After reading a post on another thread where a "happy light" was mentioned in an aside, I have just spent two hours researching light or photo therapy.
Originally this was only used to treat SAD (seasonal affective disorder) but there are some studies on it being used for depression with good results.
I am really frustrated though because there are differences in opinion as to the "type" of light to use and only one seems to be available in Australia. Of course it is the one that got the least good mentions with at least one very negative write up.
I found one treatment facility that is using the therapy for Parkinsons patients as depression is a really big issue but of course although they detail the treatment protocol and results, they do not specify the lamp used. I sent an email asking what type and where I could get one, hopefully they will not reply that it is a whizz bang onsite computerised machine I could never afford?
You are probably all thinking that I have really lost my marbles! How could anyone in Australia need this? Remember I am not getting out to get sunshine and this summer has been 9 days of overcast misery for every 1 of sunshine (or so it seems anyway), even the weather reporters are moaning about it.
I'm not holding out for it to be a cure all, good nutrition, L glut, vitamins, omega 3 are all on the list too.
Given that it was an SSRI that I had a bad reaction with I am planning on being cautious as the therapy works by stimulating seratonin production, so where the protocol indicates 30 minutes per day I thought I would try ten and see how it goes.
Still awaiting a place in detox.
