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HCG weight loss

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    HCG weight loss

    Thanks Brian and Red. I was unable to find L-Glut powder at Walmart, although they sell it online. I will order from the website you provided Red. I did get another bottle of whey protein, and I believe it is helping me. Although I did "cheat" some this week, I still went down another pound today. Now 8 pounds in 8 weeks.

    I don't eat a lot of sugar, Brian, but right now I don't want to give it up. I will probably still keep it in a (minimal) part of my diet. If the weight loss stalls again, or if I start gaining, then I will consider it. Perhaps when I start with the L-Glut, I will naturally not want any.

    I've seen another video with that man. He kinda gets on my nerves, lol. Good advice, however.

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      HCG weight loss

      Hi LG,

      I have also purchased my L-Glut powder from Walmart before and also checked it today
      and indeed for some reason they are not available online. However Red's source of Vitacost
      is a much better deal. Walmart sells them for $11.54 / 300gr so Vitacost's $27.99 / 2.2lb
      comes out of 26.5% savings against Walmart. That is a pretty good deal!


        HCG weight loss

        Indeed! Plus shipping is free.

        "I like people too much or not at all."
        Sylvia Plath


          HCG weight loss

          I havent got much time but just want to jump in to say to LG the L glut powder is sooo much easier to take, just mix the spoonful with some water and you can barely taste anything. I am bad at remembering it but even then I have massivley reduced my sugar intake, I just dont want it anymore, it really doesnt appeal to me. So I hope that happens for you too, good luck


            HCG weight loss

            I am not going the HCG route after all. It's too risky, IMO. Right now I am drinking a late morning smoothie with my new whey protein, which by the way, has L-Glutamine in it. I didn't realize that until this morning. It also has 40 more calories per scoop than my other whey protein, and doesn't taste as good (has a strong sweet taste). It's a huge bottle so I guess I'll get used to it. IDK, will Walmart take it back after opened, lol?

            "I like people too much or not at all."
            Sylvia Plath


              HCG weight loss

              Hi LibraryGirl,

              I think you are wise not to go on the HCG diet. I am just now reading his thread and wanted to offer my two cents. I did the shots and they did NOT help me lose weight at all, and man, were they expensive....$200/month. One of my co-workers did the shots, too, and lost about 50 pounds in less than less months, but I just saw her in May and in less than 4 months, she has put back on all the weight and then some. I was on phentermine for a number of months....I get it from my doctor, and yes, it did help control my appetite and it did help me lose 30 lbs., but just like any other extreme diet method... as in Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem....the day you go off it, the pounds come back on with a vengeance and I regained 10 lbs. in less than 5 weeks. Now, I just exercise more and I'm traveling less so I can eat right. I've managed to lose the 10 lbs. I gained. The phentermine I got from my doc is not the generic type. I bought the generic stuff online and it did absolutely nothing to control my appetite. I, too, like the protein smoothies.


                HCG weight loss

                LibraryGirl;1346705 wrote: I am not going the HCG route after all. It's too risky, IMO. Right now I am drinking a late morning smoothie with my new whey protein, which by the way, has L-Glutamine in it. I didn't realize that until this morning. It also has 40 more calories per scoop than my other whey protein, and doesn't taste as good (has a strong sweet taste). It's a huge bottle so I guess I'll get used to it. IDK, will Walmart take it back after opened, lol?
                I would like to mention one thing regarding protein powders.
                When you are dieting, you need to be careful with your protein intake, as well.
                If you eat more protein than what your body requires, it will store the extra protein as fat.
                An easy formula to figure out your protein need is:
                Divide your weight (lb) in half. If you are a male that is how many grams of protein you need daily. Females should deduct 10% from that value.
                So let's say if you are a female who weights 160lb, then you need 72 grams of protein daily.


                  HCG weight loss

                  I tried HCG and was a complete and utter failure. After a mere 3-4 days of living on chicken breasts and lettuce, I was ready to tackle someone for some real food. Now I'm doing Weight Watchers, and while it is a slower process, I can eat real food!


                    HCG weight loss

                    So it doesn't suppress your appetite? I wonder how in the world people stick to it. I think WW is a good way to eat too.

                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      HCG weight loss

                      Hi everyone!!!!! Lots of great info on the L-Glut and protein intake and what not! Thanks for sharing!!!! I order my supplements for times you get free shipping and you always get 2 for the price of 1....they ship extremely fast too!
                      AB Club Member
                      AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                      10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                      :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                        HCG weight loss

                        Hey Dest! Hope you enjoy the smoothies, if that's the whey you like to take it. One thing I haven't thought about: does L-Glut have calories?

                        Still maintaining an 8 lb weight loss as of this morning. I started changing my diet the last week in May, so I guess it's been about 6ish weeks. Not too bad. Once I get to 10 lbs, I'll really feel like I'm doing something.

                        "I like people too much or not at all."
                        Sylvia Plath


                          HCG weight loss

                          Hi LG,

                          Yes. It has 15 Calories per 4.5 gram of portions.
                          So if you have purchased the 2.2 lb bottle, it will have 3333 calories.

                          Hi Dest,

                          I also purchase most of my stuff from Puritan, however this deal from Vitacost is better deal
                          because of the bigger size. Puritan also only has the 300 gram size just like Walmart does.


                            HCG weight loss

                            I have just received my L-glut from Vitacost, and it turns out it will not work for me.
                            Last week I started dieting again and I am on an extremely low carb diet like the induction phase on Atkins. I consume about 20 carbs a day. However during the past week I did not lose a gram of weight. I thought that one of the supplements that I am taking is messing me up. So when I came home from work, I have measured my blood sugar and it was 90.
                            Which is good since I did not eat anything for about 5 hours. Then I made a glass of L-Glut
                            and drank it and about 40 minutes later my blood sugar shot up to 124 without eating anything. That is no good. That is the reason I am not loosing weight.
                            So before you jump on the L-Glut band wagon, check out if it disturbs your BS level.
                            I guess most people are going to be OK, but those who have pre-diabetes or diabetes
                            possibly can not benefit from it as an aid for weight loss. Bummer.


                              HCG weight loss

                              Was it just L-Glute and water?

                              Your post has me goggling away "l-glute blood sugar," "l-glute diabetes." I don't question your experience at all, wantto. I've just never heard, seen, nor read about l-glutamine INCREASING blood sugar. My quick run through the web also keeps repeating that l-glutamine is helpful for pre- and diabetic conditions.
                              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                                HCG weight loss

                                That IS very strange. I received my L-Glut yesterday afternoon. Just two days after I ordered it! And I didn't opt to pay for fast shipping, so anyone who is thinking of ordering from Vitasource? (see Redthread's link in this thread), don't pay extra for shipping. You will get it fast.

                                Just made my usual smoothie (well with the new addition of fresh cherries!), and added a big tablespoon of L-glut.

                                "I like people too much or not at all."
                                Sylvia Plath

