Bebe if you have a good blender it might be easier to use making juices if you make them right. The clean up is a snap. Just fill it back up with hot water and a drop of dish soap then blend on high for a couple of minutes. Rinse and air dry ready for next time. I cleaned out a drawer and that makes mine handier. Stevia is my sweetener of choice. There are many out there...if you find it bitter then try another brand. Keep up the good work!
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Fighting Cancer with Nutrition
Fighting Cancer with Nutrition
Bebe if you have a good blender it might be easier to use making juices if you make them right. The clean up is a snap. Just fill it back up with hot water and a drop of dish soap then blend on high for a couple of minutes. Rinse and air dry ready for next time. I cleaned out a drawer and that makes mine handier. Stevia is my sweetener of choice. There are many out there...if you find it bitter then try another brand. Keep up the good work!Psalms 119:45
?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?
St. Francis of Assisi
I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.
Fighting Cancer with Nutrition
Damn, Ive got plenty of carrots celery and cucumber, dont know what kale is, but I was in the shop ad had ginger in my hand wondering what I wanted it for and couldnt remember so I didnt get it, I just looked back at that juice recipe of yours RC and realise now. Oh well not the end of the world. RC, can you make the juice in a blender with those veggies? that sounds so much easier. Another thing I worry about is all the waste from the juicer, surely that stuff is good for you but it all goes on the compost heap, why?
Fighting Cancer with Nutrition
I have a high powered blender called a vitamix so nothing gets thrown out but the trimmings from preparation. I used to be diligent with composting but need to get back to that. I find if I put enough water in it is slightly thick but fine. If your blender isn't strong enough then you'll have to use the juicer I guess. As for the fibre left over you can use it in muffins or soups. Caution though, if you're not using organic veggies you may find the "sludge" unpalatable for use. Organic leftover fibres are completely different. You can certainly make the juice without the kale but adding kale increases the nutritional value immensely. There are so many combinations to try!Psalms 119:45
?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?
St. Francis of Assisi
I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.
Fighting Cancer with Nutrition
RingingCedars;1342325 wrote: I can attest to all this. For my age (52) I have very little wrinkling(except for my wtf forehead lines lol), facial hairs, hormonal issues...etc. just wanted to add to the soda and salt references Brian if you don't mind?
Brian is correct that we need salt, however, use unrefined grey sea salt(Northern Britain less contaminated) or himalayan salt as they are full of earth's trace minerals and are actually heart healthy. You will likely find that you use less as the minerals make it saltier tasting, but don't be afraid to use it!
Also, if one must drink soda drink a regular sugary soda without artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners are PURE EVIL to the body.
Going to make a carrot, celery, kale, cucumber and ginger juice now....cheers!
Hi Chillgirl and one2many!
Glad to hear your success Chillgirl!
I wanted to mention a couple of more things. One of them is why do we say you need salt,
when all the doctors say you need to cut back on salt.
Our body runs on electricity. That is how the brain communicates with the cells through nerves. Distilled water doe's not conduct electricity, so we need minerals to be able to have
the communications. Your tear, your sweat, your blood is all salty. I have read it somewhere that the human body has about a pound of salt. I use Himalayan salt by the way, that RC mentioned.
Here is a link to one of Dr. Young's clip about salt eating:[/video]]Dr. Robert Young - Raw Food Alkaline Diet - YouTube
Your body's pH I believe is also very important.
More alkalizing food you eat, healthier you are.
No doctors dispute that!
Here is how your bottled water measure up on the pH scale if you are interested:
Beverage P H Orp Test Results
Finally I would like to mention how I juice my vegetables.
I like to have a pint or a half liter of celery juice in the morning before breakfast.
I normally have a raw avocado for breakfast and raw tomato.
That will give you so much energy, that lasts for a long time.
You can add some Pines Wheat Grass (or any other brand) tablets for more energy and chlorophyll.
Before lunch I like to have another pint of juice again.
I prefer broccoli. It is very very healthy. When I juice broccoli, I add some of the pulp
back to the clear juice. Your body loves fiber and it makes a nice texture for the juice.
You save a lot of your body's energy not to have to digest it, but have it in the predigested
If you drink it before lunch, you might eat less solid food.
I also like cucumber, spinach and many others.
I do not juice carrot, because it has too much sugar in it, but if you like it
it is also very good for you.
The more juice you drink, less solid food your body requires.
You are going to feel so energetic, that your body will thank you!!!
Fighting Cancer with Nutrition
Hey Brian--I once watched an experiment using trace mineral water used to light up a light bulb and the body indeed functions on electrical currents. Nutritional salts provide that energy by aiding electrolyte balance. I know not very scientific but I have a host of anectodel cases to confirm it for me.
Juicing also aids electrolyte balance with magnesium/potassium if the veggies have them, that is and equally important is the alkalizing effect.
I wouldn't juice carrots alone as I agree they are high in sugar, however a half carrot thrown in can add some sweet flavour(as well as carrotinoids) to make a juice more palatable.
I just bought beets. Love beet/carrot/cucumber and ginger!
ps never juiced broccoli--must try--I ate soooo much broccoli for calcium 20 years ago when my kids had dairy issues I got a bit sick of it---juicing may just be the ticket.Psalms 119:45
?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?
St. Francis of Assisi
I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.
Fighting Cancer with Nutrition
Hi RC,
I just love broccoli.
One way I love the most, is how Chinese restaurant's do it here in USA.
Normally I ask for just broccoli in white sauce, no sugar and make it spicy.
I can eat that broccoli 7 days a week!
I will try beet/carrot/cucumber, as well!
Fighting Cancer with Nutrition
Hi Space,
spacebebe01;1342624 wrote: I think I must be doing something wrong, I dont get anywhere near even 1/2 pint of juice and my juicer is so full of the sludge. How much celery do you use to make a pint? I will have to get some ginger
Some people can say it is expensive. Yes. It is to drink $5 a day only in juice, ( with broccoli) however it is far cheaper than a doctor!!!!!
Everybody knows that!!!
Fighting Cancer with Nutrition
spacebebe01;1342624 wrote: I think I must be doing something wrong, I dont get anywhere near even 1/2 pint of juice and my juicer is so full of the sludge. How much celery do you use to make a pint? I will have to get some gingerPsalms 119:45
?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?
St. Francis of Assisi
I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.
Fighting Cancer with Nutrition
wanttobesober;1342627 wrote: I just love broccoli.
One way I love the most, is how Chinese restaurant's do it here in USA.
Normally I ask for just broccoli in white sauce, no sugar and make it spicy.
I can eat that broccoli 7 days a week!
I will try beet/carrot/cucumber, as well!
add a bit of fresh lemon to that mix too if you have it for variationPsalms 119:45
?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?
St. Francis of Assisi
I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.
Fighting Cancer with Nutrition
Hi Space,
spacebebe01;1342624 wrote: I think I must be doing something wrong, I dont get anywhere near even 1/2 pint of juice and my juicer is so full of the sludge. How much celery do you use to make a pint? I will have to get some ginger
They are awesome!
Fighting Cancer with Nutrition
Hi RC,
RingingCedars;1342635 wrote: Yes, well if I could go to a restaurant that made gluten free white sauce all would be well! Ah, but my vitamixer could make an instant white sauce with guar gum, xantham gum or agar agar(preferred). I'm loving using my vitamixer again(can ya tell).
add a bit of fresh lemon to that mix too if you have it for variation
By the way, fresh lemon is very good for you, indeed!
Even though it is acidic food, it is one of the most alkalizing food when you digest it.
Don't ask me why!
That is what they say!!!
Fighting Cancer with Nutrition
my vitamix is 2 horsepower Brian-I bought it as a gift to myself after many years of "other service" 11 years's like filter queen..made to last and multi functional...(I have a filter queen too)
Psalms 119:45
?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?
St. Francis of Assisi
I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.
Fighting Cancer with Nutrition
wanttobesober;1342643 wrote: I was not aware that white sauce had gluten in it.
By the way, fresh lemon is very good for you, indeed!
Even though it is acidic food, it is one of the most alkalizing food when you digest it.
Don't ask me why!
That is what they say!!!
I know eh...fresh lemons confuse alot of people.Psalms 119:45
?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?
St. Francis of Assisi
I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.