Natural supplements and Skincare products from Xtend-Life Natural products, New Zealand
Well knock me over, was wondering why this time going AF I felt so good so quickly (very different experience than previous times) if you look at all the vitamins in the forums for recovery, health, balance, cravings, etc many of the below have already active incredients in the following products.
This is what i'm currently taking -
Total Balance
Female Rejuvenator
Kiwi Klenz - even states reduces AL cravings & reduces bloating
I've not taken these for a while but also Neuro-Natural Serenity was really good for feeling less stressed, elivates mood and over all feeling of well being - ordering now
They have a different approach to how they are produced that puts them way ahead of most manufacturers for absorbtion and effect.
Working for me, well worth a look at
Hope that helps
