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L glutamine safety.

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    L glutamine safety.

    Hi SebastianMacGregor,

    Yes. I really like this Doc. He is one of the very few that is worth listening to.
    You need to stay out from the current healthcare system (? - is it a system?)
    as much as you can do.

    My absolute favorite is Dr. Rosedale though!

    Welcome to Dr.Rosedale's Website

    I wish more people would follow his low carb recommendations.

    I love it! He is great!




      L glutamine safety.

      I pay attention to a number of schools of thought, doctors etc. Cause not one has it right exactly.

      In no order of importance, Im a big fan of Peter Adamo (Blood Type diet), Mercola, Primal (Mark Sisson), David "Avocado" Wolfe, Orthomolecular Medicine. There is probably more but that where most of my info comes from-- O I almost forgot, I gotta give a shout out lol... to Tim Ferris-4 Hour Body/4 Hour Work Week. Oh ans special mention, Doctor Atkins. His explanation of blood sugar, insulin--no one has explained it better. Do I think he was perfect? No, but he got a lot of things right.

      I'll have to check out Rosedale.
      Thanks for the mention.
      ?Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.?
      ― Albert Einstein


        L glutamine safety.

        I can attest to the healing properties of LGlutamine for gut repair. Never really found it effective as an anti craving support. I used 2X 5gms daily for approximately four years to heal my gut. Prior to that I suffered bloating, cycles of constipation/IBS. I also gave up prepared foods, sugar and wheat for those four years. Slowly the wheat has crept back in--not alot--but zero is better for my blood type.
        Psalms 119:45

        ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

        St. Francis of Assisi

        I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



          L glutamine safety.

          SMac, if you're a fan of mercola, google mercola and blaylock or just check out (I think I have the spelling right). I'd be interested in your thoughts.

