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The Fat Thread
The Fat Thread
Has anyone used the HCG diet? I saw it on Dr Oz, it utilizes a pregnancy hormone to make your body burn your own fat. It's a short term low cal diet, and the primary concern is the amount of calories is too low. My takeaway was if you go medium low calories instead of low low calories, it's safer and Dr Oz seemed to think it was okay for short term use. This is the same hormone used in fertility treatment for couples trying to conceive. It's FDA approved for that purpose only.Tags: None
The Fat Thread
Yes, found one, but you guys aren't there!
Mixing and Subcutaneous Injection Instructions - HCG Diet Info Forums
The Fat Thread
Holy cow. Just when you think you have heard it all......I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on
There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.
The Fat Thread
Coalfire, having been the coal in the fire, one would think you'd heard it all.But after you walk the coals, with burned soles, you may walk further into the night of lightness, and discover worlds you never could fathom before.
Oh, it's tough to be verbose without the giant glug of AL. Not saying that I'm abstaining but ...
The Fat Thread
"discover worlds you never could fathom before." - You can say that again Brunn!
"My hairdresser did it. He gave me the instruction paperwork to read over and showed me the drops" -My hairdresser goes to weightwatchers and gave me a wash and blow dry. Im jealous Zen!
Ok I dont believe that this has reached this side of the Atlantic yet so Im fascinated. I can be the first of my friends to talk about it.
Hcg diet- why everybody is doing it daaaaarling!I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on
There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.
The Fat Thread
I am trying it starting March 29, after I have my follow-up doctor's visit. My doc has seen success with it so I'm giving it a shot. It's going to be tough, though...since giving up AL I have major sweets and grease (doughnuts and french fries) cravings.
The Fat Thread
I saw that segment on Dr. Oz- I think the amount of calories that you cut back to is like only 500 a day! That's so low- I would probably pass out! Seems dangerous to me-I prefer just low- carbing and exercise-oh, yeah and not drinking, helps!It's always YOUR choice!
The Fat Thread
Rusty, we'll have to keep up with each other, I'm hopefully starting Monday. Newcomer Information - HCG Diet Info Forums this website follows the 500 cal diet but has lots of helpful info otherwise. I'm not doing the 500 cals, I'm doing an 800+ calorie protocol by Diet Doc. I'm only doing four weeks to just test it out. I'll have doctor supervision and a nurse to call anytime I have questions or issues. I really need something to get me out of this rut, too bad there's not a HCG for AL's. I did read that AL's do well on it.
The drops are much less effective, according to most of what I've read. It is apparently difficult to know which drops are good and which aren't. And the doc I spoke to says you can take it orally or inject it, it just takes more medicine orally so more $$$, and can be less effecive by abou 30%.
We shall see, my pretties.Walking the coals for 30 days, will need some helping hands just to stay AF, much less stick myself. :l
The Fat Thread
Thread officially dedicated to Bruun's fatness
and hopefully obliteration thereof. Once I'm thin and rich (that DOES come with thin, right?), I'll rededicate to all others wishing to lose lbs, stones and kg.
I start dieting Monday, so according to several diets including Tim Ferris, I'm doing some loading prior to starting. I have not had an eclair in SO MANY YEARS, nor fettucinni, nor a scone. I guess the theory is you get your fat stores all full up, so you can withstand a very low calorie diet (high protein/low glyc/carb) more easily the first week you're on it. I'm only planning four weeks to start. And no, I don't plan to burn any muscle. I've read up. I just wanted a place to journal this, no need to read, folks, if you don't care to. Cheers.
The Fat Thread
"Once I'm thin and rich (that DOES come with thin, right?)," -Brunn:H Good luck Brunn we are here to cheer you on!I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on
There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.
The Fat Thread
Hey Bruun,
Thanks for the link to the HCG's very inspirational. Do you take the drops when you're loading? That seems to be a question a lot of people have but I have searched all over the forum and haven't found the answer yet.
The loading part sounds like fun....I broke down and ate a foot-long hotdog laden in grilled onions with a large order of fries for lunch yesterday. It was great while eating it but paying the price today. But I don't care. I'm from Wisconsin....we cheeseheads like meat and potatoes of any kind. My personal trainer wants me to eat more fish....blah blah blah...I can't get into fish unless it's fried. Perch, with fries, cole slaw and in my drinking days, washed down with a few glasses of a good Chardonnay!:H
Yup, thin AND rich...yup, it's a package deal Bruun!:H Then you can be very discriminating about the kind of guy you want.
I MUST MUST MUST lose 45 pounds before my niece's wedding. I have exactly 13 weeks.