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L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

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    L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

    Thanks guys,

    Space, I think that maybe something is happening because I am happy with 2 ciders, but if there is a change, it's not a monumental one that I can definitely say - yep I know it happened, very subtle.

    Destiniey, thanks for the advice, I will keep going. I only started to take the large spoonful yesterday and for some I guess it worked right away, but for others like us here, it takes some time.

    My test will be on the weekend when our "very heavy drinking" friends come down to the beach. Then I'll know.

    , I hope you are feeling better today. FYI, I am taking the Planetery Full Spectrum Kudzu 120 x 750mg (2 tabs twice daily) and the L-Glut powder is 100% L-Glut, high quality pharmaceutical grade - but I got in online within Australia - I'm taking a large spoonful twice daily at the moment.

    How does that compare to what you are taking Space & Destiniey??

    I'm so happy we are all here comparing and helping each other, its so much easier and gives us all hope.:thanks:
    Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
    :h ya


      L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

      This stuff is not working....yet.

      I'm not giving up.
      Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
      :h ya


        L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

        Destiniey;1324774 wrote: the beginning the L-Glut and Kudzu did nothing for me....I might as well have been popping breath mints! Ha! I was getting frustrated and therefore I ended up with too many day 1's....ugh! I increased my dose and took it regularly and even brought some with me in my purse in case I needed an extra dose if a craving came sneaking up on my! I found that after 5 days it really started to help and after that it just helps more and more! So stick with it....I swear by it!
        Day 3 today Destiniey, God I hope I have the same results as you. I am taking two heaped (desert size) spoonfuls on an empty stomach daily (one when I get up and the other around 3 - 4 in the afternoon) but its not doing much. I'm still drinking and not stopping at a couple now that my work has finished.

        How much are you taking?
        Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
        :h ya


          L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

          Trixie..I had my doubts about it too...but I stuck with it even when I had my slip up a couple of weekends ago and drank a bottle of vodka!!!!!! I take the capsules...although I have heard that the powder is better...but they are working for me. I take L-Glut 1000 mg (1 Capsule) and Kudzu (2 capsules) when I get up on an empty stomach. Lunchtime I take the same dosage of L-Glut and Kudzu and add 2 capsules Milk Thistle and 1 Omega 3 capsule. Mid afternoon I take another L-Glut (that is my toughest time of the day) and then at night with dinner I take 2 Milk Thistle. Before bed I take another L-Glut just so it's always in my system. I am hoping that I will be able to do away with the mid-afternoon one but for now I need it. I have even (on day 4)had to open up a capsule and throw the powder under my was turned to paste! LOL But I was having a REALLY hard time and I heard that you can do that for emergency worked! It took 40 minutes of me rocking back and forth on the couch and having a total breakdown...pacing the floor so much that I am surprised I didn't put a hole in my carpet..and all the while FlyAway was helping me through it on here! This is what works for me....if I need more Glut I take can't hurt you. I have also started to throw a magnesium into the mix at lunchtime helps the liver. Good luck on day 3 and stay can do it!
          AB Club Member
          AB Start Date - 7/25/12

          10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

          :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


            L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

            Thanks for the info Destiniey,

            I have ordered capsules, but the powder arrived before so I am taking that. Still dont have the capsules.

            I don't think I am taking enough of the L-Glut, you seem to be taking more, though I don't know how a 1000mg capsules compares to a spoonful. Might have to see if I can find out.

            I'll follow what you have outlined and hopefully I can post here with the same results.

            I'm really glad you have found a way to stop the beast.
            Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
            :h ya


              L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

              I will try to figure out how it measures up too...the capsules and the powder. I wish I could say that I have stopped the beast...but right now I am keeping him at a safe distance. Every day he seems to be getting weaker...thank God!!!!!!! I was a total "Negative Nellie" when it came to the supplements but I figured "what the hell" and I am so happy that I stuck with them. I bought a book "End Your Addiction Now...The Proven Nutritional Supplement Program That Can Set You Free". I am still reading it but it makes sense so far. Good luck..we can beat this beast!!!!!!!!
              AB Club Member
              AB Start Date - 7/25/12

              10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

              :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                Hi Guys
                Sorry to butt in.. Just wan't to update that I just ordered my L-Glut and my Omega 3-6-9. I hope they help make me less Bitchy.

                Jesus, I make Joan Crawford look like fucking Donna Reed these days

                And my head hurts... Other than that - good times :bday2:

                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
       tool box
       newbie nest


                  L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                  Hey Kradle....your input is much appreciated! I am glad that you ordered those supplements...they will definitely help. You may want to add the Kudzu to the mix too...that helps with the cravings also. I think if you looked up Bitch in the dictionary my smiling face would be next to it! LOL I am not bad now....but the first 4 days I was horrible....I didn't even want to be with me..but I couldn't escape me! Ha! I hope your head feels better....headaches suck!!!! I just got done watching my NetFlix movie so I am going to head to bed....I have been sooooo tired and draggy yesterday and today but I've been told that's normal! Moving forward and only forward!!!!!!!! talk to you tomorrow!
                  AB Club Member
                  AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                  10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                  :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                    L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                    Hi Guys,

                    Good to see you are on board with your supps Cradle :goodjob:

                    I found that 5g (1 teaspoon) is equal to 5000mg - so according to what you say you are taking Destiniey, you are taking 4000mg of L-Glut per day.

                    I am taking a generous dessert spoonful which is probably about 2 teaspoons twice daily. This would work out to about 20,000mg per day. Shit loads more than you are taking so something HAS to work. Does that sound right - I googled it.

                    Keeping the beast at a safe distance is a bloody marvelous position to be in, you must be stoked.
                    Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                    :h ya


                      L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                      I just googled to see if taking too much L glut is toxic and couldnt find anything on it. That doesnt mean that it isnt just that I didnt find it. I did see tho that bodybuilders take around 20g a day, so I think thats what you are taking Trixie, I also take either about 1 or 2 desertspoons a day. I often forget to take the second spoon in the afternoon which is before I have a drink so will try to remember that.


                        L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                        Good morning everyone,

                        Sorry I just seem to be jumping in here
                        Do you all supplement your supplements with Topamax or the Bac?
                        I find it is the combo which works best for me, the regiment of taking them daily- almost looking forward to taking the right amount at the right time . Keeps me centered. Keeps me busy.

                        Destint I am so sorry I didn't know you were having a hard time the other day. It's almost impossible for me to read the threads through because, well because you have all heard it now... My kids are very very needy. but I know that it will be but a blink before they are 'out of the nest' and most of our contact will be via electronics. :goodjob::sigh:
                        I a dying to know though, when I am losing my mind and want to drink drnk drnk, I have to take the supps and leave the house. I imagine if I had horses I could or would be doing the lone ranger thing..'Off into the sunset, or sunrise, or sun-somthing' wild and free, wind in my hair, I romanticising too much??? :happyheart:
                        Okay back to business! The kudzu did not work. For me. I think it will be the L-glut with the Topa and my other normal supps.
                        Well, 3 minutes to wake uptime. The girls r snugged in bed here besides me, quiet for once, :H
                        Will Check in- everyone is doing so well. I am grateful for this thread!!
                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest


                          L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                 wonder if the powder in the capsules is formulated different than the loose powder. I wonder if it has to do with what I am taking with it....hmmmmm....gonna have to look into this when I get home from work. Util then...have a great day and I will be back on later!

                          Kradle...I have never tried those but I am soooooo glad that you found a combo that works for you! If what I am doing now didn't work I definitley would've given them a try since I am desperate to stay sober! I can picture you riding off into the sunset telling the beast to f*ck off! LOL It is true horses are definitiely playing a big role in keeping me grounded right now. I want to and need to stay AF if I want to ride in the 4th of July parade...that is my goal....I have never done that before!

                          I am heading into the shower and then to work! Have a great day everyone and I will be back on later!!!!!
                          AB Club Member
                          AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                          10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                          :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                            L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                            Hi all,

                            Space - I think you can take a fair amount of L-Glut before you start to smell like ammonia - I read that in this thread, way back I think. Anyway I have no side effects and still no results yet, but I'm hanging in there.

                            Kradle, I used to have those thoughts too when I was raising my kids, I could turn left or right at the intersection and one way would take me miles away - I always came back (only because it was the right thing to do, not necessarily because I wanted to) and you are right those girls will be grown up and gone before you know it - my girls are 20 & 21 now and have left home, I miss them.

                            Destiniey, I have capsules ordered, but the powder turned up first and I live way out of town, so I have to wait til I go back in to check my post office box. I think the Topa will be there next time too.

                            If I don't have success with the Kudzu and L-Glut, I'll take the Topa too. Something has to work sometime.
                            Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                            :h ya


                              L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                     I have been thinking about this all day....ha! I least this thread is keeping me occupied! LOL I am thinking that maybe the the trick to this whole L-Glut and supplement thing is not only how much you take but how often you take it. When I did it just 2 times a day it didn't work at all....might as well have been popping tic tacs! Ha! It was the same amount that I am taking now but in just 2 doses. But....when I started taking it 4 times a day religiously with my other supps for a week thats when noticed it working. I dunno..makes sense...right?!
                              AB Club Member
                              AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                              10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                              :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                                L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                                That's very interesting Destiniey,

                                Maybe that's what I need to do too.

                                I take 2 teaspoons (which is the same as a heaped dessert spoon full) twice a day.

                                I'll take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily from now on.

                                Only thing is, and you might have the answer - they reckon you should take it on an empty stomach. I take the first one when I get up, but the rest of the day, and especially taking it 4 times, wouldn't necessarily be on an empty stomach.

                                When do you take the capsules?

                                BTW, well done on your AF days - that's awesome.
                                Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                                :h ya

