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Fasting pre and post chemo

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    Fasting pre and post chemo

    Just checking in on new site - MHP, do you get your new crown today? Have you chosen a new pattern, or will you just see what happens? I am excited for you - I really am so inspired by the way you are handling your diagnosis and treatment, and recovery! I am honored to know you!
    Hope your trip is going well Ginger.
    Hi NS - I saw a great post on positive thinking - maybe I will work out how to post stuff here now we have a new site - maybe I should get used to it first, a post I made a little while ago appeared many times!uch::huh: found lots of smiley faces though, hope I don't overuse them!
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      Fasting pre and post chemo

      Yes SL today is crown day, just sorting out what to wear etc for the photos. I'm going with the flow again on this one! Racing to get myself together, will have to spend a little time later working out the new site navigation. Might take me a little while - chemo brain! - but it'll be worth it. Have a great MAE everyone x


        Fasting pre and post chemo

        Morning ladies! I'm struggling with the new site. I'm trying to get it to work on my phone and Tab and a lot of the buttons don't work. Hope they introduce a mobile app or I'll be screwed. :/ Did I tell you guys my laptop died AGAIN? UGH! All small stuff when put in perspective though.

        Love the new crown, MHP! It looks amazing.


          Fasting pre and post chemo

          Hi everyone. Good chemo session, as good as it gets :H I'm trying to work out the new site and posting photos so might take a bit of time to get the photos up.

          I've put on another kilo! and that's with a cut down in carbs - so now the cake must go!! although retaining fluid as a SE has now been mentioned. So that is my excuse. Pass the cake.:thanks:


            Fasting pre and post chemo

            New crown is lovely MHP - my daughter loves the flower at the front!
            Ginger - yep struggling with new site too - hopefully it will come easier soon
            Happy to pass cake MHP - I am sure things will stabilize out when treatment is done....
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Fasting pre and post chemo

              Good MAE, all. I've seen a few photos posted around here -- they are so small it is really hard to see them! This new site does take some getting used to but right now, I'm just grateful to be able to post again!

              I'm glad to hear things are still going pretty well, Happy. Like I wrote to you before, weight going up without your "permission " is a pain but the uncontrollable weight loss associated with so many cancers is really scary. I bet you'll be able to get back right to where you want to be when you're not taking drugs that cause you to retain fluid and probably affect your metabolism in other unknown ways.

              I'm going out to a farm-to-table restaurant tonight and am planning to eat whatever I want !


                Fasting pre and post chemo

                Hi everyone, NS love the "without permission" you know me well my friend. Such a control freak. I'm coming to terms with the weight gain the last few days, probably because I've felt more and more like eating well. Plus, you're also right, I would hate to be in the position of losing so much weight it impacted upon my health and every day life. So, I'm counting blessings instead of kgs today and from here on in x

                I love the flower too SL! sorry I haven't been able to post any decent photos here but that'll be sorted soon I guess. Ginge, I see you've been off walking, pics look fantastic.

                Sorting out dinner, might head out for some grocery shopping, love the sound of a farm-to-table restaurant NS, expect a full report.

                I've got a little bit of regrowth on the head, it feels like soft Velcro! haha...


                  Fasting pre and post chemo

                  Well, I'm glad you're getting the soft side of the Velcro on your head !

                  The restaurant we went to lived up to expectations - my husband had pastured pork chop and rib with cornbread and vegetables of some sort and I had duck thigh and leg with fingerling potatoes, Brussels sprouts, and bacon. All perfectly cooked and seasoned. Yummmmm! (Sorry, Ginger, I'm sure that sounds just awful to a vegan). Plus, it was a perfect fall evening and we were able to dine outdoors. I noticed at the tables around me that the wine pours were VERY skimpy - glad that wasn't my problem to stress about! They gave me as much lemon water as I wanted .


                    Fasting pre and post chemo

                    Morning all.... Had to laugh, NS as I was making a face reading your menu and got to the (...) part of your post. Hahaha

                    MHP, glad you are working through the weight thing. I've always leaned toward the "pudgy" side and I had a doc tell me once it was a good thing, if I were ever to get sick and need reserve. I liked that doc! You must be looking forward to your beach trip!

                    Great trip going here! Going to take a day off from hiking and act like real tourists for today! (translate....need a rest )


                      Fasting pre and post chemo

                      Hi Happy, NS and Ginger - NS, that meal sounds wonderful. I love meat, and combined with fresh vegetables, delicious!
                      Hope you had a good day as a tourist today Ginger.
                      Did my 5K training today - this is going to be a stretch. Amazing how little run pushes me, managed my usual 5 mile walk after with no problem!
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        Fasting pre and post chemo

                        Morning all, NS loved the sound of that menu - sorry Ginge! - I could eat it right now, but I'll make do with a yoghurt and fruit. Did I mention I'm eating well again? Energy is up and down but I'm learning patience and resting with it. Not too bad all up. Your hiking photos look brilliant Ginger, some amazing shots. SL how is the running going? I'm off to chemo shortly, its becoming my social highlight of the week


                          Fasting pre and post chemo

                          Glad you checked in, MHP. Sounds like you are on "chemo count down". Whoot whoot!

                          Today is our last day of the trip. Heading home in the morning. Had a great game of golf today. I'm still struggling with the new site. It doesn't love this Tab I'm using!


                            Fasting pre and post chemo

                            Hi Ginger and MHP - it is funny writing here to you using our screen names when we chat in the real world - that is if fb is anything like the real world, so on second thoughts I probably should say in the world of fb.
                            Ginger - your trip looked great, I am envious of all your hiking.
                            Happy - i see Joan Lunden has got the front page of People magazine and showing her bald head - she is beautiful, but I did wonder if anyone told her about the henna crowns!
                            Running practice this evening and we got up to 3 min runs - 0.8 of a mile! My knees are still holding on and not giving me too much trouble.
                            Hope today's treatments went smoothly MHP - thoughts are with you - keep up the healthy eating too:l
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              Hi, Happy! It is great to be back on MWO! xx- NS


                                Thanks NS! Time to update a bit I think. I've been in two minds about continuing this thread or not. I'm now in contact with several of the people here off MWO and keep feeling like I'm boring the crap out of people with a check in or whatever it is that I've been doing. But a few things have happened lately and I think I'll record them anyway. Feel free to yawn and nod off anytime!

                                We are just back from that weeks holiday at the beach. Celebrated my 3 year AF anniversary - caught up with an old MWO friend and her two little ones and slept! I ended up missing chemo for the week. First day away and I was seriously doubting having come away. What is that? I felt unsure and was worrying about having missed a treatment. It settled and we really enjoyed the weeks break. My husband was truly shocked at how much I have to rest and what I am now not capable of doing. A few things cropped up with our boys too, spending time together away from the normal routine let us see that the younger two are struggling a bit. We are now in the process of arranging counselling. I'd like my husband to have some too but he is stubborn and refusing to have anything to do with it. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow and will chat with her about options and what is best.

                                I had my six months return to the surgeon today. All good and I won't see him now for another six months which will be the week after my next mammogram. Next step was the radiation oncologist, a woman who made me laugh and set my mind at ease. So once I finish chemo in 5 weeks I'll start radiation treatment. I have a planning appointment the week before to get the diagnostics of the machine setup, have my tattoos -not exciting ones, just 4 dots - and generally give them the stats to create my prescription of rays. Then its 30 treatments which will hopefully be done before New Year. Side effect is mostly fatigue. All doable.

                                Having some crappy dreams, really angry ones about work. Or past work I should say. Sleep is also an issue. So I'm really going to take some time out over the next few weeks, accept less invitations, do more meditation and yoga and try to focus on keeping my and my family well.

                                I think back now to why I started this thread. The visits today with the surgeon and radiation oncologist highlighted how well the fasting worked for me in terms of less nausea and dealing with the side effects of the AC. It could all have been as it was on the final treatment when I didn't fast. So have to thank the input of NS and the other lovely ladies who supported me. Eating healthily now is easy and I am feeling good, tired but well. I've am certain that I will make a full recovery and that once I patch my menfolk back together we can enjoy our Christmas and 2015.

