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Supps, being sick, and detoxing

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    Supps, being sick, and detoxing

    I am four days AL free (this time :sigh and I have been taking several supplements. Here's the list:

    *New Chapter One Daily (whole food vitamin)
    *Milk Thistle (175 mg 3x daily)
    *L-Glutamine (1,000 mg 3x daily
    *Magnesium/calcium (1,000 mg once a day)
    *Evening Primrose Oil (500 mg 3x daily)

    I cut out the B vitamins for now because they seem to make me jumpy. I also take New Chapter's Stress Advantage, which contains traditional herbs from all over, like Schizandra, Ginseng, Ginger, etc. as needed. And I take an enzyme with each healthy meal that I take supps with.

    Plus (sorry to write a novel here), I have been drinking Kava or Valerian tea at night and a peach detox tea in the morning. It has dandelion and other herbs that help with, obviously, detoxification.

    So here are my questions:

    * I'm sick! With a cold or sinus infection, I think. I woke up at 5 this morning with a fever. Sore throat yesterday and today, stuffed up nose, really achy. What supplements should I cut out, if any? My herbal encyclopedia said that omega 3s and any fatty acids (such as Evening Primrose Oil) have been shown to lengthen recovery time. What about L-Glutamine?

    *I'm drinking a bunch of sick teas today for respiration, sore throat, etc. Plus taking extra vitamin C. And, because I have to do some things out in the world this afternoon/evening, like grocery shopping and taking my kiddo to choir, I have taken OTC cold medicine. Trying to keep that to a minimum. Anyway, how does the detox tea interact with all the supplements I am taking, or the OTC meds? Will it make me metabolize all of those things really fast? Should I skip it altogether today?

    *In general, if I am filling up my body with all of these healing herbs and supplements, is a detox tea a good thing, or am I just getting rid of everything I'm putting in me? That may be a stupid question, but I'm really not sure.

    *Lastly, could the detox supplements and tea be partly responsible for me being sick? Like my body is getting rid of toxins?

    Whew. Hope that all made sense. Let me know if you have any answers! Thanks!

    Supps, being sick, and detoxing

    Hi Pocket, congrats on the 4 days, that's excellent!

    It could be that you've just got the cold that's going around, I had it for four weeks pretty bad, and now on my sixth week it's just a post nasal issue with some coughing up junk. I don't think it had anything to do with detoxing because its a bug going around. I may have touched a doorknob someone sick touched, because I don't know anyone sick. Anyways, the idea that it could be detox is interesting but I can't say. I drank a bit here and there while sick so I'd say mine wasn't detox.

    I used the netipot to keep my sinuses open so I could sleep. I don't think the detox tea will get rid of bad stuff, I think it targets toxins, but it may take someone more knowledgable than you and I to answer for sure.

    Keep up the good work! Take 4-5 grams C!


      Supps, being sick, and detoxing

      Thanks for responding, Bruun! I took your advice and took 4 grams of C, and I am already feeling better. I skipped the detox tea today. As I see it, either I would be flushing the good out with the bad, or I would be getting over my sickness faster by getting it out of my system. I'm not sure, so I just stuck with everything but the l glut, detox tea, and the evening primrose oil.

      Thanks for the encouragement!


        Supps, being sick, and detoxing

        Pocket;1284632 wrote: Thanks for responding, Bruun! I took your advice and took 4 grams of C, and I am already feeling better. I skipped the detox tea today. As I see it, either I would be flushing the good out with the bad, or I would be getting over my sickness faster by getting it out of my system. I'm not sure, so I just stuck with everything but the l glut, detox tea, and the evening primrose oil.

        Thanks for the encouragement!
        Hi Pocket,

        It seems that you are infected by flu now and getting well !
        We always stick on small thing ,like I ate a chocolate, ice-cream, coffee while I was feeling some uncomfortable and think ourselves if we have done wrong because of their consumption and spend much time to think of them. In this case ,I am now perceived that we must not think more sensibly ,deeply,intensely about the things we consume which are not addictive .I think our body has the mechanism to tolerate anything to some extent even in case of alcohol .If we take the amount of AL as per the health guidelines we wont get any trouble ant does not harm our brain and body.So I request you not to focus on taking or avoiding supplements .If we gotl flu simply can take medicine for it along with our regular dietary...
        it is just my experience if it works with you as well.
        I am ready to take any medicine in any amounts and accept the death to avoid AL but not ready to face a death in the name of AL ......
        A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

        2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

        Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

        2013 : So many ups and down !!

        2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


          Supps, being sick, and detoxing

          Like Dixon, I wonder if you have the flu. Fever and aches are more of a flu thing. Please push lots of fluids...that will help to keep the gunk in your lungs less viscous and easier to cough up. I would think the teas would be fine. Hot liquids are soothing on a sore throat. I hope you feel better soon.


            Supps, being sick, and detoxing

            Hi Pocket -

            You can go up on the L-Glut quite a bit - see the bazillion L-Glut threads - or the Seven Weeks to Sobriety site - but it's not uncommon to see treatment centers to go much higher the first month when cravings are strongest. I have done so much better with cravings by bumping that up.

            Also - if anxiety is an issue in your AL use - in the store there is a mix of things that contains GABA, Magnesium, Taurine, Glycine, Theonine and Inositol to stop anxiety/cravings. Since I had 4 of the 6 already, I just got the missing 2 and added them to my regimen. That has made a world of difference as well. Because I didn't want to waste what I had - it does mean I carry a suitcase everywhere when I leave home. I'd recommend simply buying from here or the NOW version at the VitamminShoppe.

            Lastly, in the first month in particular you will be short amino acids which helps your brain recover - and are depleted by alcohol. I have bought the MWO Aminos the first quit but for some reason it keeps giving me heartburn. I do better with the GNC gelcap version - no reflux.

            Good luck!
            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
            AF - August 20, 2012

