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Supplements That Help Me

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    Supplements That Help Me

    thanks, Det! i am excited. healthy habits - on my way!
    RC, i have tried natural stuff, st. johns wort, 5 htp, kava kava. this just is working, and it is such a relief to not be anxious and scared all the time. i plan on being on them for at least a year. i know, i have read scare books.

    by the way, if anyone does want to take kava kava, it is very safe. much safer than pharmaceuticals, i think.


      Supplements That Help Me

      Lila;1218546 wrote: thanks, Det! i am excited. healthy habits - on my way!
      RC, i have tried natural stuff, st. johns wort, 5 htp, kava kava. this just is working, and it is such a relief to not be anxious and scared all the time. i plan on being on them for at least a year. i know, i have read scare books.

      by the way, if anyone does want to take kava kava, it is very safe. much safer than pharmaceuticals, i think.
      Good for you your homework and listen to your body, it does not lie.
      Psalms 119:45

      ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

      St. Francis of Assisi

      I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



        Supplements That Help Me

        RingingCedars;1218526 wrote: Oh do tell when that has happened please??
        Here is one supplement that has killed, at least in the U.S. Looks like Canada is more highly regulated? Or, was...

        Tryptophan and EMS: The Skeleton in the GMO Closet, by Ingeborg Boyens

        I remember freaking out big time, as I was taking tryptophan at the time.


          Supplements That Help Me

          Ever heard of Ephedra?

          And no offense to anyone who uses Kava Kava, but it does have the potential to cause health issues, especially for people who have drank heavily and have had liver damage.


            Supplements That Help Me

            seems very odd to me that when a handful of people die from taking alternative medicines the media flocks on it like seagulls, while at the same over a hundred thousands die every year from prescription drugs in the US alone (and most likely the number is much much greater since there is so much liability to incur) and many such cases are not investigated like a typical criminal case, and often go completely unreported as a px drug induced death.

            don't get me wrong, I take all aspects of supplementation seriously and I believe that optimal nutrition/supplementation and treatment is a carefully researched combination of old/new and alternative. there is so much to learn about these complex chemical reactions. if I had it to do over again I believe I would find biochemistry a fascinating path to pursue.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Supplements That Help Me

              Determinator;1218913 wrote: seems very odd to me that when a handful of people die from taking alternative medicines the media flocks on it like seagulls, while at the same over a hundred thousands die every year from prescription drugs in the US alone (and most likely the number is much much greater since there is so much liability to incur) and many such cases are not investigated like a typical criminal case, and often go completely unreported as a px drug induced death.

              don't get me wrong, I take all aspects of supplementation seriously and I believe that optimal nutrition/supplementation and treatment is a carefully researched combination of old/new and alternative. there is so much to learn about these complex chemical reactions. if I had it to do over again I believe I would find biochemistry a fascinating path to pursue.
              I agree with you to some extent, but I think the reason why you hear more publicity regarding people dying from supplements and alternative medicines is because they are normally over the counter type of products that anyone can buy. Pharmaceuticals need a prescription written by a Dr., so there is at least a person that might be able to be help responsible...otherwise it's buyer beware.

              I don't disagree that we are overregulated already and there are big pharma lobbies trying to insure that their companies make as much money as possible, but at the same time I do like to have the piece of mind that a product that I read about on the internet works as stated and won't kill me or make me ill.


                Supplements That Help Me

                I think that you've helped me delineate why I find this so interesting....those over the counter supps don't seem to be killing anywhere near the amount of people that those carefully studied RX drugs are killing. it's just ironic. of course I'm cognizant of many other variables involved....folks taking RX drugs are perhaps in a much more fragile state, may be screwing up dosages, interactions with AL even, certainly interactions with other RX drugs, spending time in hospitals with very sick people sneezing/coughing etc.
                at any rate we seem to agree pretty much.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Supplements That Help Me

                  i mentioned Kava Kava because it has that reputation. how many cases of harm? two, three, maybe? nothing compared to the mildest pharmaceutical, even an OTC. see, that's where the libertarian thing comes in (but we don't want to be political ) Can't we make our own choices and be responsible for them? people have used ephedra for centuries, right? and now its illegal.
                  no, i didn't research this too much, except for kava kava, i just think it gets blown out of proportion.
                  i have taken kava kava by the handful, and been just fine. ultimately, it wasn't strong enough, and i finally decided to take an ad.

                  and a question - any opinions about Chromium along with my l-glut to get rid of carb cravings? anyone tried that?


                    Supplements That Help Me

           :: The Last Call Program :: Clinically Proven, 100% Private solution for eliminating alcohol dependency :: 84% Success Rate


                      Supplements That Help Me

                      Lila;1219164 wrote: i mentioned Kava Kava because it has that reputation. how many cases of harm? two, three, maybe? nothing compared to the mildest pharmaceutical, even an OTC. see, that's where the libertarian thing comes in (but we don't want to be political ) Can't we make our own choices and be responsible for them? people have used ephedra for centuries, right? and now its illegal.
                      no, i didn't research this too much, except for kava kava, i just think it gets blown out of proportion.
                      i have taken kava kava by the handful, and been just fine. ultimately, it wasn't strong enough, and i finally decided to take an ad.

                      and a question - any opinions about Chromium along with my l-glut to get rid of carb cravings? anyone tried that?
                      I have never tried Kava Kava, but I have read about the damage it has done to the pacific islanders, to the point where many have become addicted to it like alcohol, but again that is just what I read.

                      As far as the carbs, I have taken chromium picolinate in the past, but the only thing that I have ever found to take away carb cravings is to have a substitute product. I used to eat alot of the no carb chocolate, and I have been able to find other substitutes at local health food stores for pasta, chips and noodles. I have been on a no carb/low carb diet for the past 5-10 years, and it has done wonders for my health, I almost find carbs to be like alcohol, once I was able to abstain for a couple months the cravings went away. Now don't get me wrong, I love ice cream and sweets and chips, but it seems once I put them back in my diet my cravings for them become alot stronger.


                        Supplements That Help Me

                        Interesting program with a very helpful IM function. If I hadn't quit on my own already I think I might look further into this program.


                          Supplements That Help Me

                          I've done a little online research; complex B vitamins with C, magnesium and vitamin D are supposed to help suppress the urge.
                          I can't say it's working for me but I can't rely on just supplements to work; I need a little will power (ok, a LOT of will power).
                          I am on Zoloft so, too, the effects of alcohol is stronger than if I wasn't on a medication.


                            Supplements That Help Me

                            LostButFound;1224552 wrote: I've done a little online research; complex B vitamins with C, magnesium and vitamin D are supposed to help suppress the urge.
                            I can't say it's working for me but I can't rely on just supplements to work; I need a little will power (ok, a LOT of will power).
                            I am on Zoloft so, too, the effects of alcohol is stronger than if I wasn't on a medication.
                            I found for me that taking supplements daily to combat cravings or just to make myself better worked on a couple of different levels. But where I think it helped me most was it was part of my recovery regimen. By starting the day with a workout then taking my supps I start the day off with a mindset of personal improvement. It got me thinking right to start the day. As we continue to do things over and over we create new habits which helps to forget about and lose the old bad habits. (My old habit was trying to clear my head with the hair of the dog on many days.) By changing my routine it makes sure I get off on the right foot everyday. If the supplements only have a placebo effect I am still better off than where I was, which always helped to increase my willpower for that day.

                            I would like to believe that the supps I take are making a physical difference, and I have been on this routine for over a year and feel great, but either way just the habit of putting something in my body with the thought of bettering myself and staying away from alcohol has worked wonders.

