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Kudzu usage

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    Kudzu usage

    Hello, everybody

    I have been abstinent for 19 days, and haven't taken any kudzu because I thought that it was only to be taken during days when one imbibed. Am I mistaken regarding this?
    I intend to abstain 30 days, and on day 31 drink no more than 3-4 beers, at night just to play it safe. I intend to take kudzu on day 31 - the recommended MWO dosage, or should I take it for a few days prior as well?

    On day 32, I will find out if I have strong cravings to drink in the daytime. If this happens, I will accept that I am an alcoholic, and I will embark upon a permanent abstinence program.



    Kudzu usage

    Kudzu is a herb and herbs do not treat Alcoholism.


      Kudzu usage

      My understanding, from all the reading is Kudzu can be taken anytime, but they say 2-4 hours before drinking. You should be doing the vitamin regimen while you're abstaining, and the kudzu to help with the binging. I've noticed that I drink less if I take the kudzu. The studies showed that on average people drank 50% less if they took the kudzu.


        Kudzu usage

        Kudzu Usage

        Phoenix1;986803 wrote: Kudzu is a herb and herbs do not treat Alcoholism.
        Hello, Phoenix1

        Thank you for your comment. I do agree with it: however, I was referring to kudzu's ability to reduce the amount of alcoholic beverages drank by individuals in a given time frame. This has been proven to be an effective substance for blunting the desire to binge drink, i.e., five drinks or more. I simply forgot if kudzu had to be taken a day or two prior to the drinking session, That was the reason for my post.



          Kudzu usage

          Hi Franco!

          Here are some data from the Lukas study; the drinking part began at 5 pm, but they don't say when participants took the kudzu. The study was double-blinded, and the kudzu group drank half as much as the placebo group.
          "Double-blind medication was administered for 1 week. Each 500-mg capsule of kudzu extract (NPI-031, Natural Pharmacia Int., Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC) contained sugar beet–based filler and 19% puerarin, 4% daidzin, and 2.0% daidzein. Participants were instructed to take two 500-mg capsules three times daily."

          Hope this helps! CONGRATS on 20 days.

          AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
          "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


            Kudzu usage

            hmmmm, i take it to reduce cravings, not if i "plan" on drinking. it works well in that aspect for me.

