I got some bad news today.... My best friend for the past 40 years was diagnosed today with invasive ductile carsanoma (sp?) Right now that's all I know. She was still processing the news and didn't want to talk about it. I'll wait for her to be ready. I have to say that the very first thing that came to mind was you, MHP. Your strength, your positive attitude, your commitment to yoga. All of it. I think you came into my life when you did so that I can help my friend. Funny how the universe works. Love ya - Ginge
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Fasting pre and post chemo
Fasting pre and post chemo
I got some bad news today.... My best friend for the past 40 years was diagnosed today with invasive ductile carsanoma (sp?) Right now that's all I know. She was still processing the news and didn't want to talk about it. I'll wait for her to be ready. I have to say that the very first thing that came to mind was you, MHP. Your strength, your positive attitude, your commitment to yoga. All of it. I think you came into my life when you did so that I can help my friend. Funny how the universe works. Love ya - Ginge
Fasting pre and post chemo
Ginger, sorry to hear your sad news. Hopefully you will gain some inspiration from MHP to help her along...
MHP, thanks and time I sorted out my sleeping schedule.....going to look for a yoga class.......IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Fasting pre and post chemo
Daisy, I'm really intersted in getting into yoga too..
Ginger, I'm sorry about your friend., what a shock..
Hi Happs, any suggestions for starting yoga on my own? There are not a wealth of classes where I live..
I've started doing the Mindful Meditation course by Mark Williams which is encouraging me to think more about yoga as an added tool for a present life.
Fasting pre and post chemo
Patrice, I download yoga practices from yogadownloads.com. You can pick whatever kind of yoga you like and some of the downloads are free. Most come with pdfs that show you the poses with the names. That really helped me when I started back in April.
Fasting pre and post chemo
Ginger999;1685013 wrote: Patrice, I download yoga practices from yogadownloads.com. You can pick whatever kind of yoga you like and some of the downloads are free. Most come with pdfs that show you the poses with the names. That really helped me when I started back in April.
My Yoga Online: Yoga Videos Classes and Downloads and this one Yoga at Every Age
Righto...Ginge, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Like Patrice said you must be in shock. I think you're doing the right thing waiting for a little while, just play it by ear but do make contact, even if its just a text or leaving a note to say you're thinking of her. That initial hand held out can make the difference to how your relationship continues. I know that one first hand. It's often that people don't know WHAT to say and all you want is an acknowledgement that this is happening to you. Could write reams but first :l and this is a good website.
Helping a friend or colleague with breast cancer | Breast Cancer Network Australia
I love that you're all looking at yoga and meditation xx
Fasting pre and post chemo
Hi Happy - I read your thread happily and remain in awe of your attitude, you teach me so much.
I reached a goal this weekend and got a hand henna tattoo to reward myself and thought of you, I told the henna artist about your beautiful skull - thinking of you lots and continuing to send positive vibes through eh MWO waves....“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Fasting pre and post chemo
Good morning, afternoon or good evening....or something like that
Well, morning here, on C day...I'm going to be totally honest here and say I'm not as up as I normally am and was quite down the last couple of days. Had a good talk to myself in the wee hours this morning and resolved to change the day around. Also had to think about WHY I'd let it get on top of me. I even had a go at my husband last night, only excuse was I was over tired but I think that's such a lame excuse when you hurt someone who is so gentle with you and does so much. No excuse.
The whys seem to be trying to please others and listening to too much crap. I'd become involved in something that was making me feel like time was slipping away, that there was an urgency to "do". Resolution, I've taken emails and facebook off my phone. Will just stick to logging in to here. Also turning off the phone or simply not answering calls. And I'm going to stick to it. Not worth hurting people you really care for or not being present when they are there.
So. Fasting sucks this time around. I also want to go back to the nutritionist and discuss the food plan moving forward. Whilst I don't feel sick, I also don't feel like I'm eating right for my body. Too stodgy? or maybe I need to lay in healthier snacks - as she first suggested - but I'd kinda let that go. And that bit of extra weight isn't great for my knees :H there, my old joints aren't liking it.
I think about you all every day, hope you are ok DD and your friend too Ginge. Better start getting the day truly started, see you all on the other side of it xx
Fasting pre and post chemo
Checking in a feeling very good. Fast over, I found it very difficult this time not to eat and couldn't adhere to a 24 hour post. I'm wondering if the increase in carbs for my diet has anything to do with this?
Physically only a few things are playing up and that's just irritating little ones, eyes mostly - as your eyelashes fall they are a lot more sensitive and you have to rest them more often. Drops help though. And the dry mouth and throat,although I've still been lucky and had no ulcers to speak of. So, that in a nutshell is that.
Laying low today might have take the dog to the dog park later and see HER exercise. A few of my smaller work things to sort but no pressure from those jobs, its pretty cool really.
And I'm back to a fifteen minute yoga routine in the morning, I've found the interest here inspiring. If I can talk it, I better walk it
Thinking of you all. Remember to put your energy to good things. x
Fasting pre and post chemo
You're doing a lot of thinking, Happy, based on your last 2 posts! I'm glad you're feeling a little more optimistic todayand aren't having really bad physical effects of treatment.
If you're eating more carbs than before, fasting would be harder, I think. All the enzymes for metabolizing carbs rather than fat would be revved up and during a fast, your body needs to be able to access your body fat for energy if you are to feel good at all. It it can't and then uses up your glycogen pretty quickly, you're essentially "starving" during the later stages of the fast (whereas you're really not if you can burn your own fat). This is a tricky business!! I hope you can identify the way to eat that works best for you right now.
I've found that on the 3 mornings a week I do slow and gentle yoga, I just feel more relaxed and even-keeled all day. I so appreciate you and Free at Last getting me interested in this!
I just walked my dog to a pond and threw the ball for her to swim/bound out to retrieve for 45 minutes. It is like watching joy in action!
xx, NS