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Natural supplements
Natural supplements
Hi Poppy,
Health food stores here sell many different "Liver Protect/Restore" type preparations based around Globe Artichoke, Milk Thistle with varying other ingredients. I've been taking them for about 5 years now and my liver enzyme tests have been normal in spite of drinking heavily (till recently) so I'm planning on continuing them post AL. I believe they aid liver regeneration.
Natural supplements
SAM-E is extremely good at liver regeneration. just make sure you buy one from a reputable source. it's expensive and there are a lot of scams under the same name. also a very exciting development in treating even advanced liver disease is suphasalazine: Sulfasalazine’s Potential for Reversing Fibrosis | Liver Support Health Newsnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Natural supplements
I bought TMG which is a precursor to SAM-e and much cheaper although it is recommended that you take it with food. There is also a supplement called 'True Calm' which contains GABA, Taurine, Magnesium etc. and is very calming. Kudzu Recovery is an excellent liver repair supplement."Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment -Eckhart Tolle"
Natural supplements
Milk Thistle is the number one. No question. It is documented to halt liver damage and in some cases reverse it. Google it for details.
(I'm not plugging this site, but I've done a lot of research on this, and although I do not buy many of my supplements from this site, I can say without a doubt that MWO sells a potent milk thistle product that also contains synergistic herbs. And it is competitive in price with other brands.)
– NAC (this is what they use in hospitals for critical detox of acetaminophen overdoses (which is the liver) -- is good to take every day if you have liver issues.
– Taurine is good for the liver (and calming, and good for brain power -- what more could you ask?)
–CoQ10 (please google this, as I've only heard it from other people)
– and, of course, mega Bs.
Detox tea:
I also recommend detox tea as often as you can (I like Yogi brand -- it tastes so good. But there are other brands out there, that's just my taste.)
Hope this helps.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Natural supplements
Liv 52
Somebody once posted about Liv 52 from Himalayan herbs, and you can order it on ebay. I take that and Milk Thistle along with the B vitamins and some supplements. Last year my enzymes were elevated. A couple of months ago, they weren't--I don't know how or why--but then I started drinking more heavily. Now that I am trying to maintain AF, I am hoping the enzymes will be better when I go for my physical in a month!
TDN"One day at a time."
Natural supplements
Good information. Does anyone know how long to continue taking supplements after becoming AF? I am taking Kudzu and Milk Thistle. I want to reverse any damage - I do not know ho wmuch damage I have as both Drs I wentto for help told m ethat I didn't have a problem - not sure how they knew as they only asked a couple of questions, no testsso trying to be proactive and protect it for the future!!
“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Natural supplements
To be frank, I am also facing the same problem. Few supplements that I tired were Liver Detox Formula Tincture, Gaia Herb's Milk Thistle Seed, AlcohLiver fix , which were recommended to one of my friend by his family doctor.
Don?t know much about Sam e except that it is used in case of depression & liver diseases. Do consult a doctor as its difficult to get over the counter.
Natural supplements
Natural Supplements
One of the best natural supplements for liver cleansing is liver active. It is made up of only herbal ingredients and does not contain any additives or chemicals. All the ingredients are safe and work to cleanse liver naturally, increases energy level and makes you feel active and energetic.