"...Modern cognitive therapy, developed by psychotherapists such as Dr Albert Ellis and Dr Aaron Beck, is based on the idea that our upsetting emotions and maladaptive behaviors are caused by distortions in thinking and irrational believs. The therapy focuses on helping the patient systematically identify, examine, and correct these distortions in thinking. The corrective thoughts, in a sense, become an antidote to the distorted thinking patterns that are the source of the patien's suffering.
Ex:- a person is rejected by another and responds with excessive feelings of hurt. The cognitive therapist first helps the person identify the underlying irrational belief: for ex. I must be loved and approved of by almost every significant person in my life at all times, or if not it is hoorible and I'm unworthy. The therapist then presents the person with evidence that challenges this unrealistic believe....in depression..., cognitive therapists argue that it is one's negative self-defeating thoughts that underlying the depression..... In depression, thinking can become distorted by viewing events in all--or-nothing terms or overgeneralizing (e.g if you loose a job ..., you automatically think. I'm a total failure! or by selectively perceiving only certain events (e.g 3 good things and 2 bad things may happen in one day, but the depressed person ignores the good and only focus on the bad). So in treating the depression, the patient is encouraged to monitor the automatic arising of negative thoughts (e.g I'm completely worthless) and actively correct these distorted thoughts by gathering information nd evidence that contradict or disprove it (e.g I have worked hard to raise two children,, I have a talent for singing, I have been a good friend, etc). Investigators have proven that by replacing these distorted modes of thinking with accurate information, one can bring about change in one's feelings and improve one's mood." HOWARD C. CUTLER
Hope there are some of you that found this info helpful. I do.
Have a nice Sunday.
Best regards from out Africa!