RC, thanks for your recommendation and the Mercola D synthesis info. I'll have to check that out, most definitely. I have several non drinking friends with low D and both interestingly have osteopenia, thankfully I'm too much of a muscle woman to have that. Plus if you weigh under 125, you're more at risk which I certainly do not weigh. LOL
Regarding the omegas, I take fish oil regularly - thanks for the link to the site to check it out. I had my holistic doctor read the label and he said it was better than most brands, but I'll like to see for myself. I also have a couple tablespoons of ground flax daily, which hopefully doesn't contain rancid oils because I don't grind it, I buy it ground. Do you have an opinion on that? I buy a pound at a time in the bulk bin area so I wonder about freshness. I'd rather take psyllium if my flax is rancid, the free radicals could be enjoying a field day.
My skin is dry due to AL. I was off AL for two weeks or so and I looked ten years younger. And I'm very fair living in a sunny state, so I have skin on my forearms and hands that's starting to look very old. I moisturize all the time.
Thanks again for sharing all your knowledge!
PS - I find supplementing with D makes me able to tolerate direct sunshine better and enjoy it too.