I was alcohol free for 30 some odd days back in the spring - and for whatever reasons, went back to drinking...I was very achey - and couldn't sleep due to the aches and pains all over my body. Now I've been AF for about 6 weeks and again and having lots of aches and pains...
Now to me - 6 weeks seems like a long time - LOL! but do you know if this could be from a "healing crisis" or my body still returning to normal? I wake up in the night from the aches...in my hips, armpits and last night even in ONE finger. I would be really worried that something terrible was wrong with me, if I hadn't experienced something similar the last time I quit.
I am a 47 yr old female, regular drinker since the age of 18 - and escalated to - at times- all day drinking (vodka- just staying "topped off") within the past 5 years...so being AF is a big change.
I take magnesium malate, vitamin D, B-complex, B-12 sublingual, astaxanthin, vitamin C and krill oil.
I read this on the internet and while I definitely don't feel good, I don't know if I'm in 'crisis'
..."One should expect a healing crisis if major or radical changes are made in lifestyle, habits and addictions, and work through the detoxification process at a slower pace. The body's inherent desire is for perfect health and we each have the ability to make our way back to that state. The body must go through an elimination process in order to achieve good health and there will be ups and downs, as you experience a process called 'retracing'. You may feel worse before you feel better. Symptoms will pass as your body begins to normalize to a new level of health. One does not immediately move into good health or 100% detoxification overnight.
When a healing crisis occurs, it is the result of all the body systems working together to eliminate toxicity as it prepares to begin regeneration of new tissue and healthy cells and the repair of internal organs. Some people have greater toxicity than others such as those who have taken prescribed medication or street drugs for many years. Long term ingestion of alcohol, junk food and coffee will also create a healing crisis when intake is discontinued, causing temporary discomfort ranging from headaches or migraine, to fatigue, skin rashes, nausea, increased urination, constipation, flu or shaking and diarrhea as the body detoxifies, cleanses, repairs and heals itself. "
But when it comes to alcohol detox symptoms, most focus on the immediate most dangerous symptoms of alcohol withdrawal while I'm more interested in the lingering changes that might occur.
I know so many of you here are very knowledgeable in this area.
If you're still with me - thanks for reading!
