enjoying again! It sounds like there are similarities between the two. I haven't looked into the cost of the 7 Weeks yet. I was hoping someone had used the program here at MWO forums.
      Nice to be back in a supporitive and caring community.


        Seven weeks to Sobreity.

        I have used the Seven Weeks program. I researched it extensively before starting. The woman who designed it is extremely knowledgeable and dedicated.

        Joan Mathews Larson, Ph.D., Author of "Seven Weeks To Sobriety"

        The Health Recovery Center (HRC) also has an impressive rate of success, especially when compared to other rehab facilities.

        However, it did not work for me.

        Perhaps this is because I did not stay completely AF throughout the program on my own.

        Also, most of the supplements (Bio-Recovery) that are provided by the HRC are synthetic. I think it better to base a recovery program on real food supplements, using the Seven Weeks protocol as a base.

        But I don't think the Bio-Recovery supplements are over-priced in comparison to other supplements of the same quality. I still buy several supplements from them.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Seven weeks to Sobreity.

          Thanks Beatle,

          You've always been a wealth of great info. I appreciate your reply. I'll be doing some more research also on 7 Weeks and make a decision then.

          I'll keep posting. Did you complete the 7 weeks? I also didn't think the supps were too pricey. I've invested more in AL! Also, what did you like and dislike about the program?

          Thanks again, Beatle!


            Seven weeks to Sobreity.

            Hi July,
            I got the book out of the library and did read the whole thing. I thought the quizzes were very helpful for me-at least now I understand the chemical basis for my alcoholism and why I will never be a "normal" drinker. I did not follow the supplement program because I was following the MWO program and didn't see much of a difference except in quantity of pills you have to swallow each day, multiples times a day. I'm happy with what I'm doing in terms of supplements. I also tried to follow the hypoglycemic diet outlined in the book. I went shopping for the processed foods like bread and juice and found them WAY too expensive and hard to find. I understand that eating clean and whole is the way to go with any food plan but for now I just don't have the time to cook. I need quick and healthy with my schedule.
            My one real critisizm of the program is that it was developed in the early '90s and I couldn't find much in terms of updates. There is no new book out and I didn't find the website all that helpful.
            This is just my experience with the book/program. I'm very happy with MWO and yes, I agree there are great similarities. It really is all about what works for you, individually. I think it can't hurt at all to get the book out of the library (free), try to find the supplements at your local health food store (less expensive) and work it that way. Minimal money expended. Good luck!!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Seven weeks to Sobreity.

              Thanks Papmom!

              I agree with website and updated info. Joan Matthews seems to be expanding with other chemical imbalances. Right now I'm following the MWO supplement program and I know when I am dedicated and staying on top of my supps I feel so much better. I do need to become more consistent with the L-glut, which for me is more effective than Kudzo.
              Thanks for your reply. Ride the wave!

