Were we right that the carbs after the fast are to give your liver a bit more of a rest?
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Fasting pre and post chemo
Fasting pre and post chemo
Yes that's the reasoning. Which if I'd got off my duff to email the guy at the Mayo I probably would have found outAlso the carb content at this point is to try to combat the fatigue. I've been finding my awake time had dropped to around 6-8 hours a day...I was out of it the rest of the time.
Fasting pre and post chemo
I am really pleased that you have found somebody to help you with your diet. You seem to know a hell of a lot already about diet.
It is about 7pm in the UK and I was just reading the Saturday paper holiday section. In it was a review of a health farm offering a hardcore regime advocating bone broth and fasting. All the stuff NoSugar is such an expert on. So clearly you are doing all you can to get well based on science rather than blind hope.
Said it before, but its worth repeating, you are an inspiration for making the best of being dealt a bad set of cards.
Caro x
Fasting pre and post chemo
Just checking in again. Caro I probably know a lot of "skimming" kind of stuff. NS is the goods. That's probably how I started to get confused, wondering about different protocols, I just wanted to have something nailed to how I am feeling now and that's totally unlike any eating patterns I've had in a long time. More like coming off a hangover, which doesn't sit comfortably. But this is what it is and has to be dealt with. I was wondering about the health farm regime you mentioned and what level of exercise they were promoting with the fasting regime too?
Slept a lot on the weekend. This week I want to lay low. From what the nutritionist said week 2 is when my white cell count is lowest so therefore I'm most susceptible to picking up any germs. Which is what happened in round 2. And I was told, I just thought I knew better.
I have more reason to rest this week though, we have a trip planned next weekend to Sydney. Two nights away, catching up with some friends and family. And doing the teaching yoga for cancer workshop. I'm really excited about that so want to ensure I get through this week with minimum stress and NO illness. I'm also getting the henna crown done on Wednesday. Will post some pics, it's going to be fun x
Fasting pre and post chemo
The henna crown is a excellent idea - I have not heard of anyone doing that, I love the henna tattoos, they are so very beautiful, having one to show the beauty of a bald head sounds wonderful!
Being able to look forward to your trip will be a grand motivator to stay away from bugs and germs.
Sending you positive vibes across the MWO airwaves....“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Fasting pre and post chemo
OOOOhhhh! I can't wait to see the henna tat. I'm so glad you are doing the yoga for cancer workshop. I think yoga is so healing. I'll be sending you germ free vibes so you stay healthy and can get away for your adventure!
Fasting pre and post chemo
Hope you are ok.
The health farm is (grayshottspa.com) the regime is over a week and strict. It also involves castor oil compresses, frequent blood tests, abdominal massage and hydrotherapy baths. Lots of bone broth, a cheap and natural way of getting glucosamine. I am really interested in that bit as I have severe arthritis and need a hip op. Going to have a go of NS's bone broth recipe at the weekend.
Ever meal apparently starts with a shot of digestive bitters (not sure what they are) NS do you know please?
Apparently exercise is encouraged but not compulsory.
Anyway, I can only dream of going because it is big bucks, but going to see if I can work some extra hours to pay for it.
Enough about me, sending you positive vibes across the miles, I used to work in Australia and think it is a really special place.
Caro x
Fasting pre and post chemo
Hope you're resting quietly, Happy, getting ready for your trip and yoga experience.
I finally found a type of yoga that works for me: Hatha. I do plenty of power/cardio stuff. I need help with the flexibility, stretching, posture, and all of that. After 5 classes, I'm finally starting to understand all the yoga enthusiasm. What types do you enjoy most?
Caro, I'm afraid I don't know much about digestive bitters. Probably Mr. Google does. Hope you enjoy the bone broth. I especially loved it in the cold months but it is good for you all the time. I hope you have a source of bones that you trust.
Take care, NS
Fasting pre and post chemo
Morning/evening everyone. Its henna time...head is now clean shaven!! its kind of weird but an ok feeling.
I've been resting thanks NS, just laying low and keeping on top of some works things before I hand over a good deal of stuff. Caro the health farm sounds good, pretty full on too, I hope you get to do it and give us a full report?
And yep, I teach Hatha NS. I love it. It's the basis of yoga for me, you can teach a flow sequence or slow it right down into restorative. I'd like to do further study in Yin yoga but that will be next year when I'm well. And maybe somewhere gorgeous, like Bali? something to dream about
I'll post some photos of my head later on. Love the support here, you are all amazing, lovely people. x
Fasting pre and post chemo
I'll sign up for yoga too - I keep saying I will try it, but another of those things that I can't make time for..I think I would like it, need to take next step!
Looking forward to seeing the henna tattoo:l“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"