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    It's probably been discussed here, but has anyone had experience with this?

    From Wiki:

    Rhodiola rosea may be effective for improving mood and alleviating depression. Pilot studies on human subjects[2][3][4] showed that it improves physical and mental performance, and may reduce fatigue. Rhodiola rosea's effects are potentially mediated by changes in serotonin and dopamine levels.

    Rhodiola rosea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Rhodiola Cures and Side Effects

    From this website:

    Rhodiola Cures and Side Effects
    Updated: 05/20/2011

    Rhodiola is a powerful anti-aging and anti-stress formula that is very popular in Russia. It is finally gaining momentum in Europe and North America. In Russia, Rhodiola is commonly given to astronauts, soldiers, athletes and aging political leaders! It reportedly helps with fatigue and mental performance. Athletes take it to improve endurance & performance as it aids in the restoration of strength with increased physical loads. We know people taking Rhodiola who are severely sleep-deprived due to odd working hours or stress. Rather than walking zombies, they are alert and well functioning. The difference is quite amazing apparently.

    Rhodiola is typically taken by long distance drivers, flight personnel, traffic controllers and the elderly for increased attention.

    Soviet studies have shown that Rhodiola rosea, when combined with physical exercise, can be a powerful tool in weight reduction as it activates of fat-tissue lipase, resulting in the breakdown of stored fat.

    A Chinese animal study has shown that Rhodiola slowed heart rate and lowered blood pressure. Russian and Korean animal studies have shown that rhodiola protects the liver and can help it recover from exposure to certain poisons.

    Rhodiola is known to be a powerful antioxidant and may be used in treating cancer. Studies have shown that rhodiola reduced the cell mutations associated with cancer as well as help the body's ability to repair DNA mutations.

    WARNINGS: Rhodiola can cause anxiety and the "jitters". Be cautious about buying a brand that also contains caffeine.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



    Hi, Beatle.

    I have an entire shelf of supplements I've bought over the past few years, and some I can't remember why I bought them!! Bee Pollen, AlphaLipoic, and others. Rhodiola Rosea is another one, so thanks for this information! I plan to start back on a whole list of supplements this week, and will add the RR. Will check to see if it has caffeine. Don't remember being jittery.

    Thansk, and have a great AF day! That's my plan!

    "One day at a time."



      Thanks for the information on this Beatle and it makes for interesting reading. I find that I am very tired by the end of a working week, I do a fair amount of driving and need to be alert to juggle the day to day 'stuff'. My day starts at 6am and I'm very lucky if i am finished at 6pm. And while my sleeping patterns are getting back to more normal levels recently I do suffer a bit from 'work irelated insommnia' now and again. I'm eating healthily these days and exercising at least 3 or 4 times a week also meditating daily to help my stress levels but something like this might be worth adding for a month to see if there is any improvement in my fatigue levels (apart from getting another job).

      I've had a look on Amazon and ordered some so I'll keep a journal and post my thoughts on here. I like the fact that this is herbal as I am very reluctant to take any prescription meds now.

      Dewdrop :h
      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....



        Hi there - I have taken rhodiola on and off for years - it is an amazing supplement in my eyes. I take it when I get super depressed - just a couple for the first dose, then one a few times a day for a few days. it is very subtle in the way it works, but I find myself forgetting to take it as the depression lifts. I have given it to a few different people and everyone has had the same results - but I always get the best one I can - I get the New Chapter Rhodiola Force 300. My daughter got the 100 and it just wasn't as good - I guess you get what you pay for. I recommend it - but have only taken it for depression and short periods of time.

        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....



          can you mix it with anti depressants Sunni??
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem



            Yes you can - I take Celexa, but when I feel a deep dark one coming on, I start the Rhodiola - and it does help - within a few days - it is very subtle but really does help.
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....



              Hi Zen - the label on mine reads : Rhodiola rosea root 300 mg
              hydroethanolic extract (min 5.4% total rosavins and min 0.9% salidrosides).

              the suggested use with this dosage is 1 daily, but when i start out with them I take 2 as a first dose, then 1 a 2nd and 3rd time daily, then the 2nd day take 1 x 3 daily then the 3rd day, take 1 x 2 daily and so on taking 1 x2 a day. I usually find by day 7 or 8 I am forgetting to take them as I feel fine again. I rarely take them for longer than a week - but then I take them when i get really down in the dumps not for any other reason. I think they are brilliant.

              Sun X
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....



                Very interesting sunny. And thank you so much for that.

                I can't tolerate SSRIs (or any antidepressant), so this should represent a possible alternative. I'm thinking that lithium orotate at night and Rhodiola in the day might make a good all-round natural AD.

                My problem is more than the depression, though. It's more a bipolar thing. I guess I would call it drastic mood swings. And when you're on an up, you don't think you need much and forget about it :happy:.

                On a downswing, everything looks the opposite of "rosy"!:egad:
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                  Hi Beatle - my sister won't take anything from the doc - but takes Rhodiola- I am not sure that with the more bi-polar thing, it would help - but I don't see why not - and because it works relatively quickly - in a matter of a day or two - (but is very subtle) it is really good - and as I said, when I am feeling fine, I forget to take it so it doesn't matter if you don't take it when you are fine - it isn't like a RX med where you have to take it all the time.

                  Good luck !

                  hugs, sun X
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....



                    Hi Zen, it's hard getting used to your new avatar. It's kind of disconcerting (creepy?) (to me), and I am a cat person (and a stone person and a zen person).

                    Anyway, enough distraction (I'll scroll down so the avatar is hidden)--

                    I have started taking lith oro again after a long break, non-intentional... just sort of forgot about it as my different lists and schedules of supps -- vites, aminos, herbs, etc. -- grew longer and more complicated. I pared down my focus to vites, aminos and baclofen. (And that's not a little list, either)

                    Thanks again for the info Sunny. I'm really tired right now, so please forgive. zzzzz
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                      Hi Zen,

                      Thanks for that info and that list of extra supps (beyond vitamins, etc.)

                      I do aminos, and have for years (after reading and following the protocol of "Seven Weeks to Sobriety". This is a book I HIGHLY recommend for all people interested in and committed to non-med healing. Both to get off alcohol and, if you are already AF, EQUALLY to balance your body and brain chemistry so as to best repair damage and make it easier to remain AF. I seriously cannot recommend this book more. It will also give you an extensive, very precise, regime for getting and staying AF, and for healing your body through vites, aminos, and diet. It also explains what the different supps do and why they are important.)

                      Come to think of it, I threw out this book long ago, in a fit of paranoia that somebody would discover it and my secret would be out, and now it's time for me to get a new one,and get back on that routine, although I have incorporated much of it into my routine already based on reading and following it 2 years ago.

                      NOTE: This book and protocol did not keep me AF (I started it right after a detox, and so was AF at that time).I started to drink on it only a week into the protocol, stupidly thinking the protocol would heal my brain and body, so WTF, I don't need to keep white knuckling it.My conclusion is that you HAVE to white knuckle it NO MATTER WHAT (this is just for me, maybe not others) and you need to use an extreme amount of willpower to get and stay AF (IMHO)! This applies also to baclofen (for me) -- nothing, absolutely nothing, has ever got me sober other than detoxing at extreme discomfort, often dangerous discomfort, and staying AF from day one after getting sober takes will power will power will power. (I don't really like that term, because, well, I think it's wrong. But tha's another discussion entirely. I once started a thread about what will power means on General Disc, and got loads of interesting responses. If you are interested in what will power means, I recommend this thread. (I can't find it and put the link here because, frankly, the MWO search function is crap. I can't use the inordinate amount of time to find threads or posts --often without success -- it takes to find anything on this site. I use search all over the place on all kinds of forums and in my daily research my work, so I am no novice at this. And the MWO is pure crap, and it diminishes this site's use for me incredibly.)

                      So guys, if you are committed to healing and staying AF without using meds, get this book for crying out loud.

                      This book also calls for lith oro, and several other unconventional supps that most people don't even know about.

                      NOTE: The Seven Weeks regime is extreme on supps. You won't be taking just a handful, you will be taking several handfuls morning, noon and night. And in between meals as well. It doesn't matter if you follow the routine or not, though, because this is a bible of supps explanations and advice. I have never seen anything like this for supps anywhere else.

                      So back to Zen's wonderful information about her supps that saved her. I would definitely add milk thistle to this, and lots of it. If you have been drinking heavily or over a long period of time, it is inevitable that you have damaged your liver. It will depend on how long and how much you have been drinking and (very important) your genetics. Only about 50% of people who drink heavily long term develop cirrhosis (not sure where I read this, maybe Seven Weeks), and I know for one that my liver should be ruined from 20 years of heavy drinking, and although I have liver issues, it doesn't appear to be ruined and I attribute this to a combination of genetics (i.e. I got lucky in that one aspect, although very unlucky in terms of addiction propensity), and heavy use of milk thistle over the past 15 years.

                      This herb is the only one that I know of that is actually proven to help heal the liver and actually is said to be able to reverse cirrhosis (this part I'm not sure I believe, but, ok).

                      So people, please take it the MT in large quantities. This is the most important advice I can give for healing the liver.

                      OK, this became a tome, and it's the middle of the night, but seriously, this is really essential advice here (IMHO), and I have an urge, no, a NEED, to pass on knowledge I have gained through research and experience, and this post contains just about everything I have to impart in one place, albeit it in very abridged form.

                      Feedback, as always, welcome.

                      Good night, good people.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                        Also, here is a post I made on a different thread:

                        Milk Thistle is the number one. No question. It is documented to halt liver damage and in some cases reverse it. Google it for details.

                        (I'm not plugging this site, but I've done a lot of research on this, and although I do not buy many of my supplements from this site, I can say without a doubt that MWO sells a potent milk thistle product that also contains synergistic herbs. And it is competitive in price with other brands.)


                        – NAC (this is what they use in hospitals for critical detox of acetaminophen overdoses (which is the liver) -- is good to take every day if you have liver issues.

                        – Taurine is good for the liver (and calming, and good for brain power -- what more could you ask?)

                        –CoQ10 (please google this, as I've only heard it from other people)

                        – and, of course, mega Bs.

                        Detox tea:
                        I also recommend detox tea as often as you can (I like Yogi brand -- it tastes so good. But there are other brands out there, that's just my taste.)

                        Hope this helps.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                          rhodelia and astagalus

                          have changed my life. Both noticably elevate mood and increase energy, it's very subtle but powerful. Astagalus is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Try Swanson's Vitamins for amazing prices and excellent service. Of course the milk thistle, and I tried a few times to get the Baclofen people to do kidney one seemed interested. Bac goes out through the kidneys...taking those high amounts...eeek. Uva ursi for the kidneys. Beatle, maybe you can get this out there to the Bac folks. I worry



                            Anne - I am so pleased to see someone else say that Rhodiola is good but subtle - that is is the best way I could descibe it! I think it is excellent stuff!

                            Hugs, Sun X
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....



                              Zenstyle;1120265 wrote: Hiya Beatle! Thanks for the info!

                              I've read Seven Weeks to Sobriety. It was due to that info and the info in the Gersten articles that I started taking higher doses of aminos (I've always taken an amino blend, but just at the recommended dosage on the bottle).

                              (I followed up on a Gersten article you posted ages ago and found the set of archives... here's the link, in case you don't have it... Archives - Columns - March 2004 to October 2009 ).
                              Thanks for that!

                              Zenstyle;1120265 wrote:
                              I've been using supps since I was 27 (I'm 48) and I've gleaned a bit of know how over the years. I reckon you and I probably take pretty much the same supplements, judging from posts of yours I've read in the past and the above posts. Its good to know that someone else is using the same protocol I am... I think we're on the right track!

                              I've been on Milk Thistle and NAC for about 5 years now, everything else you mentioned since whenever... i.e. too far back for my AL brain to remember when I started taking them!!! I take a slew of other things too... maybe we should swap lists of what we take, we might find something we've missed... there's SO much out there in the way of supps, its an arduous task to research everything.
                              I agree that it is an arduous task to research everything. That's why we should share as much as possible here. I know a lot about a lot of supps, but there is a lot I don't know. I want to share what I have learned from experience and research (why reinvent the wheel. right?... I don't think that was the right metaphor, actually), and I can benefit from others' experience and research.

                              As for swapping lists, we could do it with PM or on here (if it might benefit others). My list is WAY pared down, and specific to my needs, though.
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

