My doctor easily prescribed me the medication Antabuse as soon as I voiced my concerns with him about my drinking. I have been doing a lot of research and don't feel that this medication is safe or something I am willing to take. I have always had very adverse side effects to medications (I cannot even take birth control without each side effect affecting me).
So my question is, has anyone had any experience with L-Glutamine and Milk Thistle? Combined together would they be effective in helping me stay sober. I drink from about 4 or 5 pm until bed. I have no cravings until about this time, my mornings are usually spent telling myself I do not need any beer tonight. By about 4 my mind has done a 360 and off to the fridge I go. I need something to change my mind and help me stay sober. It is extremely difficult for me to do this without help. I know I am an addict and my will power is gone when it comes to beer. I just love it too much.