One of my favorite Doctor is Andrew Saul.
He is not a practicing Doctor, but a teacher and educator.
According to him, Orthomolecular medicine is very safe.
Compared to conventional medicine it has much better safety record.
Here is one clip with him from the movie: "Food Matters" (Great movie).
(You can watch it on Netflix).[/video]]Nutritional Links to Depression and Mental Illness - YouTube
Dr. Peter Glidden on conventional medicine: index=11[/video]]Death By Doctor - YouTube
Dr. Joel Wallach on Vitamins and minerals:[/video]]Dr. Joel Wallach - The Best of Dead Doctors Don't Lie - YouTube
Dr Robert Rowen is also a great Holistic Healer.
This clip is about the importance of someone's diet: index=4[/video]]Dr Robert Rowen Discusses his approach to treating disease - YouTube
He is interviewed by Dr. Mercola:[/video]]Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Robert Rowen - YouTube