6 days into my juice fast after watching "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" documentary, which was EXCELLENT. You can watch it free on Hulu at Watch Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead online | Free | Hulu. I cut off the alcohol completely for 4 days (had a 4 day weekend to get the juice fast thing off to a good start), and it was actually painless; no withdrawals or cravings at all. But then I went back to work and had a shitty day and came home and had a stiff bloody mary. I poured a second glass with only 2 ounces but didn't want it.
However I am finishing it tonight, just because I don't like juice going to waste. V8 ain't cheap!
I noticed that on one drink yesterday, I definitely felt it strongly! My tolerance appears to be back down in the normal range

I didn't feel any need to drink tonight, and it's only 2 ounces. just finishing it off. Anyway, I promised my spreadsheet a while back, so here it is. I've shared it on Google Docs. I measure drinks per day where one drink = 1.5 oz. hard liquor, or 1 beer. It has a line graph to show the trend line as well as average drinks per day before and after Sobrexa calculations. I will keep updating it until I finish off the Sobrexa.
EDIT: I also should add that after 4 days of sobriety and juicing, I felt so much better in the morning and there was a sense of clarity, like I noticed a lot more detail in everything and my thinking was significantly clearer.