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Global Consciouness

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    Global Consciouness

    We are living in inbalanced times...There are many things happening that I fear are dire to our life and civilization. I do believe however, if we unite as in consciousness we may have a chance.

    I didn't want to post on the mainstream thread, but I believe many of you are in tune enough to know what I am talking about. Please don't be afraid to post your thoughts...we've all seen the changes.


    Everything I need is within me!

    Global Consciouness

    I'm just now learning things beyond my usual sphere of knowledge.
    I have found that there is much more to us than we give ourselves credit for and that the energies inside us can make a difference.
    I'll keep diving into my inner pool and see what I can find.
    I'm not afraid but I am curious.


      Global Consciouness

      Brightlite - as you already know im a huge believer in collective consciousness and there have been many studies proving it can work to lower crime rates around the world.
      Are you aware of the Global Coherence Initiative? They actually organize collective focus times and have a great website, they are part of "heartmath" which is a science using the energy of our hearts. I am also a huge fan of the work of Greg Bradden who also researches these studies.

      I am reasonably in tune with energies and when you are with others with similar beliefs and positive outlooks it completely changes how you feel compared to when you interact with negative vibes. If more of us can turn away from focusing on the things that are wrong and look at whats right, together we can make a difference
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        Global Consciouness

        I am gonna check out that website Chill, nice thread Bright! too Pops x
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          Global Consciouness

          environmental responsibility, personal coherence, planetary consciousness, social harmony - Global Coherence Initiative

          Heres the link for anyone interested
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            Global Consciouness

            Thanks Chill x
            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

            AF 10th May 2010
            NF 12th May 2010


              Global Consciouness

              There are all kinds of people out there right now offering ways to help you shift your consciousness, to awaken it and stay awake, to raise your vibration and keep it there. What's lovely is that there are all kinds of ways to do this. There are free telecasts constantly available to expose you to different people and their research and discoveries. You can find what rings true to you and delve into it! For yourself and the planet!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Global Consciouness

                All great info. Thanks everyone. Chill I'm going to check out the website. You are right....if enough of us can use our energies in a positive way....possibly the positive vibes will override some of the negative undercurrents in our world.

                Pops, I'm just learning and understanding this too. I like the concept.

                Everything I need is within me!


                  Global Consciouness

                  brightlite;1045414 wrote: We are living in inbalanced times...There are many things happening that I fear are dire to our life and civilization. I do believe however, if we unite as in consciousness we may have a chance.

                  I didn't want to post on the mainstream thread, but I believe many of you are in tune enough to know what I am talking about. Please don't be afraid to post your thoughts...we've all seen the changes.

                  Brightlite, can you please elaborate? For example, what to you define as 'inbalanced times' and what do you think has 'caused' this?

                  What do you mean by 'unite' in consciousness?

                  One example that i find interesting is the recent drought / flood paradigm that's been occurring in the world. I once heard that the reason we had droughts is that everybody was so conditioned to wanting 'good weather' (eg, sunny, nice, not raining), that our collective conscience contributed towards droughts. Now, all of a sudden, in some parts of the world, we are experiencing floods. I suppose the same theorists would say that we 'wished' for rain so much (our concience and attidudes have changed towards 'rain', we no longer perceive it as an inconvenience, but more as a priviledge or a necessity), that we now have an abundance of it. I know we've had an abundance of rain where i live.
                  One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                    Global Consciouness


                    I'm referring the the recent mass animal deaths, global climate change, dangerous CO2 levels, BP Oil spill, magnetic north shifting and polar icecaps melting. Our earth is unbalanced. There are many reasons and forces for this, some maybe we can change. We live in a re-active world we must look towards being pro-active.

                    I check a disaster website every morning and want to be able to focus and help the areas that are in critical situations. Since I cannot physically or financially go to these areas, I am hoping a global positive consciousness may prove to help. The disaster website is very scary....but take a look.

                    RSOE EDIS - Emergency and Disaster Information Service

                    Everything I need is within me!

