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Fasting pre and post chemo

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    Glad things went well! What's the rationale for the new diet protocol? I was interested and tried to look it up but (as usual with nutrition!) found conflicting advice.

    I've taken the 5HTP precursor, tryptophan, as a sleep-aid and found the same thing as you, Ginger - it works but man, the dreams are so WEIRD!! I don't really feel rested by that kind of sleep so have pretty much given up on that approach.


      Hi MHP, and great to hear from you, and in such a positive light yet again! You are wonder woman :love:
      The discussion on supplements etc is interesting. I have struggled with sleep recently and took a combo - slept great but woke exhausted with many thoughts bothering me - must have been dreams, not going to repeat that...I am trying to work out a good vitamin/supplement regime, don't want to take too many pills - just don't like that.
      The diet looks sustainable - just hope you don't fade away on that, as Ginger says it does look like a recipe for weight loss.
      Sending hopes your way that it carries on "cool and doable":victorious:
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        Just doing a speedy check in between work, sleep and next session!

        NS - I found this link which is interesting As one of the Undies pointed out to me it might have a lot to do with sterols in radiation?

        I'm going to do my usual and email the nutritionist with questions so I have it in terms for my own case. Whilst I take in what is said, its the "why's" after and that you're still the day post chemo and not retaining that info that make it necessary to follow up.

        Ginge, I've put on 10kg which is pretty standard under the drugs I was on. I really don't think it's going to be hard to drop, diet or no diet, I really don't feel like eating. I'll stay within the limits of the diet, if I do feel I'm losing weight too quickly I'll check back in with the experts.

        SL I took a massive amount of supplements when I gave up drinking. Some of these I've kept on, some not. I've never taken 5HTP though, so I'm really wondering about the weird dreams that Ginge and NS had.

        I feel like a sausage that is cooking from the inside out at the to get a type of dressing on today pre treatment to help with this.


          I sure don't like the sausage cooking business. Hopefully that doesn't last the entire time. Ten kg sure isn't worth worrying about now. Sending you healing thoughts!


            Me either Ginge! the dressing they put on is a new development though, like a plastic sheet you get wrapped in to take out the burning effect. I hope it works, I really hadn't planned on any side effects on this little part of the "j" word :happy2:


              I hope that dressing works and you are able to stay cool enough. Has your weather started to get hot?

              You mentioned supplements - no L-glutamine, right? Like glucose, cancer cells love it.

              Thanks for the link. The arguments I've heard for calorie restriction are similar to those for fasting. I'd not heard the low-fat part before. There is some information on the subject (and some videos) here:

              Hope Tuesday's session is a breeze (literally and figuratively :smile.


                Back in and the dressing is in place. I feel like I've been cryopaked. This stuff is like a clear wrap all round half of my upper body. No swimming, twisting and minimal exposure in the shower (!) hope it does the job. I'm "super sensitive" which has got me giggling this afternoon.

                NS, thanks - I'd seen that link earlier in the piece and forgotten it. Like you, I can't seem to find too much on the low-fat, unless I google specifically for triple negative breast cancer - which I did have. I'm going to email some questions and see what comes back, will let you know. It's so interesting.


                  Hey, at least you're getting wrapped in plastic for a good reason! Have you seen those stories where people do it to lose weight? What a hoax (Although if you lose inches from your waist, do let us know... :smile.

                  The whole "food as medicine" subject is really interesting - too bad that most of the people who take care of our health learn little about nutrition and many of the suppliers of our food care little about our health. It shows you why people have to learn and take personal responsibility if they are to be well.

                  I'll add "triple negative" into my next search!

                  xx, NS


                    Ha - lets be a bunch of ex drinkers wrapped in plastic in support of MHP!
                    Glad things are moving ahead, and that you continue to have the energy & enthusiasm to be an advocate for your treatment - as i have said before, so very inspiring.
                    I am also coming off some supplements that I had started - I have just finished a bottle of liver support and think I will stop that one. Going back to my evening primrose oil which I liked in the past, and my calcium etc for my aging bones. I also take a hair/nail/skin supplement as my hair was falling out when i stopped drinking (now that sounds pitiful - I should have let it go and got a henna crown!!). I have not had 5HTP, but the sleep aid I tried have tryptophan in and I think that might have caused the disturbance.
                    MHP - thanks so much for checking in with us...I hope that the plastic wrap helps in some way, feeling like a sausage cooking from inside out sounds very uncomfortable.
                    Take care of yourself dear lady - you are special to us!
                    Ginger - any news from your group of results waiters??? Hoping maybe there is good news.
                    NS - need to set you up with an appt schedule for nutritional are a wealth of info..
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Just heard that my nieces biopsy was clear. She will still have a hystorectomy (sp?). Due to all the other issues but at least there is no cancer. Thank goodness. My second friend that was diagnosed will see the surgeon on this Thursday to schedule her surgery. Hopefully they will get clean margins and they will move forward with only radiation.

                      How goes it, MHP? Hoping you Suran Wrap helped!


                        Good to hear about your niece Ginger - that must be a relief...hoping there is more good news on its way for you
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          Ginge, that is such good news about your niece. Fingers crossed for clear margins for your friend x

                          SL, I agree! NS can hire herself as a consultant here, she is brilliant. NS I forgot to say, I can't take L-glut, I have a bad reaction to it. So its not been in the mix, one less capsule to take!

                          Day 3 radiation done. I'm tired, my throat is a bit sore but the heat is not upon me yet, and maybe with my new "skin" it won't be a problem. Got to say, I think chemo was a walk in the park compared to this trip. It's really depressing, so I'm thinking of strategies to get around those thoughts.

                          Saw your post about Nursie too Ginge, thanks for letting us know.


                            MHP, So chemo was better than radiation? Wow, I had no idea. I thought the chemo was the worst of it. Hoping it goes by quickly for you without not too much more discomfort, you sweet lady. Sending you strength....


                              I'm sorry the radiation is rough, Happy. Is part of that because you have to do it almost every day? I sure hope it is one of those things that gets easier over time. Thank goodness there is a finite number of sessions!

                              Nutrition is quite the topic, isn't it? One problem is that anyone can call themselves a nutritionist - it isn't a protected term for a specific degree, unlike e.g. dietician. So there is a lot of weird advice out there from people who may or may not know what they are talking about. On top of that, so much of the "common knowledge" isn't necessarily correct. I've spent years unlearning my graduate education and it is still hard to believe that much of what we think we know might not be true.

                              I hope today's treatment went better, Happy. :hug: NS


                                I'm sorry the radiation is rough Happyone. I hope the Glad Wrap works for you. xxx
                                There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                                You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                                I didn't come this far to only come this far.

