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The PMS Thread - Not for the Faint of Heart

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    The PMS Thread - Not for the Faint of Heart

    OK I just named this thread as such as I don't want to pussy foot over the fact that I want to discuss PMS like grownups here. And periods if necessary. So if the idea of a woman's monthly cycles gives you the heebie jeebie's, this is not the right thread for you.

    I'm sick of turning into a screaming nfire: for a five days of the month and my boyfriend, even though he too is to blame for never cutting me a break, has to hide behind the :sofa:. Well the proverbial sofa as we're not even in the same town right now. Lucky him.

    I already take Topamax as a mood stabilizer and thyroid meds for a low thyroid (I think that may be better now, have to be retested) so I'd like to take a holistic approach to this one.

    Can anyone please help me save me from myself?

    The PMS Thread - Not for the Faint of Heart

    I havent found any help or anyone that has found natural relief. I guess its off to the damn gynae then.


      The PMS Thread - Not for the Faint of Heart



      for the overwhelming response. :H

      I'm taking a Evening Primrose Oil and a Magnesium combo as well as Progesterone drops in case anyone else is also suffering. We shall see what happens later in the month.


        The PMS Thread - Not for the Faint of Heart

        Dizzy.......I know what a problem PMS is. I have a couple of friends who wives suffer from this. Their is medication for this.....check out your Doc. he or she can help. Comedy helps.....changing your mood on those days gives you a fighting chance. Here's a little chuckle to get you started: "What's the difference between PMS and Mad Cow Disease ? " Their is no difference...Ha! Got that one from one of my friends who's wife suffers from it. Warning: the couple must have a healthy relationship before trying this ! Ha! Good Luck.....Tony
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          The PMS Thread - Not for the Faint of Heart

          :H :H :H Thanks Tony. I did end up going to my doctor. We are following the most natural way possible, so fingers crossed!


            The PMS Thread - Not for the Faint of Heart

            Hi Dizzy,

            Wow, there WAS an overwhelming response to your thread wasn't there? LOL

            I have no advice. I take the easy way out...I get a shot every 3 months (Depoprevera) and viola! No periods...ever. That means that when I'm a bitch, it's 100% excuses!

            I hope you can find some relief for your PMS, for the sake of you and your BF!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              The PMS Thread - Not for the Faint of Heart

              Oh I'm so glad someone brought it up!! :thanks: I am a horrid beoch :durn: and emotional wreck :boohoo: It brings nothing but negativity to my house. It got worse after my youngest was born. But I have found that vigorous exercise for a few days does relieve it. :sigh: I'm not on any specific BC right now, but hubby is to get the ole snipparoo soon. I've had 3 C sections, I'm done with procedures!
              Living life to the fullest.


                The PMS Thread - Not for the Faint of Heart

                Thanks gals, for some few weeks there I thought I alone suffered fromt this curse. People joke about it but I think mine is quite bad. I sometimes get so depressed I stay in bed. It's actually nothing to joke about.

                I think progesterone is key, so K9, you are right, and I have done the injection before and actually love it. I'll think about it, I know a lot of people claim its not good for you.

                Hectic excercise sounds like...I dunno having to run a marathon to alleviate flu symptoms

                Well, if anyone comes up with any solutions please come back and post here.



                  The PMS Thread - Not for the Faint of Heart

                  Hi Diz - the only thing I used to find that worked was a magnesium/calcium supplement taken for at least a week before said period is due. Probably best two weeks before - in fact as it is good for you, take it all the time. Has to be a magnesium calcium mix though..... I was caught out in my younger days as it worked so well, I hadn't realised my period was due!! I am now fortunately past all that - there might be better stuff out now, but that is my tuppence worth!!

                  Sun X
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    The PMS Thread - Not for the Faint of Heart

                    Good morning DB
                    I am so sorry abou your situation. I had the worst cramping all my life but it's gotten better since the munchkins were born.

                    Anyway. I live in Washington state and there is a clinic in seattle called The Longevity Clinic and it is run by Dr. Jerry Mixon. Though he is from a western medicine background he is completely holistically centered in his practice. I have met him and taken his seminars and he has a wonderful call in radio show on Saturdays here. You can google longevity clinic seattle and I bet u find him. I want to switch to him and his staff full time so badly but their practice is pretty expensive and they are not typically coverered by insurance. Mostly because they are seen as preventative medicine. Gee cant have that in the medical community now...

                    Anyway this may be a good place to start as he has helped me with my low thyroid and fatigue issues. You can always give the show a call and ask a question. It's very laid back and they are very helpful. Almost like talking to him in you living room...well sort of .

                    Much love and luck
                    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
           tool box
           newbie nest


                      The PMS Thread - Not for the Faint of Heart

                      Hi Dizzy, sorry got no ideas for you, I started early menopause at 37, hate to say it but if you think you go mad now ......... you aint seen nothing yet :H

                      I say that but it isnt a laughing matter, it has been the worst part of my life ever, I am still taking hrt, otherwise I turn back into this horrible hot sweating, overweight mess, I have put on loads of weight and its just yuk. how I wish I had periods again and feel like a normal woman. Make the most of it while youve got it


                        The PMS Thread - Not for the Faint of Heart

                        Well, I went to the gynae and was diagnosed with PCOS so I guess that changes things. But if anyone else finds anything holistic or natural that can help any of the other ladies, please add it here.

