Ne, you should make an investment in Enduracin. It's not "slow niacin" which isn't real niacin, as far as cholesterol is concerned. It has flushing, but much much less. I can't take the flushing of normal niacin either, it's tolerable in tan people but not in pink people like me with rosacea. I feel like I'm having a heart attack on it. Even some B complexes get to me. Supersensitive me!
Phytosterols are also good for lowering cholesterol, they're plant derived and basically bind with food derived cholesterol and you eliminate instead of absorbing it. I mentioned to my doctor, as I was refusing statins, that I took that, fish oil, fiber and still my levels are high.
Because of the booze...... and the fact that I stopped with the enduracin when I relocated, I lost all my routines. Doctors don't always know about booze and high cholesterol, in my experience. Without their help, without statin, I lowered mine with daily fiber supplements, daily 1000 miligrams of DHA (found in fish oil, read the label carefully), daily enduracin (take niacin if you can tolerate it) and some of the other stuff recommended below. It improved my good cholsterol, lowered the bad stuff, and improved the ratio of triglycerides.
Here's the enduracin recommended by the author of the 8 Week Cholesterol Cure.
L-arginine, niacin, phytosterols, pantethine, calcium, vitamin c, b complex, cholesterol control without diet, 8 week cholesterol cure, linus pauling