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L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

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    L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

    Hi just thought I'd share my experience with L-glutamine.

    I purchased the pure powder form it arrived yesterday morning (Friday) I took 2 heaped teaspoons about 10.30 am and then another 2 at 5.30pm - I think I'd read somewhere to take it about an hour before you would normally start to crave a drink, although this might be incorrect!

    Anyway got to 7pm and I really could take or leave my usual glass of wine while preparing dinner and I even talked myself into pouring a glass, instead of gulping down that first drink I was surprised that it lasted about 1 hour and again i talked myself into a 2nd and same thing I really didn't have that need to drink, in fact I poured a 3rd glass and ended up leaving it. I really had had enough.

    Friday night is usually a boozy night for me but I had just 2 glasses of wine from 7-11 - just to give an insight to a normal Friday night I'd have started on wine about 5pm and carried on drinking until late in that time I would have easily finished a 1st bottle and gone onto a 2nd sometimes having just a glass out of it but more recently drinking half if not the whole 2nd bottle.

    Don't know if it's all in my head but whatever happened in taking the stuff I'm amazed, I have been taking Full Spectrum Kudzu for about 4 days high dose as recommended on this site and I felt no difference at all if I'm honest, going to persevere with it a bit longer though, but I have to say taking the 2 doses of LG had a profound affect last night...

    Will keep you all posted with how it continues, but so far really pleased :goodjob:

    L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

    Going to second this as I've had awesome results as well. Started taking 3x1000MG on Valentines Day and normally a 5 liter box of wine would last me about 2 days. This one has lasted me five.
    To clarify, I'm using the six week starter extreme pack from the store, not just the L-Glute.


      L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

      I seem to think you're in the UK Grangelady - if so, may I ask where you bought the LGlut? I did try some in tablet form but didn't notice any difference to be honest, nor from the Kudzu. I purchased both from Holland & Barret so maybe they aren't the same strength. Good to hear such positive progress from you, don't forget, you are my inspiration!


        L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

        Have any of you tried Moder8? Also the L-Glut can that be purchased at a health food store? Very curious?


          L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

          I've found the L-glut on this site to be the best.
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

            Thanks YAH. Going to try it.


              L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

              oldershouldknowbetter;1265002 wrote: I seem to think you're in the UK Grangelady - if so, may I ask where you bought the LGlut? I did try some in tablet form but didn't notice any difference to be honest, nor from the Kudzu. I purchased both from Holland & Barret so maybe they aren't the same strength. Good to hear such positive progress from you, don't forget, you are my inspiration!
              Hi Older

              I bought Kudzu from Big Vits here's the link

              The Big Vit Shop |Planetary Herbals,Kudzu, Full Spectrum, 750mg x 120 Tablets,

              and L-Glut from Blackburn Distributions, again link below

              Glutamine Powder |Pure l-glutamine| Muscle repair

              Good luck with it all
              GL :l


                L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                I have not had luck with Glut so far. Am I doing something wrong? I got Swanson's ultra ajipure powdered glut. A dose is 5 grams. It really has not helped my cravings. Any suggestions?


                  L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                  When are you taking it? I took about 5000mg total in divided doses throughout the day. Then if I felt a craving coming on I took another 1000mg.


                    L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                    I take 15-20 GRAMS per day, divided into 2 doses. Actually, I don't measure it. I just take a regular large spoon from my kitchen drawer and heap it with L-Glute. So maybe it's even more that 20 grams. My doc is a former competitive body-builder. She says I can take as much as I want, until I start to smell like ammonia. Which hasn't happened in over a year of taking a LOT.

                    L-glutamine stabilized my blood sugar to the extent that I've had to quit drinking coffee - or any caffeine at all. NOT my plan!!! But I hate the "jitters" that come with caffeine, and LOVE the effects of L-glute. Take more, if you don't feel any effects. Just take more.
                    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                      L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                      Thx all. I will up my doses. Hope that's not a problem with the Bac I am on. I usually take 5 gms in some water about lunch time. I use to do the pills and they did nothing. Was thinking of picking up some of those GNC chewables.


                        L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                        The GNC chewables are very portable - 3 kill a craving rapidly. The micronized powder works super fast as well mixed in a liquid - the pills did very little in comparison. I won't buy it in either pill or capsule form again as the chewables or powder is so much more effective. But yes - you can up your dose quite a bit. Let us know how it goes.
                        That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                        Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                        AF - August 20, 2012


                          L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                          Thanks, I have upped my intake of the powder. Not sure it's helping yet but with the Bac I am better than where I was. Nice not waking up with hangovers. Still would like to hit that all elusive "switch".


                            L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                            How is everyone going on the L-Glut? I haven't heard anything about it before, but I'm VERY interested.

                            Is it a natural supplement? I am a bit scared to take meds after my experience with Baclofen a couple of years back.

                            Is anyone in Australia and know where to get it? Not sure I can get it into the country buying it online.

                            Great that it's working for some of you.
                            Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                            :h ya


                              L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                              Well I have not noticed much effect. I have upped my dosage but the baclofen seems to help more. Watch out with the bac. If you have a bad day and throw some back the SE's are bad.
                              I wish I could say that when I take the glut takes away the cravings but it does not seem to do it for me. I think if you are exercising, eating well, sleeping well and taking supplements this would all work. I am just in too much of a funk with my insomnia to really get it all together. I think it will gel in time and life will be good but I have to keep with the and regimen for me.

