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Occupy Together

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    Occupy Together

    I know some feel that the protesters are too scattered and will marginalize themselves, but the more we make ourselves aware and lobby for change the higher the chances of change.

    Headlines - David Icke Website
    Psalms 119:45

    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

    St. Francis of Assisi

    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.


    Occupy Together

    if it was occupy DC I'd be right there with them. business and banks being bailed out are only symptoms of the greater scourge which is reeking from the capitol. We have the best congress money can buy which is the problem, however blaming those that offer them the money is once again getting it wrong. Our gov has become corrupted and elitist. it's time to get on the ballot box and vote for some actual change in 2011. I hope we are not again forced to pick between tweele-dee and tweedle-dum like last time. it's up to us to ensure that doesn't happen again. time to get busy and use the mechanisms in place.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Occupy Together

      Det, I may be off the mark and a crack pot(hopefully one that contributes to a beautiful landscape one day). I subscribe to NO political party. I am for people. I have been made aware of many conspiracy theories for almost 20 years through intelligent acquaintances and alternative news. I have not followed mainstream media during this time(hardly ever actually). It seems that these theories are quickly coming to be reality.

      It's hard to know what is really going on because that is what the real powers that be would like and control. It's the only way they can orchestrate their agenda that has been in place for 100 years and more.

      These words:
      I have set out here to reveal the true face of Zionism - the House of Rothschild and its networks - and how its agents in Big Government, Big Banking, Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Biotech, Big Media and so on, are working as one unit to impose a global Orwellian dictatorship on the human population - including the mass of Jewish people.

      Zionism is a subject that all but a few are either too ignorant or too frightened to tackle and expose, but it must be made public and the web dismantled if global tyranny is to be avoided in the very near future.

      In fact, it's not even about the 'future'; the tyranny is already here and it is just a case of how deeply we are going to allow ourselves to be enslaved by it.

      The Rothschilds have spent a century hiding the true and ever-gathering extent of their global control and that veil must be lifted for the mass of the people to see.

      I should also stress that when I say 'Rothschild', I don't only mean those called 'Rothschild', nor even all of the people who are known by that name. There are many in the Rothschild family and its offshoots who have no idea what the hierarchy is doing and there are many 'Rothschilds' who don't carry the name itself.

      When I say 'Rothschild', I am referring to the Rothschild bloodline because, as I have detailed in my books, they have long had breeding programmes that produce offspring that are brought up under other names.

      So when these people come to power, they carry the Rothschild genetics and answer to their control system, but they are not officially called 'Rothschild', and in this way the scale of the Rothschild infiltration of government, finance and so on remains hidden behind an army of offspring known by different names.

      It is time to put the Rothschilds on public display because that's the last place they want to be. They have operated from the shadows for long enough and we must urgently ensure that those days are over.

      From this link: They Dare Not Speak Its Name ... Rothschild Zionism - David Icke Website

      Really sums it up for me.

      The system that is in place will always net you tweedledee and dum as elected officials unless people really know what's been going on.

      There is alot of information on the above site. Ignore the advertising if it does not resonate with you, but do see what is going on. I have seen the chemtrails, watched the multi-nationals denegrate and control our food supplies, watched the pharmaceutical atrocities that have scourged innocent people and suffered at the hands of the false monetary system. When will it be enough?
      Psalms 119:45

      ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

      St. Francis of Assisi

      I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



        Occupy Together

        if it's hard to know what's really going on (and I concur) then a bunch of kids dressed like clowns obstructing traffic is certainly not going to change things. it may make them feel better temporarily because the are doing 'something' but I'd really like to see them get a clue. How many of them have read the works of Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, The Federalist papers, Samuel Adams et al? our instructions are laid out by those founders very clearly for us.

        Zionism I'm NOT going to touch that with a 20' pole on a public forum as it will upset folks and personally it doesn't really bother me. i don't believe in a great Jewish conspiracy.

        I agree that the Rothchilds legacy is real and monumentally powerful so we have to be very selective about dealing with it. The one facet of their control that we can and should investigate/correct is our corrupted federal reserve bank. Notice I didn't capitalize it because it's not Federal. it's a privately owned corporation as it's always been.

        I'd like to propose some ideas for healing our nation (I'm speaking from the perspective of a US Citizen) but I'll start a new thread to do so, as I don't want to advertise the 'occupy' group in any way. I appreciate your passion Cedars xxxx

        to be continued
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Occupy Together

          I've not been following the occupy closely enough to know what everyone is doing (ie dressed up like clowns). They may not be sophisticated and not even know what they are really fighting. The magnitude of it is incomprehensible to me. I, of course, don't know how these "bankers" will ever be made accountable for their thievery. It's not even just about the money(what money-it's all fake). I hope your Ron Paul is the man to make big changes Det. xo
          Psalms 119:45

          ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

          St. Francis of Assisi

          I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



            Occupy Together

            bye-bye johny


              Occupy Together

              Huge change on the way all over the world. Hopefully at the end of it we'll emerge in a better place.
              AL free since 24 October 2011


                Occupy Together

                The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy | Naomi Wolf | Comment is f... - StumbleUpon
                Psalms 119:45

                ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                St. Francis of Assisi

                I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                  Occupy Together

                  OK, loverlies, I see no earlier reference, so all I can say is, watch this: Thrive

                  It is the best representation of what I've ALWAYS, and knowing only a few specific things, suspected and have lived my life in order to get dis-entangled from what this film reveals.

                  I do personally know Dan Sheehan, who is featured a bit in the film. In the late '70's he was nearby as a part of the legal team that tried to make Kerr-McGee Oil Company admit their responsibility for Karen Silkwood's contamination from plutonium. You remember the film don'tcha'? Meryl Streep was Karen and Cher was her roommate. I knew, then saw the real "roommate" years later, when she came to our house asking for harbor because she felt she was being continually pursued. Direct experience is a powerful teacher.

                  Danny and others working with him helped us organize, occupy, and bring to a dead stop a nuclear power plant that was being built w/in 30 miles of the city I live in. In later years, he and his wife, Sara Nelson, who founded NOW (National Organization for Women) had to live "underground" because they discovered things that our government was doing that made them targets for "suppression."

                  I know what they discovered, so I know why they could have been candidates for what happens to so many people that push the envelop of truth. And still, knowing all of that, I had to keep gulping breaths as I watched Thrive

                  You guys have already pointed to so much that this docu-film discusses at length, I can't not pass it along.

                  I love MWO. Actually, I love the members who make up the forum of MWO. I just had an idea - let US make a plan to take over the world, someday! (You'll get how hysterical that is if you watch the film!)

                  And in the ultimate irony of the incredible universe we live in, just hours before watching this I was having a conversation with one of most brilliant men I know (who also is JJ Cale's piano player, if any of you know John. Oh, what the hell, here's a link to some elegant music[/video]]JJ Cale - Magnolia (Flagstaff, AZ 2004) - YouTube). The end of our conversation was when he told me that, from his keenest observations, the only solution is that it is okay for everybody to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't obstruct anyone else in their same endeavor. If that were the case, we would all know from direct experience what works and what doesn't.

                  I just keep thinking, "and it's still only 2011." :H:H
                  "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                    Occupy Together

                    You go girl! I will watch your link.
                    Love JJCale. I only have one CD and it's worn out!
                    I will join you in spreading the word. I agree with your friend, it is the only way we will halt this fraudulent system that has us duped into believing we owe it... IT OWES US~!~ Do no harm!
                    I've been aware of this stuff for years as well and have not been able to share with many people. They think I'm a kook. Nice to meet another one.:H:goodjob:
                    I'm still learning but I will share my links. Things will never change if we don't make them change.
                    Psalms 119:45

                    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                    St. Francis of Assisi

                    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                      Occupy Together

                      Oh and I listened to a program with Mary Croft today. She said the Mayan calendar date does not indicate the end of the world but the end of the world as we know it. This is why they are trying to enforce the ridiculous measures in Det's link Heal the US.
                      Psalms 119:45

                      ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                      St. Francis of Assisi

                      I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                        Occupy Together

                        Here's the interview with Mary Croft. Dean Clifford highly recommends downloading the free book on this page.
                        Mary Croft Debt Slaves & Natural Law - Red Ice Radio | Gerald Celente Trends Blog
                        Psalms 119:45

                        ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                        St. Francis of Assisi

                        I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                          Occupy Together

                          RC just let me know that I posted a site where they are selling the DVD of Thrive. SO SORRY. It's FREE on YouTube;[/video]]Thrive - Full Length movie - YouTube

                          FREE, FREE, FREE, which is kinda' the whole point of the exercise. Please be persistent, find it, and watch. Can't wait for the conversation. :thanks: :l
                          "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                            Occupy Together

                            As usual, I am filtered out of these great sites/links because I am using my work computer. Wahhhh.


                              Occupy Together

                              Bruun find a way to watch it as soon as you can, wherever you can! I implore each and every one of you to do so too. I'm only half way through and I keep stopping the thing to send it to my kids, friends and then I stop myself and say wait and watch the whole thing first.:H

                              This is the best expose I've seen yet. Not sure what their solution is or if they even have one but we've got other resources for that~~~tbc

                              Thank you Red!:l

                              ps Will post it on my FB page too!
                              Psalms 119:45

                              ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                              St. Francis of Assisi

                              I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.


