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L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

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    L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

    They do recommend taking it on an empty stomach....the L-Glut and I take them together. The Milk Thistle and Omega 3 is with a meal. What I do is I take the L-Glut/Kudzu when I first wake up. I literally walk to the bathroom comatose totake them....not a pretty site! LOL Then I take them again about 11 am so that my stomach is fairly empty. Then I eat something around noonish and take the Milk Thistle/Omega/Magnesium. Then around 4 I take the L-Glut/Kudzu again because my stomach once again is fairly empty. Then I eat dinner anytime between 6 and depends on when my husband comes home. So with dinner I take the last Milk Thistle of the day and then before bed I take another L-Glut/Kudzu so that they are in my system throughout the night. With this schedule I find that these supps are always in my system.
    AB Club Member
    AB Start Date - 7/25/12

    10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

    :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


      L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

      That sounds like a good schedule,

      I dont have the Omega 3 or Magnesium, but they're easy enough to get. Do you just get yours from the local chemist (I think you call that a drugstore????)

      I am taking Planetary Full Spectrum Kudzu (750mg) plus
      Liver Detox which has 300mg of Milk Thistle in each tab and I just noticed it has 100mg of L-glut in it too. (I take that 3 times a day) plus I take Super Enzymes.

      I have gotten these off of the internet, what brands do you take?
      Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
      :h ya


        L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

        Just took the Liver Detox and Super Enzymes and have noticed a mild stabbing pain I am getting on my left front side, just under my ribs. I got the same pain last night too.

        I think that's where the stomach lies, F$@K it.
        Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
        :h ya


          L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

          Trixie, the supplements alone didn't eliminate the cravings for me. I'm so glad for destiny that they give her relief . I really wanted that and I tried because I also take lamictol- a bi - polar med and I hate all these things floating around my organs..... My dr. Doesn't like it much either but he is very respectful of my struggles and he understands that most of us bi -polar people use AL to self medicate. that's a worse alternative.
          So I use the topa and all kinds of basic vitamins and juices (home made) but I am hoping that the l-glut will at least allow me to cut down.

          Dest, what a blast to ride in the parade! North Carolina is beautiful I have half a good memory of being there- bet you can guess which half went well

          Kids are on the move!

          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
 tool box
 newbie nest


            L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

            Thanks for that Kradle,

            Everything is different for everyone, the pains didnt last too long, just a bit concerning.

            It's good that you are under the direction of your Dr, so if you have any concerns you can ask him. I don't want to do that just yet.

            Bi-polar is really quite common, I'm sorry you have to deal with so much, though at least you are on medication for it and hopefully it keeps things on a relatively even keel.

            What dose of Topa are you taking daily?
            Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
            :h ya


              L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

              I got this information off of Google. Very Interesting:

              Warnings and precautions to be aware of concerning the safety of L-glutamine include the following:

              1. In theory, L-glutamine supplementation may worsen hepatic encephalopathy (a brain condition due to high ammonia levels caused by liver disease) because the body breaks L-glutamine down into ammonia. If you have liver problems (especially severe liver disease), do not take L-glutamine supplements without your healthcare provider's approval and supervision.

              2. In theory, L-glutamine may increase the risk of seizures, especially in people with a seizure disorder. If you have a history of seizures, check with your healthcare provider before taking L-glutamine.

              3. L-glutamine supplementation may increase the risk of mania in people with bipolar disorder. If you have bipolar disorder, it is probably a good idea to avoid L-glutamine supplementation.

              4. Because L-glutamine is chemically related to glutamate (and because the body breaks down L-glutamine into glutamate), some people who are allergic or sensitive to MSG (monosodium glutamate) may also be allergic to glutamate.

              5. L-glutamine may potentially interact with a few medications (see Drug Interactions With L-Glutamine).

              If you decide to use supplements (such as L-glutamine), what you see on the label may not reflect what is in the bottle. For example, some herbal supplements have been found to be contaminated with heavy metals or prescription drugs, and some have been found to have much more or much less of the featured ingredient than their label states.

              Therefore, make sure the manufacturer of your L-glutamine product is a trusted and reputable manufacturer. It is a good sign if a manufacturer abides by the rules of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for drugs. It is also a good sign if a product has the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) seal, which means that the product has been independently tested and shown to contain the correct ingredients in the amounts listed on the label. Your pharmacist is a good resource for information about which manufacturers are most reputable.

              It is not known whether L-glutamine supplements are safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
              Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
              :h ya


                L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                I'll be darned Trixie! That never occured to me!

                I will ask my Dr. Just my luck if he says dont take it...
                I started on .25 Topa and am on .50 now. He has me up to 100 per day but I dont like that much. I play a bit and my Dr. gives me the glasses on th enose look and the tsk tsk...

                Thanks for your article and taking the time.

                I love it here :h
                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
       tool box
       newbie nest


                  L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                  I thought that would interest you Kradle. There are plenty of other supps to take though I guess and you are already taking Topa, so you should get some results.

                  I had to laugh at the scolding you get from your Doc. :H

                  It is nice here :l

                  I have finally ordered the CD's - I've heard that they are really worthwhile, so just made another investment in myself
                  Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                  :h ya


                    L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                    I want to Quit sugar

                    hello Trixiebelle,
                    How is the L-glut working out for you. I have heard a lot of positive things about it on TV.. and doing my research on how REAL people are responding to it. I feel that I should first get my cravings in check. Starting with sugar. Just wondering if you could please forward me the pdf on quitting sugar? Did it help you?


                      L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                      Hi Springal,

                      Unfortunately I haven't had any results from the L-Glut or Kudzu to shout from the rooftops about.

                      I will continue to take it, because I have heard that it can work on the first dose or take a while.

                      Send me your email address via PM and I'll happily send you the quit sugar pdf- and yeah it's great to cut down sugar (I didn't completely quit, cause I was still drinking!!! But I cut down heaps and lost weight)
                      Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                      :h ya


                        L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                        Same here no luck. I've tried about every supplement out there. I used to be into that stuff a lot.
                        No luck with sugar either but I am doing better anyways with that. I just don't buy any.


                          L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                          Oh and don't do phenibut, you are asking for trouble and those other neuro affecting supps


                            L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                            COSGringo;1328857 wrote: Oh and don't do phenibut, you are asking for trouble and those other neuro affecting supps
                            I have never heard of phenibut, or any others - what effect do they have?
                            Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                            :h ya


                              L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                              Phenibut has some properties similar to baclofen. It is also a GABA B agonist.
                              It usually gives a relaxing feel to it and some claim enhances brain activity. It's like a nootropic also.
                              It's also a problem if you take it on a normal basis. You should not just stop taking it.

                              Sort of like baclofen. You would have w/d symptoms.

                              People using it as a anti anxiety supplement and also to help with sleep.
                              Some body builders use it, too.


                                L-glutamine - Unbelieveable

                                Never heard of it COS and I thanks for the info, I'll avoid it too.

                                Had 2 ciders last night (that's all I had left) but didn't feel like anymore in any case.

                                I don't know if the supps are finally working, or it was an isolated case. I did have a bottle of champers in the fridge - that crossed my mind to have some, but I didn't.

                                I hope it's finally all kicked in - time will tell. :fingers:
                                Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                                :h ya

