Beautiful picture Happs. Thinking of you. :h
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Fasting pre and post chemo
Fasting pre and post chemo
Such a gracious, lovely lady. I feel so fortunate to have you in my life. Sending you a giant cyber-hug across the miles. Pssst.... Today is 60 days AF for me. Thank you for being here for all of us.
Fasting pre and post chemo
Happy, You have such a genuine, happy smile. You look beautiful :l.
It's great that your Dr. might have identified the culprit for the trembling and that you might be able to reduce that. I looked it up -- appears to be most common after age 40 and in women , wouldn't ya' just know?
In my recent reading/watching about fasting, the clarity of mind and ability to focus were one of the most often described benefits that lead people who don't necessarily have to fast to do so. Some find a greater spirituality in that state, as well, which might also explain some of it being practiced by various religious groups.
Satz, there is information all over the WWW but one person I've found who is very clear is Dr. Jason Fung. You can find his videos on YouTube. The series on the Aetiology of Obesity is very well done and concerns much more than obesity given that it and other diseases ranging from diabetes to cancer likely have the same mechanism (insulin resistance). His website is If you read his blog from the beginning, the "story" unfolds quite clearly and in an entertaining manner.
Enjoy your bone broth, Happy! It is very cool here today for a summer day and I might just have that for lunch, also.
xx, NS
Fasting pre and post chemo
Thanks lovely people.
Ginger!!! Well done on 60 days, you're doing so well, really proud to know you, you have such a great heart and are so humble :h
Yeah NS, go figure on the Dex. I have to take it in tablet form for four days after and this morning I really noticed the tremors right through my whole body. Its ok if you're in a relaxed state but as soon as you bring any movement into play BAM...
Foodwise yesterday after I was home for a bit I felt wildly starving and grabbed a couple of crackers and a bit of avocado. Also had a dandelion tea. Stupid move, as now the last thing I want to see, smell or taste are any of the above. I wonder if the aversion that the nutritionist spoke of is physical or mental? its so strong and so instant. Could not eat or do much after that either so slept until just now. Having warmed up broth for breakfast instead.
Fasting pre and post chemo
Thankyou myhappyplace for this thread,
I have breast cancer, so far have had mastectomy,lymph nodes out, reconstruction... then the implant failed, my body rejected it so went back into hospital to have that out. Yesterday I went for a check with hospital and there is an infection where the breast was, the pain level has been grim. (on antibiotics again).
I have read your thread with great interest as I start chemotherapy at the end of this month (provided the infection from surgery is better). I have had one meeting so far with oncologist, I discussed fasting and chemo, he absolutely slated the idea, he seems quite conservative in his outlook.
I will read all the things that you and NS talk about in the thread and see what I think is best for me . I am very thin so am not sure that fasting will be good for me but I will certainly start looking very carefully at my diet. I do eat healthily, no sugar, lots of fruit and veg and wholemeal things but I think I can eat even more healthily. (I will research).
I am quite scared of chemo, I need to really work on my thinking with this.
I was not so frightened about the surgery or the thought of radiotherapy, which I must have later.
You seem to have a really robust approach to chemo, I notice that yoga is a big part of your life. Do you also meditate? How many more sessions have you got to go? Apart from a healthy diet what other tips would you give someone who was about to undergo chemotherapy?
I wish you lots of love in the healing process, think your henna crown is lovely and thanks for giving me lots to think about and a bit of hope!! xxNew life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!
Fasting pre and post chemo
Darkest Diamond. Firstly sending you love and healing. You've been through a lot and I'm glad if this thread can give you information that you can use.
First piece of advice is don't stop here. Ask questions, of everybody. If your oncologist isn't on board with fasting, and most aren't, there could be reasons apart from his take on the process, it could be your weight. I'm thinking maybe seeking a nutritionist and one that is recommended there are a lot of dodgy "nutrition coaches" out there with minimal degrees and no concept of cancer in any form. Someone who is associated with breast care facilities is normally a good starting point.
Secondly if you haven't had a look locally this website is Australian and I'm hoping you have something similar in the UK? Maybe some of the Army folk might be clued up?
Welcome to BCNA | Breast Cancer Network Australia
To yoga and meditation. I see these as going hand in hand. If people ask me if I still practice yoga, I say every damn day. It's not just about the physical. It involves meditation - even if that's finding a calm space for two or three minutes a day - and breathing. Breathing through some of the treatments, when I cant sleep, when I feel stressed. Here's another link
Yoga and Cancer
I don't believe yoga and meditation or diet will cure my cancer or stop it coming back. My treatment will and these are adjunct therapies that will assist this treatment. My thoughts only.
I can only say re starting chemo is that I do not think very far ahead. If I do, and I can see when I read back on anything I write that looking ahead does my head in. So, I really am taking each day one at a time, it keeps me sane. It has meant a lot of changes and these will take some time to get used to and not forecasting or projecting on these is sometimes hard. But that's where writing here and breathing to calm have helped.
I have just had my third treatment on AC yesterday. Each one is a new experience, it isn't painful as the nurses are kind. The nausea take some getting used to. I've been told each of us are different. I have one more AC in three weeks time and then three weeks after that I commence a 12 week round on a Taxol drug I cant remember the name of but I think its on here earlier in the thread.
So, can I ask what your treatment schedule is, what drugs etc? just to ask more questions from people I know here and see what their thoughts are.
And wow, I never thought I'd type that much one day out of chemo. I think, like Tawny said this thread is not just about me, it is open to all and any who have information and who need to talk.
Will be thinking of you DD xx
Fasting pre and post chemo
Quick one Happs & NS
Have you come across Apricot Kernels ?
My Daughter told me that a friend in work is recovering from cancer and is into all things healthy.
We bought a drum of them each
Googled them as it said 'no more than 4 kernels daily' and was scared off - that they were poisonous ? :egad:
Are they worth the effort?
Fasting pre and post chemo
myhappyplace;1678617 wrote:
Foodwise yesterday after I was home for a bit I felt wildly starving and grabbed a couple of crackers and a bit of avocado. Also had a dandelion tea. Stupid move, as now the last thing I want to see, smell or taste are any of the above. I wonder if the aversion that the nutritionist spoke of is physical or mental?
I don't know whether the aversions are in your head or your body but I do believe they are real. Most people have anecdotal stories on the subject. For example, my mom was baking apples one time while I was developing an illness and for years the smell of baking apples made me feel sick and there was no way I could eat them. Some strong aversions during pregnancy disappeared after delivery. I've had a couple of weird sounding cravings over the years (at an intensity and with similar odd behaviors as with alcohol) to foods that are not normally considered to be addictive. Later, I found out the biochemistry behind one of those (grapefruit) and it all made sense. My point is, I don't think you're imagining all of this. (I do hope you start liking the avocados again, though!!!).
Darkest Diamond;1678695 wrote: I have read your thread with great interest as I start chemotherapy at the end of this month (provided the infection from surgery is better). I have had one meeting so far with oncologist, I discussed fasting and chemo, he absolutely slated the idea, he seems quite conservative in his outlook.
satz123;1678805 wrote:
Googled them as it said 'no more than 4 kernels daily' and was scared off - that they were poisonous ? :egad:
I haven't heard about it in years but I do know that apricot pits are poisonous to humans so I don't think I would mess with them myself.
:h NS
Fasting pre and post chemo
Didn't Steve McQueen take a Laetrile treatment? I'm still think hinging on one food is like the asparagus topic...and yep, I'd always been told as a kid to steer clear of almond kernels.
And yes, NS, there are a lot of similarities here to pregnancy aversion and craving. Totally bizarre.
Good to "see" you btw x
Fasting pre and post chemo
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