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    Reams Biological Theory of Ionization:[/video]]Challen Waychoff - RBTI Introduction - YouTube

    May sounds wacky, but there is a lot of science behind it.
    It worth look into it.


    RBTI | Optimal Living Foods

    a quote from this website:

    "A little history of my exposure to RBTI. Thirty years ago, while Dr. Carey Reams was still alive, my wife and I went to a nutritionist in Southern California who was doing the testing for the RBTI. At the time I was fascinated by the simplicity of the “equation” and the effectiveness their suggestions had in changing my body ecology or body chemistry. My wife was having some health issues that were "fixed" by following the reccomendations of the nutritionist. He was able to look at her "7 numbers" and how they inter-related with each other and know what she needed to move towards better health. The next time the numbers were read, her body chemistry had changed for the better.

    Disease is not a mystery. Cancer is not a mystery. Science has identified the cause of cancer AND science has identified the cure for cancer BUT the pharmaceutical industry coupled with the American Medical Association (AMA) coupled with the Food and Drug Association (FDA) do not want competition for the health needs of Americans. Their monopoly is so big and so powerful and so rich that they can control the Congress of the United States and get them to pass laws in their favor in every circumstance.

    Dr. Reams was a medical doctor(MD), he was an agronomist and he also had 5 other degrees including a degree in Bio-Chemistry. He was a master mathematician who came up with a divinely inspired 7 number formula for health that worked. He was able to “read” these 7 numbers in his equation and tell a person what minerals they were deficient in and what they needed to do to regain health. He had a clinic back East where he took in over 10,000 terminally ill patients and all but 5 walked out with regained health. The 5 that died were way too far gone to begin with to be helped......

    Dr. Reams was a friend of Albert Einstein and they appreciated the genius of each other. "



      Very thought-provoking article. Will read at length later. Years ago when I was studying ayurveda lemons were an integral part of it.

      Thank you.
      Enlightened by MWO



        another quote:

        Dr. Carey Reams

        Dr. Carey Reams developed the Biological Theory of Ionization in the mid 1900?s. As a biochemist and a biophysicist, Dr. Reams was able to quantify human health in a seven number equation. Through trial and error, he was able to take a long complicated analysis of body chemistry, fine tune it, and carry it out to the lowest common denominator, which resulted in the simple analysis of the urine and saliva. He tested every bodily fluid, the blood, the hair, the stool, and eventually discovered that the urine and saliva test would give him all the information he needed to evaluate the body chemistry of someone looking for answers about regaining health.

        For years, he worked within the medical industry here in this country, analyzing the body chemistry of people that his doctor friends would send to him. Doctors of his day recognized the effectiveness of his ?formula for health?. Dr. Reams had the uncanny ability to ?know? what was wrong with a person by looking at their 7 numbers. In a two-year period in 1970 and 1971, Dr. Reams had about 25,000 people go through his retreat center on the East Coast. 10,000 of those people were terminally ill and had been sent to Dr. Reams as a last hope ? their doctors had sent them home to die. Of those 10,000 people, all but 5 of them walked away with renewed health. It was after this, that the medical industry realized that this man and his formula for health could put them out of business so the persecution, ridicule, and even arrest for practicing medicine without a license started to take place.

        Dr. Reams premise was simple. He demonstrated that all disease is caused by mineral deficiencies and when a person remineralized, the symptoms of those diseases disappeared, and the remineralized person would no longer have that disease. It was so simple that the medical community of the day could not accept the fact that their drug, cut and burn way of treating people was the completely wrong way to treat disease. Their ego and pride took over and they drove Dr. Reams from his retreat center that was helping thousand?s of people regain their health and effectively shut down his amazing discovery.

        Dr. Reams understood how the body works. He also had a degree in Agronomy, so he knew the relationship of minerals to the health and nutritive quality of plants. From a very young age, he was able to grown fruits and vegetables that had an exceptionally high mineral content. He discovered that high mineral plants were not plagued by pests. This led to his discovery that high mineral people were not plagued by sickness or disease. Therefore, when he fed sick people high mineral food and a few mineral supplements, they got better ? every single time! He was able to establish what mineral deficiencies were linked to what diseases and when his recommendations were followed, people got better.

        Through his research, Dr. Reams was able to establish the perfect body chemistry for a human body represented by seven different numbers taken from the analysis of the urine and saliva. It is an absolute that has never been disputed or proven wrong. Science has confirmed that these numbers portray an accurate picture of what is happening inside the body. Unfortunately, medical science is so encumbered with conflict of interests that they are not ?allowed? to recognize the truth in the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI). If they were to endorse the RBTI, more than half of all doctors and hospitals would be out of business.

        After he was silenced by the medical industry, Dr. Reams continued teaching his principles and methodologies. He had 100?s of students that regained health through his program and wanted to learn how to continue to help themselves and their loved ones with the principles of RBTI. I hope that at some point in the future every home will have a body chemistry test kit and will be able to monitor what is happening in the body so that diseases will be stopped before they even begin. There is really only one disease ? premature aging, which is caused by mineral deficiencies. When those deficiencies are identified early and dealt with, premature aging will stop. Live Long and Prosper!



          Fascinating stuff, thank you. I shall look into a little more.
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi


