So, I’ve really upped my game. In addition to many of the supps I take regularly, I’ve added a few more. I realize it hasn’t been very long, but they seem to be helping. I just wanted to pass this along.
St. John’s Wort has worked for me in the past when I’ve been blue. It’s too soon to tell if it will work again, but I am hopeful. I’ve also added passionflower to the mix. I am taking quite a large dose, and the effects are noticeable. It’s helping with the everyday general anxiety. It works quickly and I’m actually sleeping through the night. Woo-hoo!!.
But the biggest surprise was magnesium. When I was at the health food store, I was given a few samples of a powered magnesium supplement. It wasn’t even on my radar so I doubt it’s a placebo since I had no expectation that it would do anything. I only took the samples because they were free. He told me that we are all deficient in magnesium due to the lack of minerals in the soil. Our food doesn’t supply enough magnesium, no matter how good our diet. He also said that magnesium deficiency is related to anxiety. So I tried it, and was very impressed. I looked for a thread on this, and couldn’t find anything recent, so thought I would mention it in case anyone wanted to give it try. All I know is that I feel quite mellow for a change. The racing thoughts are gone. I don’t know which herb or mineral is doing it, but something seems to be helping.
A dear friend told me today that I seem calm and happy. What a compliment. Just wanted to share. Does anyone else have natural cures for anxiety? I would love to hear about them. Peace to you all.