I'm wondering if other people have noticed differences between brands. I was taking NOW capsules and was still battling very intense sugar cravings. In the last week I switched to Source Naturals powder form, and the cravings seem to be vastly reduced and I've now been sugar free again for a number of days. Easily.
I've always heard powder is better for immediate relief, but I'm taking L-Glut throughout the day in smaller doses. Does powder really make THAT much difference over capsules? Or do you think it's the brand?
I'm wondering what other people have experienced on two fronts:
1) What differences in efficacy did you notice between powder and capsules (not cost factors).
2) What differences did you notice between brands, and which brands do you like the best?
Edit: I haven't had an AL craving in a long time now. When I first quit drinking, I resisted the urge to replace AL with sugar - I followed the guidelines in the My Way Out book. I let sugar creep into my picture in the last 18 months or so. For me, sugar cravings can be just as intense as the AL cravings used to be.