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B12 Injections are my new fave drug

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    B12 Injections are my new fave drug

    At least I think that's what's revving me up.

    Or... It could just be the fat and protein I've added temporarily, but man, I'm a rocketship. I could actually exercise feeling like this. Normally I feel like lying in bed and sleeping, or reading, but really PRONE. Two days in a row taking B12 tiny injections and I'm zooming. Dang.


    B12 Injections are my new fave drug

    Wow-do you think that you were deficient or is that that the way they work?
    I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

    There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


      B12 Injections are my new fave drug


      I'm sure you were B-12 deficient. I was....and as soon as my doc got me on the Pure Encapsulations, I felt like I could take on the world I had so much energy.


        B12 Injections are my new fave drug

        I take a very expensive holistic liquid B multi daily, and feel no difference. I've been given recommendations by naturalpaths for certain vitamins and felt no difference. This was incredible. I bought more online today.

        I think from drinking, my body can't absorb nutrients well. Maybe this only applies to those who have gut problems.

        However, it's also part of this diet I'm going on, which people swear the B12 injections get them through where otherwise they'd fade bac like.

        I think it's exciting. My old naturalpath gives B12 shots but I couldn't stomach the cost. You can buy online cheap!!!!!!!! YAHOOO! I think my friends with immune problems will feel better with it, I'm prepared to stick it to'em and damn the topedos I may get in response to THAT.


          B12 Injections are my new fave drug

          where can you buy them on-line? Thanks!


            B12 Injections are my new fave drug


            By the way, my b12 was at the high end the last two years I've had it tested. Very high. I think the B12 shots have more than just B12, I believe B6 and more is in them. That may be what I was lacking despite all my supplementing. Forgot to mention one supplement I use on top of the liquid B, I use Methyl B-12 as well.

            Also think all the B's straight into the bloodstream help with the AL impact/hangover if that applies.


              B12 Injections are my new fave drug

              Oh Bruun, I just spent over an hour writing you a response on this, and poof, kids want ice cream, and abacadabra! {simmer}

              What I had formulated so nicely and cannot reformulate now is that ...ohh this is just too painful...

              It has been shown that patients who have autoimmune thyroid disease also have pernicious anemia (vitamin B12 deficiency) and gluten intolerance. Pernicious anemia can occur when the body is producing antibodies to intrinsic factor which is required for vitamin B12 utilization. Many studies have linked gluten intolerance to autoimmune thyroid by a mechanism called molecular mimicry. This occurs when the body's immune system identifies a dietary protein such as gluten foreign to the body but also attacks it's own tissue which is tagged by the immune system. Constant intake of gluten will lead to a constant attack on the ingested protein as well as thyroid tissue. Destruction of the thyroid cells lead to increased amounts of thyroid hormone circulation leading to symptoms such as anxiety, tremors, hot flashes and rapid heart rate. These symptoms can significantly improve on a gluten-free diet.

              Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

              So, what I can and tried to add is that you can take B-12 supplements until you are red in the face or thigh or tongue and it will show up in your blood at high levels, but it doesn't mean you body is taking it up, assimilating it.

              I am so kicking myself here (and it's easy to do when you have as much practice as I do), because I wrote such a good response.

              I have Hashimoto's Disease, which is a form of hypothyroidism (which strikes about 5% of women over 40 in the U.S., which is quite a lot, I think, if you do the numbers).

              I'm sorry, this is so hard. one wrong hit of a key...

              Anyway, taking B-12 injections gets around the absorption problem. And, I must add, for the squeamish, this is easy to self-administer with teeny tiny needles that look like part of a kids game, and it is completely painless. I can recommend it highly for those who want to get over personal problems with needles. This did it for me.

              I used to take it once a month (on prescription), and noticed little difference, except a burst of energy for a few hours after the shot.

              I now have my own personal drug dealer to supply me with the stuff, so I can take it more often -- still not sure about the effect.

              I've heard that movies stars take it for energy... or?
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                B12 Injections are my new fave drug

                :thanks:Oh Beatle, I'm so sorry, but I'm also thankful that you tried again and for all your efforts. You always have something valuable to add. Did you actually remember I'm on thyroid meds? If so, I'm astounded.

                I don't have Hashis, at least according to all blood tests of antibodies and free T3/4, etc. But I do think I have the absorption problem and I have always thought it was due to my screwed up GI system.

                When I was in my early 30's, maybe 31, I started having horrible chronic diarrhea and stomach flu symptoms, could not sleep, and was tested for ulcers. No dice, but Dr rx'd prevacid, after which I promptly felt better but steadily gained weight. Now I read prevacid is associated with weight gain for some people.

                My GI problems were AL related. I didn't realize it at the time, none of my drinking friends had that problem. I was the healthiest eater and exerciser and I had this problem?

                Anyways, back to the B12 shots. I ordered some online and am thinking about taking them on a regular basis. I'm also AF, so expect my GI to heal up over time which means I might absorb from food and vits more.

                Thanks again for all your efforts. I remember how awful it was to type on high dose bac, and I can only admire your huge efforts at this.


                  B12 Injections are my new fave drug

                  you are too kind.

                  I don't believe in the standard T3/T4 tests.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    B12 Injections are my new fave drug

                    Interesting, because I'm basically going against my GP's wishes and seeing a doctor out of my insurance (cash pay) who will let me prescribe by symptoms for myself. However, being an AL addict, hard to know when it's AL impact or thyroid. I am on porcine thyroid at 2grain/day based on my symptoms using Stop the Thyroid Madness protocol. It's helped alot, but the doctors are both telling me my labs are out of whack and they're worried too much thyroid med will impact my dexa score negatively (bone health).

                    My body has so many issues, I always thought alot of them were due to AL but so many friends didn't have my issues and did AL as much or even more than me. Now that I'm off AL (for now, anyways, can't promise I'll never fail at AF) I'm hoping some of this stuff will be easier to ferret out and hopefully reduce the HBP and high cholesterol somewhat further.

                    Are your labs out of whack?


                      B12 Injections are my new fave drug

                      I don't know what labs being out of whack means. My T3 or was it T4 were pretty high so I was prescribed a synthroid drug. Starting at 25mg/day, testing every 6 weeks, worked up to 125mg/day, at which my levels were within "normal" range.

                      I looked into this partly through Stop the Thyroid Madness, partly through a friend of a friend, and mostly through Dr. Lowe

                      Fibromyalgia: A symptom pattern of hypothyroidism or thyroid hormone resistance

                      ftr, I won't take the pig thyroids for many reasons.

                      But I don't believe the synthroid is doing much except lower my T levels to within "normal" -- which again, is a matter of some contention.

                      One doctor told me I needed to be between 0 and 1. Another doctor told me up to 5 was fine. A specialist -- as in super specialist -- told me he wouldn't do anything until 10. i believe the standard "accepted" level is up to 3 or 4, although it was up to 5 a few years ago.

                      You know, it's been so long since I looked into this, that I'm not remembering what's what. I basically gave up that the medical establishment had anything to add, and I take my syntroud every day (100mg) while I concentrate on beating Al first.

                      If I could afford it and I lived in the U.S., I would fly to Dr. Lowe and put myself in his hands.... I think. Again, it's been on the back burner for a long time.

                      Hopefully, I'll be back at it soon.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        B12 Injections are my new fave drug

                        Labs meaning blood tests were out of "normal" range. I agree AL requires priority!

                        Thanks for the link, my cousin has fibro, I'll send it to her right now.

