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Alert: Dangers of Fluoride!

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    Alert: Dangers of Fluoride!

    Excellent health danger warning information. Remember folks, knowledge is POWER!

    Fluoride Action Network
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

    Alert: Dangers of Fluoride!

    Thanks Techie, I've long since been concerned with this industrial waste byproduct in our drinking water!!! I added at great expense a whole house water filter because of it. I've read all sorts of things about flouride. I'm glad to know how to take action, thank you! Love this link!


      Alert: Dangers of Fluoride!


      I only started research on this this week.
      Industrial waste indeed! Sodium fluoride fro the scrubbers of fertilizer or aluminium factories. It contains a lot more than fluoride, lead, berrylium, arsenic and sometimes even uranium. I am ordering a benchtop distiller (the retailer has agreed to let me pay it off how nice!) I went for that over a filter unit or bottled water for the following reasons;
      There wont be any temptation to stretch the life of filters for financial reasons and ending up with the filtration not being effective. I have free power so it will cost less ongoing. I was considering bottled water but read a couple of negative reports of substitution.
      Can't wait to see the first lot of residue, actually to show it to my doubting Thomas neighbour.
      I've also foound a dentist who will remove and replace my amalgams under my disability plan - that was a days research on it's own
      " I'm not trying to counsel any of you to do anything really special, except to dare to think and to dare to go with the truth and to dare to love completely." -R. Buckminster Fuller


        Alert: Dangers of Fluoride!

        You might want to read some real info regarding fluoride and why it is added to water.

        Water fluoridation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        My father and brother are both dentists, and they say there is a noticable difference in the dental hygiene of people who have fluoride added to their water as opposed to countries that don't. (western Europe is a good example) It's an inexpensive solution that has never been proven to have any negative effects....(Don't believe the propaganda). Basically much to do about nothing. Also silver fillings will not harm you. It's just a ploy to get money out of you or your insurance company to do something that doesn't need to be done...and the porceline fillings don't last as long, so you might need them replaced more than once.

        I am all for natural health solutions, but sometimes simple things that have been done over long periods of time, like water fluoridation and silver fillings are the correct answer. I really don't think my Dad and my brother would try to poison me and my kids, and they went to school and studied this stuff and are in the know about health and dentistry. (This isn't a bash, just letting you know what people who I trust, love and respect think.


          Alert: Dangers of Fluoride!

          Supercrew;1270190 wrote: You might want to read some real info regarding fluoride and why it is added to water.

          Water fluoridation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          My father and brother are both dentists, and they say there is a noticable difference in the dental hygiene of people who have fluoride added to their water as opposed to countries that don't. (western Europe is a good example) It's an inexpensive solution that has never been proven to have any negative effects....(Don't believe the propaganda). Basically much to do about nothing. Also silver fillings will not harm you. It's just a ploy to get money out of you or your insurance company to do something that doesn't need to be done...and the porceline fillings don't last as long, so you might need them replaced more than once.

          I am all for natural health solutions, but sometimes simple things that have been done over long periods of time, like water fluoridation and silver fillings are the correct answer. I really don't think my Dad and my brother would try to poison me and my kids, and they went to school and studied this stuff and are in the know about health and dentistry. (This isn't a bash, just letting you know what people who I trust, love and respect think.
          Thankyou for a bit of sanity.
          Mr Rags is a dentist, and there is SO much mis information about flouride and amalgam fillings. And you never hear these same people complaining about the dangers of petro-chemicalfillings .....


            Alert: Dangers of Fluoride!

            techie;1151249 wrote: Excellent health danger warning information. Remember folks, knowledge is POWER!

            Fluoride Action Network
            SorryTechie, it isn't.

