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Feeling sick

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    Feeling sick

    I am just over 2 weeks AF and started taking multi-vits,b complex, omega 3, evening primrose oil after the first few days (as soon as I was able to get them down). Yesterday I uped my dosage of b comples, omega 3 and evening primrose oil to 1 capsule 3 x day, and by evening I was feeling sick and not at all good. Today I have decided to go to 1 capsule of each 2 x day and am still feeling sick. I had already ordered kudzu, l-glut and milk thisle on-line and am now worried about taking even more suppliments when they arrive.

    Does anyone else have experience of feeling sick after taking suppliments or any idea which one it may be thats making me feel like this. I dont want to stop them because I think in the long run they should help me. I have been trying to stop drinking for years and been off and on the al in all this time, I want to put everything I can into sobriety now and am willing to try almost anything that could help me.


    Feeling sick

    I had a bad allergic reaction to one of the B vitamins (can't remember which one now) in tablet form. Only took one and had immediate heart palpitations, shakiness, hot and sweaty etc. Never touched them since! So I suppose people react differently to different things.

    You could try stopping them all for a day, then reintroducing them one at a time to see how you react to them. And make sure you're not taking more than the recommended dose.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      Feeling sick

      Good advice Marshy. You might also call your local health food store and ask them. I love the folks at mine...they are very knowledgable and helpful. You might need to see which ones go with food or should have an empty stomach. I used to take all of mine first thing and soon felt like crap. Now I space them over the day.

      Good luck
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        Feeling sick

        Marshy;1080043 wrote: I had a bad allergic reaction to one of the B vitamins (can't remember which one now) in tablet form. Only took one and had immediate heart palpitations, shakiness, hot and sweaty etc. Never touched them since! So I suppose people react differently to different things.

        You could try stopping them all for a day, then reintroducing them one at a time to see how you react to them. And make sure you're not taking more than the recommended dose.
        probably Niacin
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Feeling sick

          Space, the only thing you took that I think could make you feel sick is the B vits, and specifically the niacin. Google side effects of niacin and see if that matches how you felt. If this isn't the case, I'd say you are allergic to a filler in something, an additive. I wouldn't demonize all supps due to this reaction, but I realize it will take time to get adjusted after this has happened. Eliminate the B and see how you feel. THEN add it in slowly later, because AL really depletes B's and you need them badly.

          Niacin is an important supplement to create a tolerance to. It can vastly reduce cholesterol like statins do, at high doses, but like statins, it can be hard on the liver. It's natural and not chemical though, so likely safer and obviously at lower doses essential to get used to because of AL.


            Feeling sick

            Thanks for the replies, I will give the b vits a miss tommorrow and see how I feel, if I'm ok I will then re-start next week at a lower dose and see how it goes. I have taken these before but a different brand and a lower dose and had no problems so I will also try getting some of the old brand it may be something else used to make the tablets thats amking me ill.


              Feeling sick

              greeneyes;1080079 wrote: probably Niacin
              I had no idea niacin had that effect on some people. Wasn't it always listed as an ingredient on children's breakfast cereal? I'm sure I remember it on Rice Krispies and the like.
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                Feeling sick

                I take 1 Niacin tablet just at night, as my doctor prescribed, and I've had no ill effects whatsover. Reduced my cholestrol from my drinking days @420 to just a little above 200. I think your side effects are all the supps and vitamins on an empty stomach or just an overload of healthy stuff after drinking for years. Good luck to you and let us know how you're doing.


                  Feeling sick

                  Signs & Symptoms of a Niacin Allergy |

                  Quite common, apparently.

                  AK - that's good advice about asking at the health food store - the people at mine are very helpful too.
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    Feeling sick

                    Rusty, I had to smile when I read your post about overload of healthy stull after years of drinking, youve got a point there, my body is probably so shocked at getting any nutrients at all never mind the amount I have suddenly put into it, I have reduced the amount Im taking, changing brands of the b vits and then I will take them with food.
                    Thanks everyone


                      Feeling sick

                      I take a huge handful of supplements in the morning with food & again at dinnertime.
                      Taking anything on an empty stomach causes me problems.
                      Take your supps with your meals - should help
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Feeling sick

                        spacebebe01;1080013 wrote: I am just over 2 weeks AF and started taking multi-vits,b complex, omega 3, evening primrose oil after the first few days (as soon as I was able to get them down). Yesterday I uped my dosage of b comples, omega 3 and evening primrose oil to 1 capsule 3 x day, and by evening I was feeling sick and not at all good. Today I have decided to go to 1 capsule of each 2 x day and am still feeling sick. I had already ordered kudzu, l-glut and milk thisle on-line and am now worried about taking even more suppliments when they arrive.

                        Does anyone else have experience of feeling sick after taking suppliments or any idea which one it may be thats making me feel like this. I dont want to stop them because I think in the long run they should help me. I have been trying to stop drinking for years and been off and on the al in all this time, I want to put everything I can into sobriety now and am willing to try almost anything that could help me.

                        I take a Vitamin B complex daily. I would feel sick when I took it on an empty stomach. Are you taking them before you have something to eat? I found taking them after I ate solved feeling sick completely.


                          Feeling sick

                          I did reduce the vit b then increased it it back up again and dont feel sick now I also changed brands.

